Trait perfectionism and attitudes towards people with disabilities
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
How store service quality affects attitude toward store brands in emerging countries: Effects of brand cues and the cultural context
Time attitudes predict changes in adolescent self-efficacy: A 24-month latent transition mover-stayer analysis
Attitude towards and intention to use biological control among citrus farmers in Iran
Factors influencing intentions to text while driving among Polish drivers
Online reviews: The effect of cosmopolitanism, incidental similarity, and dispersion on consumer attitudes toward ethnic restaurants
Mental contamination and trauma: Understanding posttraumatic stress, risky behaviors, and help-seeking attitudes
Turning wildlife experiences into conservation action: Can white shark cage-dive tourism influence conservation behaviour?
The effect of public support on senior manager attitudes to innovation
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of schoolchildren toward whole grains and nutritional outcomes in Malaysia
Mixed stereotype content and attitudes toward students with special educational needs and their inclusion in regular schools in Luxembourg
Not materialistic, just neurotic. The mediating effect of neuroticism on the relationship between attitudes to material assets and well-being
Informal coercion as a neglected form of communication in psychiatric settings in Germany and Switzerland
The influence of psychological traits, beliefs and taste responsiveness on implicit attitudes toward plant- and animal-based dishes among vegetarians, flexitarians and omnivores
Status quo of German-speaking medical students' attitudes toward and knowledge about central aspects of forensic psychiatry across four European countries
The impact of self-stigmatization on medication attitude in schizophrenia patients
Social vigilantism and the extremity, superiority, and defense of attitudes toward climate change
Can fiction make us kinder to other species? The impact of fiction on pro-animal attitudes and behavior
Attitude toward nonhuman animals and their welfare: Do behaviorists differ from other veterinarians?
Perceptions and attitudes of residents living near a wind turbine compared with those living near a coal power plant
The role of dialecticism and reviewer expertise in consumer responses to mixed reviews
Organic wine purchase behaviour in Germany: Exploring the attitude-behaviour-gap with data from a household panel
Egyptian and Jordanian nurse educators' perception of barriers preventing the implementation of evidence-based practice: A cross-sectional study
The role of personal resilience and personality traits of healthcare students on their attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration
The effect of a multifaceted evidence-based practice programme for nurses on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and perceived barriers: A cohort study
Newspaper journalistsâ attitudes towards robot journalism
Use of military-themed first-person shooter games and militarism: An investigation of two potential facilitating mechanisms
Understanding human attitudes towards sharks to promote sustainable coexistence
I am more than my past: Parents' attitudes and perceptions of the Positive Parenting Program in Child Welfare
Countervailing contact: Community ethnic diversity, anti-immigrant attitudes and mediating pathways of positive and negative inter-ethnic contact in European societies
Factors that influence an individual's intention to adopt a wearable healthcare device: The case of a wearable fitness tracker
Perceived barriers by healthcare providers for screening and management of excessive alcohol use in an emergency department of a low-income country
Experiments study on attitude coupling control method for flexible spacecraft
Students' attitude towards the use of educational video games to develop competencies
The two faces of Janus, or the dual mode of public attitudes towards snakes

Pre-service teachers' implicit and explicit beliefs about English language learners: An implicit association test study
In the mood for action: When negative program-induced mood improves the behavioral effectiveness of TV commercials
Managers' attitudes toward hotel outsourcing in a tourist destination. An approach from the benefits and risks perspective
Improving outgroup attitudes in schools: A meta-analytic review
Are carer attitudes toward medications related to self-reported medication adherence amongst people with mental illness?
Examining effects of medical cannabis narratives on beliefs, attitudes, and intentions related to recreational cannabis: A web-based randomized experiment
The influence of time attitudes profile membership on mental well-being and psychosomatic symptomatology: A United Kingdom-based prospective study
Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists
Virtual reality, presence, and attitude change: Empirical evidence from tourism
Attitudes towards communication skills among nursing students and its association with sense of coherence
Chinese consumers and shellfish: Associations between perception, quality, attitude and consumption
Impacts of the precision agricultural technologies in Iran: An analysis experts' perception & their determinants
Intergroup contact through online comments: Effects of direct and extended contact on outgroup attitudes
Factors affecting the adoption of a land information system: An empirical analysis in Liberia
Attitudes of midwifery and nursing students in a Turkish university toward lesbians and gay men and opinions about healthcare approaches
Accounting for attitudes on parking choice: An integrated choice and latent variable approach
Knowledge and Attitude of Family Member of Mentally Ill Patient Regarding Restraint, 2016
The risk of female genital cutting in Europe: Comparing immigrant attitudes toward uncut girls with attitudes in a practicing country
Student-teacher relationships and ethnic outgroup attitudes among majority students
Womenâs attitudes towards the medicalization of childbirth and their associations with planned and actual modes of birth
Spanish adolescents' attitudes towards sexting: Validation of a scale
Inclusive practices in teaching students with dyslexia: Second language teachers concerns, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs on a massive open online learning course
False memories, but not false beliefs, affect implicit attitudes for food preferences
Escaping the crowd: An experimental study on the impact of a Virtual Reality experience in a shopping mall
Evaluation of an intervention using cross-race friend storybooks to reduce prejudice among majority race young children
Thou shall not try to speak in the Facebook language: Students' perspectives regarding using Facebook for chemistry learning
Attitudes of surgical nurses towards pressure ulcer prevention
Using emotional persuasion for changing attitudes towards entrepreneurship: An interpersonal perspective
The capacity of South Australian primary school teachers and pre-service teachers to work with trans and gender diverse students
Attitudes toward the prototypical environmentalist predict environmentally friendly behavior
Attitudes towards menopause and depression, body image of women during menopause
Attitudes to HIV and AIDS among students and faculty in a School of Nursing in Barcelona (Spain): a cross-sectional survey
Secondary mathematics teachers' attitudes toward alternative communication practices when doing proofs in geometry
Cultivating interest in art: Causal effects of arts exposure during early childhood
An evaluation of knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy in Eastern Turkey
Pedestrian self-reported use of smart phones: Positive attitudes and high exposure influence intentions to cross the road while distracted
Positive and negative contact and attitudes towards the religious out-group: Testing the contact hypothesis in conflict and non-conflict regions of Indonesia and the Philippines
Increasing positive attitudes toward individuals with disabilities through community service learning