Multi-voxel pattern classification differentiates personally experienced event memories from secondhand event knowledge
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Evidence for the use of three-way binding structures in associative and source recognition
Fully-transparent graphene charge-trap memory device with large memory window and long-term retention
Quality and Quantity of Memories in Patients Who Undergo Awake Brain Tumor Resection
Analytical reverse time migration: An innovation in imaging of infrastructures using ultrasonic shear waves
Single Event Upset Analysis: On-orbit performance of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Digital Signal Processor Memory aboard the International Space Station
Reduced recognition and priming in older relative to young adults for incidental and intentional information
Specific and non-specific match effects in negative priming
Automatic gender identification of author of Russian text by machine learning and neural net algorithms in case of gender deception
Phenomenological characteristics of recovered memory in nonclinical individuals
Alignment of alpha-band desynchronization with syntactic structure predicts successful sentence comprehension
Abnormal cortical neural synchrony during working memory in schizophrenia
Cortical sources of resting state electroencephalographic rhythms probe brain function in naïve HIV individuals
Eigenvalue sensitivity analysis capabilities with the differential operator method in the superhistory Monte Carlo method
Investigation on X-ray irradiation on nanoscale nitride based charge trapping flash memory devices
Influence of response bias and internal/external source on lateral posterior parietal successful retrieval activity
Social influence and mental routes to the production of authentic false memories and inauthentic false memories
Gamma oscillatory activity is impaired in episodic memory encoding with age
Holistic versus feature-based binding in the medial temporal lobe
The tweeter matters: Factors that affect false memory from Twitter
The effect of focal cortical frontal and posterior lesions on recollection and familiarity in recognition memory
Face and gaze perception in borderline personality disorder: An electrical neuroimaging study
Estimating the Single-Event Upset sensitivity of a memory array using simulation
The antecedents and consequences of a beyond-choice view of decision situations: A construal level theory perspective
Determination of boron isotope ratios by high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry using graphite furnace vaporizers
Working memory capacity predicts effective multitasking
Elevated lead levels from e-waste exposure are linked to decreased olfactory memory in children
Psychophysiological correlates of the misinformation effect
The generation effect revisited: Fewer generation constraints enhances item and context memory
Effective abstractions for verification under relaxed memory models
Archeology of the Lu City: Place memory and urban foundation in Early China
The forward effects of testing on eyewitness memory: The tension between suggestibility and learning
Parallel non-divergent flow accumulation for trillion cell digital elevation models on desktops or clusters
Deficits in reality and internal source monitoring of actions are associated with the positive dimension of schizotypy
The neurocognitive basis of borrowed context information
Subjective recollection independent from multifeatural context retrieval following damage to the posterior parietal cortex
False memory for context and true memory for context similarly activate the parahippocampal cortex
Memory Errors in Police Interviews: The Bait Question as a Source of Misinformation
Medial temporal lobe reinstatement of content-specific details predicts source memory
Impact of gate-to-source/drain misalignments on source-side injection Schottky barrier charge-trapping memory cells evaluated using numerical programming-trapping iterations
Recapitulation of emotional source context during memory retrieval

Relate it! Objective and subjective evaluation of mediator-based strategies for improving source memory in younger and older adults
The chemotherapeutic agent paclitaxel selectively impairs learning while sparing source memory and spatial memory

Assumptions behind scoring source versus item memory: Effects of age, hippocampal lesions and mild memory problems
Pattern reactivation co-varies with activity in the core recollection network during source memory
Enactment versus conceptual encoding: Equivalent item memory but different source memory
Blow-up of a hyperbolic equation of viscoelasticity with supercritical nonlinearities
Emotion impairs extrinsic source memory—An ERP study
Negative emotion elicited in high school students enhances consolidation of item memory, but not source memory
Timing matters: Negative emotion elicited 5 min but not 30 min or 45 min after learning enhances consolidation of internal-monitoring source memory
Dissociating the contributions of slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep to emotional item and source memory
The posterior parietal cortex: Comparing remember/know and source memory tests of recollection and familiarity
Lateral posterior parietal activity during source memory judgments of perceived and imagined events
Does obligatory linguistic marking of source of evidence affect source memory? A Turkish/English investigation
Females’ superiority in item memory, but not source memory for neutral and emotional Chinese words
Neural correlates of source memory retrieval in young, middle-aged and elderly adults
Aging and the neural correlates of source memory: over-recruitment and functional reorganization
Mechanisms supporting superior source memory for familiar items: A multi-voxel pattern analysis study
The role of recollection in source memory: An examination of schizophrenia patients and their first-degree relatives
Time course of effects of emotion on item memory and source memory for Chinese words
Enhanced old–new recognition and source memory for faces of cooperators and defectors in a social-dilemma game
Age-related changes in neural activity during source memory encoding in young, middle-aged and elderly adults
Gender differences in the effects of post-learning emotion on consolidation of item memory and source memory ☆
No enhanced recognition memory, but better source memory for faces of cheaters ☆