Metacognitive monitoring of working memory performance and its relationship to academic achievement in Grade 4 children
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A new central compact finite difference scheme with high spectral resolution for acoustic wave equation
Everyday false memories in older persons with depressive disorder
The memory degradation based online sequential extreme learning machine
Lesions of the lateral habenula improve working memory performance in hemiparkinsonian rats
When do you know what you know? The emergence of memory monitoring
How landmark suitability shapes recognition memory signals for objects in the medial temporal lobes
Automatic gender identification of author of Russian text by machine learning and neural net algorithms in case of gender deception
Stress evokes stronger medial posterior cingulate deactivations during emotional distraction in slower paced aging
Continuous measurement of object location memory is sensitive to effects of age and mild cognitive impairment and related to medial temporal lobe volume
Data access skipping for recursive partitioning methods
The effect of encoding duration on implicit and explicit eyewitness memory
Cognitive deficit in patients with paranoid schizophrenia: Its clinical and laboratory correlates
Using multiple graphics accelerators to solve the two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem
Correlations between working memory impairment and neurometabolites of prefrontal cortex and lenticular nucleus in patients with major depressive disorder
Convergence and divergence of neurocognitive patterns in schizophrenia and depression
A computationally efficient ductile damage model accounting for nucleation and micro-inertia at high triaxialities
Altered task-dependent functional connectivity patterns during subjective recollection experiences of episodic retrieval in postpartum women
Accelerated Cyclic Reduction: A distributed-memory fast solver for structured linear systems
Cross-race correlations in the abilities to match unfamiliar faces
Analysis of temperature effects in high accuracy ferromagnetic shape memory alloy actuators
Comparing Childrenâs Memories for Negative Versus Positive Events in the Context of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
Distinct regions of the hippocampus are associated with memory for different spatial locations
Accurately modeling the on-chip and off-chip GPU memory subsystem
Measuring the musical skills of a prodigy: A case study
The speed of memory errors shows the influence of misleading information: Testing the diffusion model and discrete-state models
Molecular Associative Memory with Spatial Auto-logistic Model for Pattern Recall
Improving memory-based user collaborative filtering with evolutionary multi-objective optimization
The influence of early life stress on the integration of emotion and working memory
Behavioral reconsolidation interference with episodic memory within-subjects is elusive
How children remember the Strange Situation: The role of attachment
Co-Design of Embeddable Diagnostics using Reduced-Order Models*

Assumptions behind scoring source versus item memory: Effects of age, hippocampal lesions and mild memory problems
Accurate object detection using memory-based models in surveillance scenes
Intergenerational associations in executive function between mothers and children in the context of risk
An efficient high order plane wave time domain algorithm for transient electromagnetic scattering analysis
A novel fractional order model based state-of-charge estimation method for lithium-ion battery
Visual working memory span in adults with cochlear implants: Some preliminary findings
Childhood poverty is associated with altered hippocampal function and visuospatial memory in adulthood
On-the-fly pruning for rate-based reaction mechanism generation
Influenza peaks forecasting in Russia: assessing the applicability of statistical methods
Early life stress explains reduced positive memory biases in remitted depression
Reducing Memory Footprints in Explicit Model Predictive Control using Universal Numbers
The implicit need for power predicts recognition memory for anger faces: An electrophysiological study
Differential medial temporal lobe morphometric predictors of item- and relational-encoded memories in healthy individuals and in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
Theta Neurofeedback Effects on Motor Memory Consolidation and Performance Accuracy: An Apparent Paradox?
Neutral mood induction during reconsolidation reduces accuracy, but not vividness and anxiety of emotional episodic memories
Feedback from the heart: Emotional learning and memory is controlled by cardiac cycle, interoceptive accuracy and personality
The relationship between processing style, trauma memory processes, and the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents
Impaired theta-gamma coupling during working memory performance in schizophrenia
Performance improvement for recommender systems using ontology
Feature-based Compositing Memory Networks for Aspect-based Sentiment Classification in Social Internet of Things
Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory
Amnestic drugs in the odor span task: Effects of flunitrazepam, zolpidem and scopolamine
The effect of mild acute stress during memory consolidation on emotional recognition memory
Structural encoding processes contribute to individual differences in face and object cognition: Inferences from psychometric test performance and event-related brain potentials
Comparable performance of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy controls for verbal and nonverbal memory accuracy and confidence:: Time to forget the forgetfulness hypothesis of OCD?
Enhanced perceived responsibility decreases metamemory but not memory accuracy in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)
Executive processes, memory accuracy, and memory monitoring: An aging and individual difference analysis ☆
Memory, monitoring, and control in the attainment of memory accuracy