Future designers: Introducing creativity, design thinking & design to children
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Thinking styles of technical knowledge workers in the systems of innovation paradigm
Educating Online Writing Instructors Using the Jungian Personality Types
A Comparison of Eating Attitudes Between Vegans/Vegetarians and Nonvegans/Nonvegetarians in Terms of Orthorexia Nervosa
Winter birth, urbanicity and immigrant status predict psychometric schizotypy dimensions in adolescents
The clinical utility of metacognitive beliefs and processes in emotional distress in people with multiple sclerosis
Educational apps from the Android Google Play for Greek preschoolers: A systematic review
Personality characteristics of male and female executives: Distinct pathways to success?
The lived experience of thesis writers in group writing conferences: The quest for perfect and critical
The relationship between schizotypal facets and conspiracist beliefs via cognitive processes
Millennial's perspective of clicker technology in a nursing classroom: A Mixed methods research study
Efficacy of metacognitive training for patients with borderline personality disorder: Preliminary results
The strong link between fluid intelligence and working memory cannot be explained away by strategy use
Preferred Teaching Strategies for Students in an Associate of Science Nursing Program
Seeing the world in black or white: The Dark Triad traits and dichotomous thinking
Enhancing user creativity: Semantic measures for idea generation
Connecting with global consumers through corporate social responsibility initiatives: A cross-cultural investigation of congruence effects of attribution and communication styles
A randomised controlled trial of manualized cognitive remediation therapy in adult obesity
Ending on a positive: Examining the role of safety leadership decisions, behaviours and actions in a safety critical situation
The need for meaning and religiosity: An individual differences approach to assessing existential needs and the relation with religious commitment, beliefs, and experiences
Absorptive capacity for need knowledge: Antecedents and effects for employee innovativeness
Constructing a teaching philosophy: Aligning beliefs, theories, and practice
Trends in mobile technology-supported collaborative learning: A systematic review of journal publications from 2007 to 2016
Improving teamwork skills and enhancing deep learning via development of board game using cooperative learning method in Reaction Engineering course
Learning style preferences of Australian accelerated postgraduate pre-registration nursing students: A cross-sectional survey
Contextual determinants of psychopathology. The singularity of attachment as a predictor of mental dysfunction
The effect of teaching based on dominant learning style on nursing students' academic achievement
A comprehensive method for the measurement of everyday creativity
Influence of thinking style and attribution on consumer response to online stockouts
Event-related potentials during individual, cooperative, and competitive task performance differ in subjects with analytic vs. holistic thinking
Burnout and posttraumatic stress in paediatric critical care personnel: Prediction from resilience and coping styles
Attentional Bias to Reminders of the Deceased as Compared With a Living Attachment in Grieving
Epistemic rationality: Skepticism toward unfounded beliefs requires sufficient cognitive ability and motivation to be rational
Coping styles in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Associations with cognitive appraisals
Analysis of the relation between computational thinking skills and various variables with the structural equation model
From metaphorical information overflow and overload to real stress: Theoretical background, empirical findings, and applications
Rigid dietary control, flexible dietary control, and intuitive eating: Evidence for their differential relationship to disordered eating and body image concerns
Magical thinking and decision-making strategies among late adolescent regular gamblers: A mediation model
Cultural differences in attention: Eye movement evidence from a comparative visual search task
The relation between different types of religiosity and analytic cognitive style
In-lecture media use and academic performance: Does subject area matter?
On the way to learning style models integration: a Learner's Characteristics Ontology
Course evaluation for the purpose of development: What can learning styles contribute?
Holistic thinking and air traffic controllers' decision making in conflict resolution
Pathological personality traits and criminogenic thinking styles
The importance of thinking styles in predicting binge eating
Holistic thinkers anchor less: Exploring the roles of self-construal and thinking styles in anchoring susceptibility
Getting in touch with your thinking style: How touchscreens influence purchase
Mediating the bullying victimizationâdelinquency relationship with anger and cognitive impulsivity: A test of general strain and criminal lifestyle theories
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The relationship of mothers' coping strategies and health behavior with oral health care for children
Student personality and learning styles: A comparison between radiation therapy and medical imaging undergraduate students in New Zealand
Developing, implementing and evaluating a simulation learning package on post-partum haemorrhage for undergraduate midwifery students in KwaZulu-Natal
The adaptive decision-making, risky decision, and decision-making style of Internet gaming disorder
Switching on or switching off? Everyday computer use as a predictor of sustained attention and cognitive reflection
Activating analytic thinking enhances the value given to individualizing moral foundations
Emotion expression modulates perception of animacy from faces
Optimizing trauma-informed intervention for intimate partner violence in veterans: The role of alexithymia
Impact of mobile technology on student attitudes, engagement, and learning
Systems thinking in chemistry classroom: The influence of systemic synthesis questions on its development and assessment
The metacognitions about self-critical rumination questionnaire
Illuminating the clinical significance of alexithymia subtypes: A cluster analysis of alexithymic traits and psychiatric symptoms
A meta-analysis of parental style and consumer socialization of children
An investigation of design studio performance in relation to creativity, spatial ability, and visual cognitive style
The Practice and Exploration of Shanghai Recreational Trail System Planning
Threat interpretation and parental influences for children with asthma and anxiety
The unfolding of the historical style in modern cosmology: Emergence, evolution, entrenchment
The role of thinking styles in career decision-making self-efficacy among university students
Field-dependence/independence: cognitive style or perceptual ability?––validating against thinking styles and academic achievement
Thinking styles of university deaf or hard of hearing students and hearing students
Investigating the relationship between thinking style and personal electronic device use and its implications for academic performance
Relationship between trait repetitive negative thinking styles and symptoms of psychopathology
An examination of thinking style patterns as a function of thinking perspective profile