A new uniform evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition and CDAS for many-objective optimization
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Stochastic vs. deterministic evolutionary algorithm-based allocation and scheduling for XMOS chips
A nature inspired intelligent water drops evolutionary algorithm for parallel processor scheduling with rejection
Optimal siting and sizing of UPFC using evolutionary algorithms
Large-scale parallelization of the Borg multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to enhance the management of complex environmental systems ☆
Seeding the initial population of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: A computational study
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with time windows
Systematic selection of tuning parameters for efficient predictive controllers using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
Performance comparison of generational and steady-state asynchronous multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for computationally-intensive problems
Toward SLA-constrained service composition: An approach based on a fuzzy linguistic preference model and an evolutionary algorithm ☆
Evolutionary algorithms for de novo drug design – A survey
A knowledge-based multi-agent evolutionary algorithm for semiconductor final testing scheduling problem
A survey on evolutionary algorithms dynamics and its complexity – Mutual relations, past, present and future
Energy-oriented scheduling based on Evolutionary Algorithms
Design of an autonomous intelligent Demand-Side Management system using stochastic optimisation evolutionary algorithms
Decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm for large scale constrained problems
Evolutionary algorithm enhancement for model predictive control and real-time decision support ☆
Inferring causal networks using fuzzy cognitive maps and evolutionary algorithms with application to gene regulatory network reconstruction
Good versus bad knowledge: Ontology guided evolutionary algorithms
Clustering large probabilistic graphs using multi-population evolutionary algorithm
A cascaded pairwise biomolecular sequence alignment technique using evolutionary algorithm
Evolutionary algorithm and decisional DNA for multiple travelling salesman problem
Assessment of evolutionary algorithms for optimal operating rules design in real Water Resource Systems ☆
A study on residence error of training an extreme learning machine and its application to evolutionary algorithms
Comparison of many-objective evolutionary algorithms using performance metrics ensemble
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the design of grid-connected solar tracking systems
Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions ☆☆☆
Runtime analysis of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for obtaining finite approximations of Pareto fronts

Automatic parameter tuning for Evolutionary Algorithms using a Bayesian Case-Based Reasoning system
A new short-term load forecast method based on neuro-evolutionary algorithm and chaotic feature selection
Fuzzy based evolutionary algorithm for reactive power optimization with FACTS devices
Wind turbine selection for wind farm layout using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
Improved range selection method for evolutionary algorithm based adaptive filtering of EEG/ERP signals
Hybrid biogeography-based evolutionary algorithms
MOCCA-II: A multi-objective co-operative co-evolutionary algorithm
Data privacy using an evolutionary algorithm for invariant PRAM matrices
A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition with normal boundary intersection for traffic grooming in optical networks
QAR-CIP-NSGA-II: A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to mine quantitative association rules
A knowledge-based evolutionary algorithm for the multiobjective vehicle routing problem with time windows
Interactive evolutionary algorithms with decision-maker׳s preferences for solving interval multi-objective optimization problems
Evolutionary algorithm-based design of a fuzzy TBF predictive model and TSK fuzzy anti-sway crane control system ☆
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for fuzzy classification in survival prediction
An evolutionary algorithm to optimize the microphone array configuration for speech acquisition in vehicles
A multiobjective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for robust design of distribution networks
The assessment of evolutionary algorithms for analyzing the positional accuracy and uncertainty of maps
Analysis of speedups in parallel evolutionary algorithms and (1+λ)(1+λ) EAs for combinatorial optimization ☆
The choice of the offspring population size in the (1,λ1,λ) evolutionary algorithm ☆
Analyzing convergence performance of evolutionary algorithms: A statistical approach
Time series forecasting by neural networks: A knee point-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm approach
Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms – Application to Arabic language
An evolutionary algorithm approach to link prediction in dynamic social networks
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with a discrete differential mutation operator developed for service restoration in distribution systems
Finding optimal strategies in a multi-period multi-leader–follower Stackelberg game using an evolutionary algorithm
Including preferences into a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to deal with many-objective engineering optimization problems
Automated generation of computationally hard feature models using evolutionary algorithms
A chess rating system for evolutionary algorithms: A new method for the comparison and ranking of evolutionary algorithms
Metrics to guide a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for ordinal classification ☆
Comparing evolutionary algorithms and particle filters for Markerless Human Motion Capture
Faster evolutionary algorithm based optimal power flow using incremental variables
General framework for localised multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
A traffic-based evolutionary algorithm for network clustering
Simultaneous topology and sizing optimization of a water distribution network using a hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
A comparative study of different approaches using an outranking relation in a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for enhancing Bayesian Networks hybrid-based modeling
A parameter control method of evolutionary algorithms using exploration and exploitation measures with a practical application for fitting Sovova's mass transfer model
A review on evolutionary algorithms in Bayesian network learning and inference tasks
A block-based evolutionary algorithm for flow-shop scheduling problem
Parameterization for distributed watershed modeling using national data and evolutionary algorithm
On the equivalences and differences of evolutionary algorithms
Hybridizing a multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to solve a multi-objective project scheduling problem
Feature selection to enhance a two-stage evolutionary algorithm in product unit neural networks for complex classification problems
Playing with complexity: From cellular evolutionary algorithms with coalitions to self-organizing maps
Modeling medical decision making by support vector machines, explaining by rules of evolutionary algorithms with feature selection
A robust evolutionary algorithm for the recovery of rational Gielis curves