Changes in perceived centrality of anxious events following cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.

Affective change greater for unpleasant than pleasant events in autobiographical memory of children and adults: A retrospective study
Remembering and imagining alternative versions of the personal past
Narrative construction is intact in episodic amnesia
Correlates of self-reported, autobiographical, and mini-mental status examination defined memory deficits following electroconvulsive therapy in South India
Involuntary autobiographical memories are relatively more often reported during high cognitive load tasks
Neural and behavioural correlates of autobiographical memory retrieval in patients with major depressive disorder and a history of trauma exposure
The life stories of adults with amnesia: Insights into the contribution of the medial temporal lobes to the organization of autobiographical memory
Reduced specificity of autobiographical memories in young people with tic disorders
The role of executive functions in accessing specific autobiographical memories in 3- to 6- year-olds
Search and recovery of autobiographical and laboratory memories: Shared and distinct neural components
Gender identity better than sex explains individual differences in episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory and future thinking
Cortical dynamics of emotional autobiographical memory retrieval differ between women and men
Phenomenological characteristics of recovered memory in nonclinical individuals
Distinguishable memory retrieval networks for collaboratively and non-collaboratively learned information
Episodic future thinking and future-based decision-making in a case of retrograde amnesia
Flashbulb memories: Is the amygdala central? An investigation of patients with amygdalar damage
Affective and cognitive reactivity to mood induction in chronic depression
Modulation of sensorimotor circuits during retrieval of negative Autobiographical Memories: Exploring the impact of personality dimensions
A prospective study of homesickness in soldiers during military deployment
Multi-voxel pattern classification differentiates personally experienced event memories from secondhand event knowledge

Greater specificity of activity memories in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: Implications for exercise-based treatment
Psychopathology and episodic future thinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis of specificity and episodic detail
Different neural routes to autobiographical memory recall in healthy people and individuals with left medial temporal lobe epilepsy
Episodic memory following deep brain stimulation of the ventral anterior limb of the internal capsule and electroconvulsive therapy
Implicit and explicit Motivated Self-Perception as hypothesis-driven self-construal
Examining temporal alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The relation between autobiographical memory, future goals, and current self-views
The psychological distance of memories: Examining causal relations with mood and self-esteem in young, middle-aged and older adults
The implicit need for power predicts recognition memory for anger faces: An electrophysiological study
Life Happens When You Are Young: Reminiscence Bump in Cultural Life Scripts Regardless of Number of Events Elicited
Characteristics of memories of delusion-like experiences within the psychosis continuum: Pilot studies providing new insight on the relationship between self and delusions
Neural activity associated with repetitive simulation of episodic counterfactual thoughts
Exploring the experience of episodic past, future, and counterfactual thinking in younger and older adults: A study of a Colombian sample
Knowing me, knowing you: Self defining memories in adolescents with and without an autism spectrum disorder
Age-related differences in the phenomenal characteristics of long-term memories of March 11, 2004 terrorist attack
The neural signature of emotional memories in serial crimes
The life review experience: Qualitative and quantitative characteristics
Cognitive training to improve memory in individuals undergoing electroconvulsive therapy: Negative findings
Does intra-individual variability in narration matter and for what?
On the nose: Olfactory disturbances in patients with transient epileptic amnesia
Variation across individuals and items determine learning outcomes from fast mapping
My life as a pupil: The autobiographical memories of adolescents excluded from school
Self-grounding visual, auditory and olfactory autobiographical memories
Eye movement during retrieval of emotional autobiographical memories
Lost in distractors: Reduced Autobiographical Memory Specificity and dispersed activation spreading over distractors in working memory
Gender Differences in Episodic Encoding of Autobiographical Memory
Describe yourself to improve your autobiographical memory: A study in Alzheimer's disease
Direct and generative retrieval of autobiographical memories: The roles of visual imagery and executive processes
Yesterday once more? Autobiographical memory evocation effects on tourists' post-travel purchase intentions toward destination products
Psychometric properties of the written version of the autobiographical memory test in a japanese community sample
Autobiographical and episodic memory deficits in mild traumatic brain injury
Effects of handedness & saccadic bilateral eye movements on the specificity of past autobiographical memory & episodic future thinking
Cognitive Schemas in Placebo and Nocebo Responding: Role of Autobiographical Memories and Expectations
Life Script Events and Autobiographical Memories of Important Life Story Events in Mexico, Greenland, China, and Denmark
Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories
Distinct contributions of the fornix and inferior longitudinal fasciculus to episodic and semantic autobiographical memory
Shifting visual perspective during retrieval shapes autobiographical memories
Does retrieval frequency account for the pattern of autobiographical memory loss in early Alzheimer's disease patients?
Retrieving autobiographical memories: How different retrieval strategies associated with different cues explain reaction time differences
Mother–child reminiscing at risk: Maternal attachment, elaboration, and child autobiographical memory specificity
Rumination and overgeneral autobiographical memory as mediators of the relationship between attachment and depression
The frequency of involuntary autobiographical memories and future thoughts in relation to daydreaming, emotional distress, and age
Autobiographical memories for negative and positive events in war contexts
Effectiveness of a specific cueing method for improving autobiographical memory recall in patients with schizophrenia
Reduced autobiographical memory specificity relates to weak resistance to proactive interference
To think or not to think, that is the question: Individual differences in suppression and rebound effects in autobiographical memory
People consider reliability and cost when verifying their autobiographical memories
Imagination perspective affects ratings of the likelihood of occurrence of autobiographical memories
Remembering events related to close relationships, self-growth, and helping others: Intrinsic autobiographical memories, need satisfaction, and well-being
Turning back the hands of time: Autobiographical memories in dementia cued by a museum setting
Induced forgetting and reduced confidence in our personal past? The consequences of selectively retrieving emotional autobiographical memories
Autobiographical memories of vomiting in people with a specific phobia of vomiting (emetophobia)