Protracted hippocampal development is associated with age-related improvements in memory during early childhood
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Hippocampal morphology mediates biased memories of chronic pain
Impact of sex steroids and reproductive stage on sleep-dependent memory consolidation in women
Haptic two-dimensional shape identification in children, adolescents, and young adults
Bidirectional and multidirectional associative memories as models in linkage analysis in data analytics: Conceptual and algorithmic developments
The role of executive functions in accessing specific autobiographical memories in 3- to 6- year-olds
A rapidly acquired foraging-based working memory task, sensitive to hippocampal lesions, reveals age-dependent and age-independent behavioural changes in a mouse model of amyloid pathology
Corticotrophin releasing factor receptor 1 antagonists prevent chronic stress-induced behavioral changes and synapse loss in aged rats
Effects of accelerated human music on learning and memory performance of rats
Tuning non-volatile memory characteristics via molecular doping of polymer semiconductors based on ambipolar organic field-effect transistors
Crossing the bridge to elementary school: The development of childrenâs working memory components in relation to teacher-student relationships and academic achievement
Implicit memory of locations and identities: A developmental study
Measuring the musical skills of a prodigy: A case study
Development of verbal short-term memory and working memory in children with epilepsy: Developmental delay and impact of time-related variables. A cross-sectional study
Cognitive deficit in patients with paranoid schizophrenia: Its clinical and laboratory correlates
Chronic administration of morphine using mini-osmotic pumps affects spatial memory in the male rat
Reduced specificity of autobiographical memories in young people with tic disorders
Network specialization during adolescence: Hippocampal effective connectivity in boys and girls
Effect of rat parental morphine exposure on passive avoidance memory and morphine conditioned place preference in male offspring
Hemispheric asymmetry and homotopy of resting state functional connectivity correlate with visuospatial abilities in school-age children
Biodegradable near-infrared-photoresponsive shape memory implants based on black phosphorus nanofillers
Do you want to be a cyborg? The moderating effect of ethics on neural implant acceptance
Deficits in episodic memory are related to uncontrolled eating in a sample of healthy adults.
How children remember the Strange Situation: The role of attachment
The Japanese Angelica acutiloba root and yokukansan increase hippocampal acetylcholine level, prevent apoptosis and improve memory in a rat model of repeated cerebral ischemia
Sex differences in the effects of pre- and postnatal caffeine exposure on behavior and synaptic proteins in pubescent rats
Cognitive precursors of the developmental relation between lexical quality and reading comprehension in the intermediate elementary grades
Study on the effect of environmental pollution based on a fractional derivative resource depletion model
The Dynamic Epigenetic Landscape of the Retina During Development, Reprogramming, and Tumorigenesis
Longitudinal association between air pollution exposure at school and cognitive development in school children over a period of 3.5 years
The development of executive functioning across the transition to first grade and its predictive value for academic achievement
Brief exercise enhances intrusive memories of traumatic stimuli
Selective attention relates to the development of executive functions in 2,5- to 3-year-olds: A longitudinal study
Impact of commuting exposure to traffic-related air pollution on cognitive development in children walking to school
Infant motor and cognitive abilities and subsequent executive function
Chronic traumatic stress impairs memory in mice: Potential roles of acetylcholine, neuroinflammation and corticotropin releasing factor expression in the hippocampus
Elevated lead levels from e-waste exposure are linked to decreased olfactory memory in children

Making sense of performance in in-memory computing frameworks for scientific data analysis: A case study of the spark system
Organizational memory and new product development performance: Investigating the role of organizational ambidexterity
Development of adaptive hinged fiber reinforced plastics based on shape memory alloys
The relationship between processing style, trauma memory processes, and the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents
Effects of ketamine, dexmedetomidine and propofol anesthesia on emotional memory consolidation in rats: Consequences for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder
Ambidexterity in new ventures: The impact of new product development alliances and transactive memory systems
Development of visual working memory and distractor resistance in relation to academic performance
Working memory span in Persian-speaking children with speech sound disorders and normal speech development
White matter structural connectivity and episodic memory in early childhood
Long short-term memory neural network for air pollutant concentration predictions: Method development and evaluation
The cognitive bases of the development of past and future episodic cognition in preschoolers
Design and development of a hybrid bioartificial water-induced shape memory polymeric material as an integral component for the anastomosis of human hollow organs
Development of all-solution-processed nanocrystal memory
Submicron pillars of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys: Thermomechanical behavior
Short-term memory development: Differences in serial position curves between age groups and latent classes
Using developmental trajectories to examine verbal and visuospatial short-term memory development in children and adolescents with Williams and Down syndromes
Working memory development in monolingual and bilingual children
Theory of mind development can withstand compromised episodic memory development
Time keeping and working memory development in early adolescence: A 4-year follow-up
Memory development throughout the second year: Overall developmental pattern, individual differences, and developmental trajectories
Infant memory development: Implications for childhood amnesia ☆
Advances in early memory development research: Insights about the dark side of the moon
Computational cognitive neuroscience of early memory development ☆
The Nine Box Maze Test: A measure of spatial memory development in children
Capacity, strategies, and metamemory: Tests of a three-factor model of memory development
Memory development and event-related brain potentials in children
Children's Serial Recall Errors: Implications for Theories of Short-Term Memory Development