Individual differences in performance, workload, and stress in sustained attention: Optimism and pessimism
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Optimism/pessimism and information-processing styles: can their influences be distinguished in predicting psychological adjustment?
Disentangling Intolerance of Uncertainty and Threat Appraisal in Everyday Situations
A survey of schedulability analysis techniques for rate-dependent tasks
Waiting for guidance: Disclosure noise, verification delay, and the value-relevance of good-news versus bad-news management earnings forecasts
How late-modern nomads imagine tomorrow? A Causal Layered Analysis practice to explore the images of the future of young adults
Quality of life in breast cancer patients: Associations with optimism and social support
Parental educational attainment and offspring subjective well-being and self-beliefs in older adulthood
I say thee neigh: Rescued equids are optimistic in a judgment bias test
How do beliefs about skill affect risky decisions?
Examination of the validity of instructed response items in identifying careless respondents
Ontological insecurity and subjective feelings of unsafety: Analysing socially constructed fears in Italy
Ineptitude, ignorance, or intent: The social construction of failure in development
Ambiguity aversion in buyer-seller relationships: A contingent-claims and social network explanation
Quality of Life in Cushing's disease: A long term issue?
Inexact nonlinear improved fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for irrigation water management under uncertainty

Mapping network connectivity among symptoms of social anxiety and comorbid depression in people with social anxiety disorder
Cyber-ostracism and its relation to depression among Chinese adolescents: The moderating role of optimism
Using Twitter trust network for stock market analysis
Suicidal ideation declines with improvement in the subjective symptoms of major depression
The role of cognitive limitations and heterogeneous expectations for aggregate production and credit cycle
Tourism, mood and affect: Narratives of loss and hope
The role of investor sentiment in the long-term correlation between U.S. stock and bond markets
From belief to deceit: How expectancies about others' ethics shape deception in negotiations
Susceptibility to the gambling near-win effect in optimists versus pessimists: An event-related potential study
Looking back at the future: Dynamics of collective expectations about photovoltaic technology in Germany & Spain
Specificity and overlap of attention and memory biases in depression
Trade credit model with customer balking and asymmetric market information
The effects of pessimism on cell-mediated immunity in rats
Evidential box particle filter using belief function theory

The relation of physical self-perceptions of competence, goal orientation, and optimism with students' performance calibration in physical education
Investor sentiment and the mean-variance relationship: European evidence
Production and hedging with optimism and pessimism under ambiguity
Optimism During Hospitalization for First Acute Myocardial Infarction and Long-Term Mortality Risk
Wake up for the environment: An association between sleepiness and pro-environmental behavior
Perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and reactions to poor personal performances among intercollegiate athletes
Naturalistic follow-up of subjects affected with anorexia nervosa 8 years after multimodal treatment: Personality and psychopathology changes and predictors of outcome
Ambiguity, optimism, and pessimism in adverse selection models
Pessimism moderates negative emotional responses to naturally occurring stress
End-to-end timing analysis of cause-effect chains in automotive embedded systems
A tool for liberty or oppression? A cross-national study of the Internetâs influence on democracy
Activity Pattern Profiles: Relationship With Affect, Daily Functioning, Impairment, and Variables Related to Life Goals
Protective factors promoting resilience in the relation between child sexual victimization and internalizing and externalizing symptoms
Associations of intelligence across the life course with optimism and pessimism in older age
Screening for psychological distress: A new approach to identify the patient's psychological needs in a pilot study on oral cancer patients
Early maladaptive schemas and suicidal ideation in depressed patients
Induced optimism as mental rehearsal to decrease depressive predictive certainty
Asset price targeting in an open economy with cognitive limitations: The best for macroeconomic and financial stability?
Active suicidal ideation during clinical antidepressant trials
Does the presence of multiple sclerosis impact on symptom profile in depressed patients?
Early maladaptive schemas of emotional deprivation, social isolation, shame and abandonment are related to a history of suicide attempts among patients with major depressive disorders
Why Have Improved Cook-Stove Initiatives in India Failed?
Perfectionism, personality, and future-directed thinking: Further insights from revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
The Concept of Float Calculation Based on the Site Occupation using the Chronographical Logic
Development and initial validation of a cessation fatigue scale
The hubris hypothesis: The downside of comparative optimism displays
Socioeconomic status and learning from financial information
Bad news in the Great Depression, the Great Recession, and other U.S. recessions: A comparative study
Does Financial News Predict Stock Returns? New Evidence from Islamic and Non-Islamic Stocks
Survey method matters: Online/offline questionnaires and face-to-face or telephone interviews differ
Keeping the heart a long way from the brain: The emotional labour of climate scientists
Is there a financial news risk premium in Islamic stocks?

Replicating future orientation: Investigating the constructs of hope and optimism and their subscales through replication and expansion
Optimists: It could have been worse; Pessimists: It could have been better: Dispositional optimism and pessimism and counterfactual thinking
Affective consequences of optimism and pessimism in the face of failure: Evidence of a moderation by attribution
The structure of attributional style: Cognitive styles and optimism–pessimism bias in the Attributional Style Questionnaire
Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverage