Mind reading abilities in opiate-dependent patients: An exploratory study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The roles of liar intention, lie content, and theory of mind in children’s evaluation of lies
Executive function predicts theory of mind but not social verbal communication in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder
Theory of mind as a link between oxytocin and maternal behavior
Theory of mind in remitted bipolar disorder: Younger patients struggle in tasks of higher ecological validity
Worry amplifies theory-of-mind reasoning for negatively valenced social stimuli in generalized anxiety disorder
Assessing advanced theory of mind and alexithymia in patients suffering from enduring borderline personality disorder
Subclinical maternal depressive symptoms modulate right inferior frontal response to inferring affective mental states of adults but not of infants
The relationship between social cognition and executive function in Major Depressive Disorder in high-functioning adolescents and young adults
Impaired theory of mind in adults with traumatic brain injury: A replication and extension of findings
Not just a sum of its parts: How tasks of the theory of mind scale relate to executive function across time
Representing other minds: Mental state reference is moderated by group membership
Theory of mind and schizophrenia in young and middle-aged patients: Influence of executive functions
Brain Mechanisms Underlying Reading the Mind from Eyes, Voice, and Actions
Decision theory with a state of mind represented by an element of a Hilbert space: The Ellsberg paradox
Relationship between social-cognitive and social-perceptual aspects of theory of mind and neurocognitive deficits, insight level and schizotypal traits in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Would you change your mind? An empirical study of social impact theory on Facebook
Progressive decline of cognition during the conversion from prodrome to psychosis with a characteristic pattern of the theory of mind compensated by neurocognition
How (not) to measure infant Theory of Mind: Testing the replicability and validity of four non-verbal measures
Mental files theory of mind: When do children consider agents acquainted with different object identities?
Are you flirting with me? Autistic traits, theory of mind, and inappropriate courtship
Childrens referential communication skills: The role of cognitive abilities and adult models of speech
Prenatal testosterone and theory of mind development: Findings from disorders of sex development
Dynamics of Information Images in the Mind of an Individual during Simultaneous Interpretation
Theory of mind in a first-episode psychosis population using the Hinting Task
Characterising the relationship between theory of mind and anxiety in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and typically developing children
Children exhibit different performance patterns in explicit and implicit theory of mind tasks
Cognitive abilities and theory of mind in explaining communicative-pragmatic disorders in patients with schizophrenia
What your eyes tell me: Theory of mind in bipolar disorder
Late, but not early, arriving younger siblings foster firstbornsâ understanding of second-order false belief
Moral imagination: Facilitating prosocial decision-making through scene imagery and theory of mind
Does a good argument make a good answer? Argumentative reconstruction of children's justifications in a second order false belief task
Differential recruitment of theory of mind brain network across three tasks: An independent component analysis
Pattern of social cognition deficits in individuals with borderline personality disorder
Neural mechanisms underlying valence inferences to sound: The role of the right angular gyrus
Development of constructivist theory of mind from middle childhood to early adulthood and its relation to social cognition and behavior
How Otto did not extend his mind, but might have: Dynamic systems theory and social-cultural group selection
Facial emotion recognition, theory of mind and the role of facial mimicry in depression
How are parental reactions to childrenâs emotions linked with Theory of Mind in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Childhood trauma-related alterations in brain function during a Theory-of-Mind task in schizophrenia
Does language matter for implicit theory of mind? The effects of epistemic verb training on implicit and explicit false-belief understanding
Snap back to reality: Examining the cognitive mechanisms underlying Snapchat
A novel framework for understanding reduced awareness of dyskinesias in Parkinson's Disease
Social cognition and paranoia in forensic inpatients with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study
Believing in other minds: Accurate mentalizing does not predict religiosity
Predictors and mediators of trait anger across the psychosis continuum: The role of attachment style, paranoia and social cognition
The relative contributions of social cognition and self-reflectiveness to clinical insight in enduring schizophrenia
Person perception involves functional integration between the extrastriate body area and temporal pole
Theory of mind in multiple sclerosis: A neuropsychological and MRI study
Are there signature limits in early theory of mind?
Replications of implicit theory of mind tasks with varying representational demands
Affective and cognitive theory of mind in borderline personality disorder: The role of comorbid depression
Executive function depletion in children and its impact on theory of mind
Theory of mind in emerging reading comprehension: A longitudinal study of early indirect and direct effects
Theory of mind and resource allocation in the context of hidden inequality
Nonverbal components of Theory of Mind in typical and atypical development
The relationship between joint attention and theory of mind in neurotypical adults
Predicting school achievement from early theory of mind: Differential effects on achievement tests and teacher ratings
Theory of mind and language development in Japanese children with hearing loss
Psychometric properties of three measures assessing advanced theory of mind: Evidence from people with schizophrenia
Communicative-pragmatic disorders in traumatic brain injury: The role of theory of mind and executive functions
Further evidence of alerted default network connectivity and association with theory of mind ability in schizophrenia
Functional network-based statistics in depression: Theory of mind subnetwork and importance of parietal region
Using virtual reality to assess theory of mind subprocesses and error types in early and chronic schizophrenia

The neural correlates of theory of mind and their role during empathy and the game of chess: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Effective connectivity gateways to the Theory of Mind network in processing communicative intention
Relations between theory of mind and executive function in middle childhood: A short-term longitudinal study
Aspects of Theory of Mind that attenuate the relationship between persecutory delusions and social functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Advanced theory of mind in adolescence: Do age, gender and friendship style play a role?
Theory of mind and school achievement: The mediating role of social competence
Theory of mind, emotional and social functioning, and motor severity in children and adolescents with dystonic cerebral palsy
Determinants of theory of mind performance in Alzheimer's disease: A data-mining study

Theory of mind impairment and its clinical correlates in patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder