در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Multiple trial inhibitory avoidance acquisition and retrieval are resistant to chronic stress
Phenomenological characteristics of recovered memory in nonclinical individuals
Transcranial near-infrared photobiomodulation attenuates memory impairment and hippocampal oxidative stress in sleep-deprived mice
Chronic administration of morphine using mini-osmotic pumps affects spatial memory in the male rat
Female verbal memory advantage in temporal, but not frontal lobe epilepsy
Belonging, memory and history in the north Nottinghamshire coalfield
Homeostatic Plasticity in the Hippocampus Facilitates Memory Extinction
Affective and cognitive reactivity to mood induction in chronic depression
Does mood help or hinder executive functions? Reactivity may be the key
Striking a chord with healthy aging: memory system cooperation is related to preserved configural response learning in older adults
Longitudinal relationship between clinical course and neurocognitive impairments in bipolar disorder
Learning and memory is modulated by cannabidiol when administered during trace fear-conditioning
Preferential consolidation of emotionally salient information during a nap is preserved in middle age
A mania-related memory bias is associated with risk for relapse in bipolar disorder,
Behavioral tagging and capture: long-term memory decline in middle-aged rats
Deficits in episodic memory and mental time travel in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
Pre-exposure and retrieval effects on generalization of contextual fear
Interpretation bias in middle childhood attachment: Causal effects on attachment memories and scripts
The impact of different background noises on the Production Effect
The effect of prior knowledge on post-encoding brain connectivity and its relation to subsequent memory
Extensive but not Limited Repeated Trials in Passive Avoidance Task Induce Stress-like Symptoms and Affect Memory Function in Rats
Multiple nights of partial sleep deprivation do not affect prospective remembering at long delays
The nature of bonding matters: Benzoxazine based shape memory polymers
Istradefylline reduces memory deficits in aging mice with amyloid pathology
Modeling valuation and core affect in a cognitive architecture: The impact of valence and arousal on memory and decision-making
Retrospective memory for symptoms in patients with medically unexplained symptoms

Affective change greater for unpleasant than pleasant events in autobiographical memory of children and adults: A retrospective study
Acute stress affects prospective memory functions via associative memory processes
Cognitive dysfunction associated with aluminum hydroxide-induced macrophagic myofasciitis: A reappraisal of neuropsychological profile
Orexin knockout mice exhibit impaired spatial working memory
The effect of white matter hyperintensities on cognition is mediated by cortical atrophy
Episodic memory after trauma exposure: Medial temporal lobe function is positively related to re-experiencing and inversely related to negative affect symptoms
Functional interplay of top-down attention with affective codes during visual short-term memory maintenance
Blunted vocal affect and expression is not associated with schizophrenia: A computerized acoustic analysis of speech under ambiguous conditions
Do you want to be a cyborg? The moderating effect of ethics on neural implant acceptance
Polygenic risk for schizophrenia affects working memory and its neural correlates in healthy subjects
Affective symptoms in schizophrenia are strongly associated with neurocognitive deficits indicating disorders in executive functions, visual memory, attention and social cognition
Unilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation differentially affects younger and older adults completing a verbal working memory task
Luteinizing hormone acts at the hippocampus to dampen spatial memory
Strength modelling for real-worldautomatic continuous affect recognition from audiovisual signals
Self-grounding visual, auditory and olfactory autobiographical memories
What you see is what you remember? Depictions of historical figures influence memory for historical facts
Effects of thalamic hemorrhagic lesions on explicit and implicit learning during the acquisition and retrieval phases in an animal model of central post-stroke pain
The effect of mild acute stress during memory consolidation on emotional recognition memory
Affective false memories in Dementia of Alzheimer's Type
Suppressing memories of words and familiar objects results in their affective devaluation: Evidence from Think/No-think tasks
Neural evidence that inhibition is linked to the affective devaluation of distractors that match the contents of working memory
Food restriction affects Y-maze spatial recognition memory in developing mice
Atmospheric memories: Affect and minor politics at the ten-year anniversary of the London bombings
Intervention strength does not differentially affect memory reconsolidation of strong memories
The tweeter matters: Factors that affect false memory from Twitter
Subjective cognitive decline in cognitively normal elders from the community or from a memory clinic: Differential affective and imaging correlates
Working memory decline in normal aging: Memory load and representational demands affect performance
False memories, but not false beliefs, affect implicit attitudes for food preferences
Differential effect of chronic stress on mouse hippocampal memory and affective behavior: Role of major ovarian hormones
Intranasal deferoxamine affects memory loss, oxidation, and the insulin pathway in the streptozotocin rat model of Alzheimer's disease
How variation in prey aposematic signals affects avoidance learning, generalization and memory of a salticid spider
Awake, long-term intranasal insulin treatment does not affect object memory, odor discrimination, or reversal learning in mice
Personality self-concept affects processing of trait adjectives in the self-reference memory paradigm
Effects of validating communication on recall during a pain-task in healthy participants
The influence of the hippocampus and declarative memory on word use: Patients with amnesia use less imageable words
How we walk affects what we remember: Gait modifications through biofeedback change negative affective memory bias
Emotion regulation in broadly defined anorexia nervosa: Association with negative affective memory bias
Interaction between BDNF Val66Met and childhood stressful life events is associated to affective memory bias in men but not women
Adults' learning motivation: Expectancy of success, value, and the role of affective memories