Molecular Associative Memory with Spatial Auto-logistic Model for Pattern Recall
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Impaired spatial pattern separation performance in temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with visuospatial memory deficits and hippocampal volume loss
Influence of the anteromedial thalamus on social defeat-associated contextual fear memory
Pre- and long-term postoperative courses of hippocampus-associated memory impairment in epilepsy patients with antibody-associated limbic encephalitis and selective amygdalohippocampectomy
Protracted hippocampal development is associated with age-related improvements in memory during early childhood
Thinner cortex in patients with subjective cognitive decline is associated with steeper decline of memory
Personality affected robotic emotional model with associative memory for human-robot interaction
Tau pathology and neurochemical changes associated with memory dysfunction in an optimised murine model of global cerebral ischaemia - A potential model for vascular dementia?
Memory loss and decreased executive function are associated with limited functional capacity in patients with heart failure compared to patients with other medical conditions
Individual variation in working memory is associated with fear extinction performance
Distinct regions of the hippocampus are associated with memory for different spatial locations
A mania-related memory bias is associated with risk for relapse in bipolar disorder,
A meta-analytic approach to genes that are associated with impaired and elevated spatial memory performance
Quantum associative memory with linear and non-linear algorithms for the diagnosis of some tropical diseases
Avalanches and generalized memory associativity in a network model for conscious and unconscious mental functioning
Bidirectional and multidirectional associative memories as models in linkage analysis in data analytics: Conceptual and algorithmic developments
Singular value Decomposition applied to Associative Memory of Hopfield Neural Network
Interval-valued fuzzy morphological associative memories: Some theoretical aspects and applications
Acute stress affects prospective memory functions via associative memory processes
Individual differences in the brain are associated with resilience versus susceptibility to lipopolysaccharide-induced memory impairment
Behavioral performance and neural areas associated with memory processes contribute to math and reading achievement in 6-year-old children
Affective symptoms in schizophrenia are strongly associated with neurocognitive deficits indicating disorders in executive functions, visual memory, attention and social cognition
Local and global Hopf bifurcation analysis on simplified bidirectional associative memory neural networks with multiple delays
Amyloid-Beta Deposition is Associated with Increased Medial Temporal Lobe Activation during Memory Encoding in the Cognitively Normal Elderly
Peripheral immune factors are elevated in women with current or recent alcohol dependence and associated with altered mood and memory
Acute nicotine disrupts consolidation of contextual fear extinction and alters long-term memory-associated hippocampal kinase activity
Reorganization of anterior and posterior hippocampal networks associated with memory performance in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Deviant functional activation and connectivity of the right insula are associated with lack of awareness of episodic memory impairment in nonamnesic alcoholism
Macular Carotenoids, Aerobic Fitness, and Central Adiposity Are Associated Differentially with Hippocampal-Dependent Relational Memory in Preadolescent Children
Strain specific effects of low level lead exposure on associative learning and memory in rats
Electrophysiological signals associated with fluency of different levels of processing reveal multiple contributions to recognition memory
Impaired Suppression of Delay-Period Alpha and Beta Is Associated With Impaired Working Memory in Schizophrenia
Regular articleCortical amyloid accumulation is associated with alterations of structural integrity in older people with subjective memory complaints
Age-related individual variability in memory performance is associated with amygdala-hippocampal circuit function and emotional pattern separation
Research reportOverlapping effects of age on associative memory and the anterior hippocampus from middle to older age

Dynamic range of frontoparietal functional modulation is associated with working memory capacity limitations in older adults
Chronic social defeat stress leads to changes of behaviour and memory-associated proteins of young mice
Antagonizing the different stages of kappa opioid receptor activation selectively and independently attenuates acquisition and consolidation of associative memories
Human peripheral late/exhausted memory B cells express a senescent-associated secretory phenotype and preferentially utilize metabolic signaling pathways
Functional brain activation associated with working memory training and transfer
Comparing brain activations associated with working memory and fluid intelligence
Newly-acquired words are more phonologically robust in verbal short-term memory when they have associated semantic representations
Childhood poverty is associated with altered hippocampal function and visuospatial memory in adulthood
Priority CommunicationSelective Inhibition of Amygdala Neuronal Ensembles Encoding Nicotine-Associated Memories Inhibits Nicotine Preference and Relapse
Schizophrenia is associated with a pattern of spatial working memory deficits consistent with cortical disinhibition
Impaired visual short-term memory capacity is distinctively associated with structural connectivity of the posterior thalamic radiation and the splenium of the corpus callosum in preterm-born adults
Subjective Memory Complaints are Associated with Incident Dementia in Cognitively Intact Older People, but Not in Those with Cognitive Impairment: A 24-Month Prospective Cohort Study
Pregnancy-related anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with visuospatial working memory errors during pregnancy
Age effects on associative memory for novel picture pairings
Parallel interactive retrieval of item and associative information from event memory
Design and analysis of associative memories based on external inputs of continuous bidirectional associative networks
The impact of level of education on age-related deficits in associative memory: Behavioral and neuropsychological perspectives
Neural correlates of visuo-tactile crossmodal paired-associate learning and memory in humans
Modeling affections with memristor-based associative memory neural networks
Neural correlates of memory encoding and recognition for own-race and other-race faces in an associative-memory task
The role of schematic support in age-related associative deficits in short-term and long-term memory
Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with reduced activity in core memory regions of the brain
Visual integration enhances associative memory equally for young and older adults without reducing hippocampal encoding activation

Low-frequency oscillations in default mode subnetworks are associated with episodic memory impairments in Alzheimer's disease
Regular articleSubjective memory complaints are associated with brain activation supporting successful memory encoding
Semantic memory deficits are associated with pica in individuals with acquired brain injury
Anticholinergic drug use is associated with episodic memory decline in older adults without dementia
Distinct resting-state functional connections associated with episodic and visuospatial memory in older adults
Neuroimaging markers associated with maintenance of optimal memory performance in late-life
Subjective Memory Complaints in healthy older adults: Fewer complaints associated with depression and perceived health, more complaints also associated with lower memory performance
Associative memory and underlying brain correlates in older adults with mild cognitive impairment
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation boosts associative memory in older individuals
The relationships between age, associative memory performance, and the neural correlates of successful associative memory encoding
Formal concept analysis approach to cognitive functionalities of bidirectional associative memory ☆
That’s a good one! Belief in efficacy of mnemonic strategies contributes to age-related increase in associative memory
C. elegans positive olfactory associative memory is a molecularly conserved behavioral paradigm
Time course of the dependence of associative memory retrieval on the entorhinal cortex
Associative memory and its cerebral correlates in Alzheimer׳s disease: Evidence for distinct deficits of relational and conjunctive memory
Effects of criterion level on associative memory: Evidence for associative asymmetry ☆