Remind me of the context: Memory and metacognition at restudy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The role of declarative and procedural metamemory in event-based prospective memory in school-aged children
Too many passwords? How understanding our memory can increase password memorability
Preserved metacognitive ability despite unilateral or bilateral anterior prefrontal resection
Everyday memory problems in alcohol abuse and dependence: Frequency, patterns and patient-proxy agreement
Cross domain self-monitoring in anosognosia for memory loss in Alzheimer's disease
When do you know what you know? The emergence of memory monitoring
When analogies harm: The effects of analogies on metacomprehension
The effect of metacognitive monitoring feedback on performance in a computer-based training simulation
Perceptual fluency affects judgments of learning: The font size effect
Forget-me, forget-me-not: Evidence for directed forgetting in preschoolers
An assessment of domain-general metacognitive responding in rhesus monkeys
A role for visceral feedback and interoception in feelings-of-knowing
Perceptual fluency contributes to effects of stimulus size on judgments of learning
Theory of mind in emerging reading comprehension: A longitudinal study of early indirect and direct effects
Subjective recollection independent from multifeatural context retrieval following damage to the posterior parietal cortex
Subjective Memory Complaints in healthy older adults: Fewer complaints associated with depression and perceived health, more complaints also associated with lower memory performance
Deviant functional activation and connectivity of the right insula are associated with lack of awareness of episodic memory impairment in nonamnesic alcoholism
Examining what prestudy and immediate judgments of learning reveal about the bases of metamemory judgments
The Influence of Judgments of Learning on Long-Term Learning and Short-Term Performance
Just a game? Gamifying a general science class at university
Predicting school achievement from early theory of mind: Differential effects on achievement tests and teacher ratings
Understanding metacognitive confidence: Insights from judgment-of-learning justifications
Do it twice! Test-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia instruction
Domain-specific and domain-general processes underlying metacognitive judgments
Metacognitive deficits in categorization tasks in a population with impaired inner speech
Priming performance-related concerns induces task-related mind-wandering
Direct and indirect admission of ignorance by children
How beliefs can impact judgments of learning: Evaluating analytic processing theory with beliefs about fluency
Eye movements reveal a dissociation between memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism
Revealing the processes of students' interaction with a novel collaborative problem solving task: An in-depth analysis of think-aloud protocols
The origins of children’s metamemory: The role of theory of mind
Depression and executive dysfunction contribute to a metamemory deficit among individuals with methamphetamine use disorders
Metamemory in schizophrenia: Retrospective confidence ratings interact with neurocognitive deficits
High estradiol levels improve false memory rates and meta-memory in highly schizotypal women
Metamemory appraisals in autobiographical event recall
Metamemory in patients with schizophrenia measured by the feeling of knowing
Metamemory prediction accuracy for simple prospective and retrospective memory tasks in 5-year-old children
Comparing memory and meta-memory abilities between children with acquired brain injury and healthy peers
Learnin’ ‘bout my generation? Evaluating the effects of generation on encoding, recall, and metamemory across study-test experiences
When more is less: Doubt, repetition, memory, metamemory, and compulsive checking in OCD
Impact of emotionality on memory and meta-memory in schizophrenia using video sequences
A cross-race effect in metamemory: Predictions of face recognition are more accurate for members of our own race ☆
Retrieval effort improves memory and metamemory in the face of misinformation ☆
The metamemory approach to confidence: A test using semantic memory
Are all judgments created equal?: An fMRI study of semantic and episodic metamemory predictions
Metamemory knowledge and beliefs in patients with schizophrenia and how these relate to objective cognitive abilities
Relations between children’s metamemory and strategic performance: Time-varying covariates in early elementary school
Memory, metamemory and their dissociation in temporal lobe epilepsy

No deficits in nonverbal memory, metamemory and internal as well as external source memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
How are memory complaints in functional memory disorder related to measures of affect, metamemory and cognition? ☆
Metamemory development in preschool children with ADHD ☆
Medial prefrontal cortex plays a critical and selective role in ‘feeling of knowing’ meta-memory judgments
Recall latencies, confidence, and output positions of true and false memories: Implications for recall and metamemory theories
The development of metamemory monitoring during retrieval: The case of memory strength and memory absence ☆
Enhanced perceived responsibility decreases metamemory but not memory accuracy in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)
Metamemory monitoring in mild cognitive impairment: Evidence of a less accurate episodic feeling-of-knowing
Objective Metamemory Testing Captures Awareness of Deficit in Alzheimer's Disease
Illusions of knowing: Metamemory and memory under conditions of retroactive interference ☆
Monitoring processes and metamemory experience in patients with dysexecutive syndrome ☆
Metamemory in multiple sclerosis: exploring affective and executive contributors ☆
Capacity, strategies, and metamemory: Tests of a three-factor model of memory development
Dissociation and memory fragmentation: experimental effects on meta-memory but not on actual memory performance
Test anxiety and metamemory: general preference for external over internal information storage
Evidence for intact memory monitoring in Alzheimer’s disease: metamemory sensitivity at encoding