Remind me of the context: Memory and metacognition at restudy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Frequency and working memory effects in incidental learning of a complex agreement pattern
Teaching distributed memory programming from mental models
Classification with an edge: Improving semantic image segmentation with boundary detection
A better approach to in vivo developmental neurotoxicity assessment: Alignment of rodent testing with effects seen in children after neurotoxic exposures
Perceptual fluency affects judgments of learning: The font size effect
Tell me what to do: Stress facilitates stimulus-response learning by instruction
A parallel finite element procedure for contact-impact problems using edge-based smooth triangular element and GPU
Controlled and implicit processes in evaluative conditioning on implicit and explicit attitudes toward alcohol and intentions to drink
Computationally enhanced projection methods for symmetric Sylvester and Lyapunov matrix equations
Reward sensitivity in Parkinson's patients with binge eating
On the thermodynamical cost of some interpretations of quantum theory
Local and global Hopf bifurcation analysis on simplified bidirectional associative memory neural networks with multiple delays
An artificial immune network to control interrupted flow at a signalized intersection
Dynamic simulation of knowledge based reasoning of nuclear power plant operator in accident conditions: Modeling and simulation foundations
Multi-modality weakly labeled sentiment learning based on Explicit Emotion Signal for Chinese microblog
Reduced recognition and priming in older relative to young adults for incidental and intentional information
Extremely long-term memory and familiarity after 12â¯years
Analysis of three-dimensional hexagonal and cubic polycrystals using the boundary element method
A more generalized fear response after a daytime nap
Effects of Saccade Induced Retrieval Enhancement on conceptual and perceptual tests of explicit & implicit memory
The effect of encoding duration on implicit and explicit eyewitness memory
Intact implicit statistical learning in borderline personality disorder
The distinctive role of executive functions in implicit emotion regulation
Randomized kernels for large scale Earth observation applications
A novel fast model predictive control with actuator saturation for large-scale structures
Analytical evaluation of the origin intensity factor of time-dependent diffusion fundamental solution for a matrix-free singular boundary method formulation
Examining motor learning in older adults using analogy instruction
A multivariate symbolic approach to activity recognition for wearable applications
Asymptotic behaviour of time averages for non-ergodic Gaussian processes
Predicting healthcare trajectories from medical records: A deep learning approach
Efficient symmetric Hessian propagation for direct optimal control
Implicit formulation of material point method for analysis of incompressible materials
Cognitive sequelae of methanol poisoning involve executive dysfunction and memory impairment in cross-sectional and long-term perspective
A high performance data parallel tensor contraction framework: Application to coupled electro-mechanics
Sleep deprivation disrupts the contribution of the hippocampus to the formation of novel lexical associations
Working memory capacity, strategic allocation of study time, and value-directed remembering
Hopfield networks as a model of prototype-based category learning: A method to distinguish trained, spurious, and prototypical attractors
Design of arbitrary-order robust iterative learning control based on robust control theory
Cross-scale efficient tensor contractions for coupled cluster computations through multiple programming model backends
Efficient symbolic search for cost-optimal planning
Self-guided strategy-adaption training for older adults: Transfer effects to everyday tasks
Reducing Memory Footprints in Explicit Model Predictive Control using Universal Numbers
Comparative functional neuroanatomy between implicit and explicit memory tasks under negative emotional condition in schizophrenia
Explicit feedback from users attenuates memory biases in human-system dialogue
False memories, but not false beliefs, affect implicit attitudes for food preferences
Independent operation of implicit working memory under cognitive load
Implicit and explicit motor sequence learning in children born very preterm
Errorful and errorless learning in preschoolers: at what age does the errorful advantage appear?
Implicit and explicit Motivated Self-Perception as hypothesis-driven self-construal
Children benefit differently from night- and day-time sleep in motor learning
Linking actions and objects: Context-specific learning of novel weight priors
Role of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated mechanisms in cocaine memory enhancement
Hierarchical control of procedural and declarative category-learning systems
Practical techniques for large-scale Monte Carlo reactor depletion calculatons
A unified implicit scheme for kinetic model equations. Part I. Memory reduction technique
Evolution of critical fluctuations in a heavy-ion collision scenario

Assumptions behind scoring source versus item memory: Effects of age, hippocampal lesions and mild memory problems
Does study duration have opposite effects on recognition and repetition priming?
Beneficial effects of training in self-distancing and perspective broadening for people with a history of recurrent depression
Attention bias modification training under working memory load increases the magnitude of change in attentional bias
Effects of thalamic hemorrhagic lesions on explicit and implicit learning during the acquisition and retrieval phases in an animal model of central post-stroke pain
Sleep-mediated memory consolidation depends on the level of integration at encoding
Effects of aging and dopamine genotypes on the emergence of explicit memory during sequence learning
The role of CBT in explicit memory bias in bipolar I patients
Use of explicit memory cues following parietal lobe lesions
Performing prototype distortion tasks requires no contribution from the explicit memory systems: Evidence from amnesic MCI patients in a new experimental paradigm
Inverse relation between cortisol and anger and their relation to performance and explicit memory
Obtaining separate measures for implicit and explicit memory
Explicit memory bias for positively valenced body-related cues in women with binge eating disorder
Implicit and explicit memory for affective passages in temporal lobectomy patients