The role of executive functions in accessing specific autobiographical memories in 3- to 6- year-olds
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Deficits in visual working-memory capacity and general cognition in African Americans with psychosis
How do we learn to kill in volleyball?: The role of working memory capacity and expertise in volleyball motor learning
Carrying the past to the future: Distinct brain networks underlie individual differences in human spatial working memory capacity
A randomised controlled trial investigating the benefits of adaptive working memory training for working memory capacity and attentional control in high worriers
Full length articleQuantitative modeling of user performance in multitasking environments
The impact of depressed mood, working memory capacity, and priming on delay discounting
The anterior-ventrolateral temporal lobe contributes to boosting visual working memory capacity for items carrying semantic information
Memory loss and decreased executive function are associated with limited functional capacity in patients with heart failure compared to patients with other medical conditions
The strong link between fluid intelligence and working memory cannot be explained away by strategy use
Recurrent neural system with minimum complexity: A deep learning perspective
Verbal short-term memory capacities and executive function in semantic and syntactic interference resolution during sentence comprehension: Evidence from aphasia
Too many passwords? How understanding our memory can increase password memorability
Performance of the odour span task is not impaired following inactivations of parietal cortex in rats
Working memory cannot regulate overt emotional capture
A suicidal mind tends to maintain less negative information in visual working memory
Max-plus and min-plus projection autoassociative morphological memories and their compositions for pattern classification
Further education improves cognitive reserve and triggers improvement in selective cognitive functions in older adults: The Tasmanian Healthy Brain Project
Red flags in epilepsy surgery: Identifying the patients who pay a high cognitive price for an unsuccessful surgical outcome
Correlations between working memory impairment and neurometabolites of prefrontal cortex and lenticular nucleus in patients with major depressive disorder
Foraging through multiple target categories reveals the flexibility of visual working memory
Do you want to be a cyborg? The moderating effect of ethics on neural implant acceptance
Singular value Decomposition applied to Associative Memory of Hopfield Neural Network
Working memory capacity and intra-individual variability of proactive control
Effects of accelerated human music on learning and memory performance of rats
The role of working memory capacity in cardiovascular monitoring of cognitive workload
Memory-usage advantageous block recursive matrix inverse
Working memory capacity mediates the relationship between removal and fluid intelligence
Sympathetic arousal, but not disturbed executive functioning, mediates the impairment of cognitive flexibility under stress
Cognitive ability and earnings performance: Evidence from double auction market experiments
Association between heavy metal exposure and poor working memory and possible mediation effect of antioxidant defenses during aging
Role of executive attention in consumer learning with background music
Interplay between supramodal attentional control and capacity limits in the low-level visual processors modulate the tendency to inattention
The cingulate cortex of older adults with excellent memory capacity
Dissociating models of visual working memory by reaction-time distribution analysis
Kinetic modelling of thermophysical properties of shape memory alloys during phase transformation
Green tea protects against memory deficits related to maternal deprivation
Working memory decline in normal aging: Memory load and representational demands affect performance
Working memory and attentional bias on reinforcing efficacy of food
Heterogeneity in generalized reinforcement learning and its relation to cognitive ability
Deep belief echo-state network and its application to time series prediction
Individual Differences in Working Memory Predict the Effect of Music on Student Performance
Limitations of working memory capacity: The cognitive and social consequences
Working memory capacity predicts effective multitasking
Multifaceted pattern of neural efficiency in working memory capacity
Speed and capacity of working memory and executive function in schizophrenia compared to unipolar depression
Ageing and thought suppression performance: Its relationship with working memory capacity, habitual thought suppression and mindfulness

Dynamic range of frontoparietal functional modulation is associated with working memory capacity limitations in older adults
Maternal immune activation during pregnancy in rats impairs working memory capacity of the offspring
Working memory capacity and mind-wandering during low-demand cognitive tasks
Working memory capacity, strategic allocation of study time, and value-directed remembering
Impaired visual short-term memory capacity is distinctively associated with structural connectivity of the posterior thalamic radiation and the splenium of the corpus callosum in preterm-born adults
Neurophysiological capacity in a working memory task differentiates dependent from nondependent heavy drinkers and controls
Clear evidence for item limits in visual working memory
Working memory decline in normal aging: Is it really worse in space than in color?
Towards an integrative model of visual short-term memory maintenance: Evidence from the effects of attentional control, load, decay, and their interactions in childhood
Working memory capacity is equally unrelated to auditory distraction by changing-state and deviant sounds
Does working memory capacity predict cross-modally induced failures of awareness?
Interindividual differences in general cognitive ability from age 18 to age 65 years are extremely stable and strongly associated with working memory capacity
Applying a dual process model of self-regulation: The association between executive working memory capacity, negative urgency, and negative mood induction on pre-potent response inhibition
La memoria operativa como capacidad predictora del rendimiento escolar. Estudio de adaptación de una medida de memoria operativa para niños y adolescentes
Low working memory capacity is only spuriously related to poor reading comprehension
Individual differences in working memory capacity explain the relationship between general discrimination ability and psychometric intelligence
An oscillatory model of individual differences in working memory capacity and relational integration ☆
Inference making and linking both require thinking: Spontaneous trait inference and spontaneous trait transference both rely on working memory capacity ☆
Intracranial self-stimulation recovers learning and memory capacity in basolateral amygdala-damaged rats
Misleading cues improve developmental assessment of working memory capacity: The color matching tasks
On the language specificity of basic number processing: Transcoding in a language with inversion and its relation to working memory capacity
A model of working memory capacity in the radial-arm maze task
Working memory capacity and processing efficiency predict fluid but not crystallized and spatial intelligence: Evidence supporting the neural noise hypothesis
The impact of strategy instruction and timing of estimates on low and high working-memory capacity readers' absolute monitoring accuracy