Reduced hippocampal and amygdala activity predicts memory distortions for trauma reminders in combat-related PTSD
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Is psychosis caused by defective dissociation? An artificial life model for schizophrenia
An auto-associative residual based approach for railway point system fault detection and diagnosis
The effect of different brightness conditions on visually and memory guided saccades
Digital pre-compensation techniques enabling high-capacity bandwidth variable transponders

Greater specificity of activity memories in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: Implications for exercise-based treatment
Everyday false memories in older persons with depressive disorder
Nonlinear degradation of a visible-light communication link: A Volterra-series approach
A segment-wise reconstruction method based on bidirectional long short term memory for Power Line Interference suppression
Different Levels of Category Abstraction by Different Dynamics in Different Prefrontal Areas
Data-independent Random Projections from the feature-map of the homogeneous polynomial kernel of degree two
Signal characteristic and test exploitation for intermittent nanometer-scale cracks
Proposed Sandia frequency shift for anti-islanding detection method based on artificial immune system
Degree of handedness: A unique individual differences factor for predicting and understanding hindsight bias
Ultra-fast basic geometrical transformations on linear image data structure
Change in body image among depressed adult outpatients after a dance movement therapy group treatment
Magnetic and crystallographic properties of rare-earth substituted yttrium-iron garnet
The winner knew it all? Conspiracy beliefs and hindsight perspective after the 2016 US general election
Remembering and imagining alternative versions of the personal past
Association of white matter diffusion characteristics and cognitive deficits in temporal lobe epilepsy
Rateâdistortion analysis of structured sensing matrices for block compressive sensing of images
Conventional vs. reduced field of view diffusion weighted imaging of the prostate: Comparison of image quality, correlation with histology, and inter-reader agreement
Deep learning based image Super-resolution for nonlinear lens distortions

Qualitative Analysis of Mini Mental State Examination Pentagon in Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal Explorative Study
Focusing light through scattering media using the harmony search algorithm for phase optimization of wavefront shaping
High speed/low dose analytical electron microscopy with dynamic sampling
Increasing the capturing angle in print-cam robust watermarking
Realistic texture synthesis for point-based fruitage phenotype
Hippocampal morphology mediates biased memories of chronic pain
A face identity hallucination (palinopsia) generated by intracerebral stimulation of the face-selective right lateral fusiform cortex
Visual tracking using Siamese convolutional neural network with region proposal and domain specific updating
The embodied simulation account of cognition in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
A comparative analysis of nonlinear models in short reach optical transmissions
The neural basis of precise visual short-term memory for complex recognisable objects
Energy-correction photon counting pixel for photon energy extraction under pulse pile-up
Factors driving memory fallibility: A conceptual framework for accounting and finance studies
A generic neural acoustic beamforming architecture for robust multi-channel speech processing
Detection of fatigue cracking in steel bridge girders: A support vector machine approach
Remote sensing image compression based on binary tree and optimized truncation
The tweeter matters: Factors that affect false memory from Twitter
Recognition memory span in autopsy-confirmed Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease
Consolidating working memory: Distinguishing the effects of consolidation, rehearsal and attentional refreshing in a working memory span task
Working memory deficits in children with reading difficulties: Memory span and dual task coordination
Conditions for positive and negative recencies in running memory-span recognition
Reduced short-term memory span in aphasia and susceptibility to interference: Contribution of material-specific maintenance deficits
Processing efficiency in preschoolers’ memory span: Individual differences related to age and anxiety
Running memory span: A comparison of behavioral capacity limits with those of an attractor neural network
The role of covert retrieval in working memory span tasks: Evidence from delayed recall tests ☆
The effect of rehearsal training on working memory span of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The relationship between processing and storage in working memory span: Not two sides of the same coin ☆
A memory span of one? Object identification in 6.5-month-old infants
Relative contribution of vocabulary knowledge and working memory span to elaborative inferences in reading
Global processing speed as a mediator of developmental changes in children’s auditory memory span
Dissociative style and individual differences in verbal working memory span
Delays of retention, processing efficiency, and attentional resources in working memory span development
Better preservation of memory span relative to supraspan immediate recall in Alzheimer’s disease
The Association between Auditory Memory Span and Speech Rate in Children from Kindergarten to Sixth Grade ☆
Spatial working memory span, delayed response and executive function in schizophrenia
Working memory distortions of duration perception are modulated by attentional tags
Encoding disorganized memories for an analogue trauma does not increase memory distortion or analogue symptoms of PTSD
Recall of false memories in individuals scoring high in schizotypy: Memory distortions are scale specific
Reducing memory distortions in egoistic self-enhancers: Effects of indirect social facilitation
Attentional biases and memory distortions in self-enhancers ☆
A timing-specific memory distortion effect in young children