Measuring individual differences in internal versus external attention: The attentional style questionnaire
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Relationship between childhood trauma and suicide probability in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Associations between rumination and obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions
What did you have in mind? Examining the content of intentional and unintentional types of mind wandering
Introduction: A global perspective on unwanted intrusive thoughts
Stable isotopes in water indicate sources of nutrients that drive algal blooms in the tributary bay of a subtropical reservoir
Age and geochemistry of the Charlestown Group, Ireland: Implications for the Grampian orogeny, its mineral potential and the Ordovician timescale
Experimental modification of dysfunctional interpretations in individuals with contamination concerns
Abstract and experiential thinking differentially account for anomalous perception of reality in people with or without schizophrenia
Magmatic evolution and porphyryepithermal mineralization in the Taftan volcanic complex, southeastern Iran
The worrying mind in control: An investigation of adaptive working memory training and cognitive bias modification in worry-prone individuals
An investigation of potential neural correlates of intrusive retrieval of distressing memories
Attentional Bias to Reminders of the Deceased as Compared With a Living Attachment in Grieving
Diversity of basaltic lunar volcanism associated with buried impact structures: Implications for intrusive and extrusive events
The temporal relationship between premonitory urges and covert compulsions in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Specific and general cognitive predictors of Sexual Orientation-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Theory of mind as a link between oxytocin and maternal behavior
The impact of childhood stressful life events on health and behavior in at-risk youth
National high street retail and town centre policy at a cross roads in England and Wales
Attentional control and executive functioning in school-aged children: Linking self-regulation and parenting strategies
The relationship between cognitions and symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Neighbouring orogenic gold deposits may be the products of unrelated mineralizing events
Functional links of obsessive, dysmorphic, hypochondriac, and eating-disorders related mental intrusions
Visual processing in expert drivers: What makes expert drivers expert?
Mental contamination obsessions: An examination across the obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions
Rumination on unwanted intrusive thoughts affects the urge to neutralize in nonclinical individuals
Hungary's punitive turn: The shift from welfare to workfare
Manipulating beliefs about losing control causes checking behaviour
The impact of attentional and emotional demands on memory performance in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Activating attachment representations during memory retrieval modulates intrusive traumatic memories
Socioeconomic disadvantage, neural responses to infant emotions, and emotional availability among first-time new mothers
Mindfulness-based interventions for the treatment of depressive rumination: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Does location congruence matter? A field study on the effects of location-based advertising on perceived ad intrusiveness, relevance & value
Differentiating Sexual Thoughts in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder From Paraphilias and Nonparaphilic Sexual Disorders
Individual differences shape the content of visual representations
Brief exercise enhances intrusive memories of traumatic stimuli
Thought-action fusion mediates the relation between inflated responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in China: A cross-sectional structural equation model
The Network Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Exposed to Disasters
Intrusive rocks of the Wadi Hamad Area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt: Change of magma composition with maturity of Neoproterozoic continental island arc and the role of collisional plutonism in the differentiation of arc crust
A prospective cohort study on posttraumatic stress disorder in liver transplantation recipients before and after transplantation: Prevalence, symptom occurrence, and intrusive memories
Prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress in bereaved children: A latent class analysis
Prospective relations between intrusive parenting and child behavior problems: Differential moderation by parasympathetic nervous system regulation and child sex

Interpersonal Problems Predict Differential Response to Cognitive Versus Behavioral Treatment in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Emplacement of ultramafic-carbonatite intrusions along reactivated North American mid-continent rift structures
Is attendance at an ovarian cancer screening clinic a worry-reducing event? Findings from pre- to post-screening
Endogenous and exogenous time pressure: Interactions with mathematics anxiety in explaining arithmetic performance
Priming performance-related concerns induces task-related mind-wandering
Acceptance- and imagery-based strategies can reduce chocolate cravings: A test of the elaborated-intrusion theory of desire
Ageing and thought suppression performance: Its relationship with working memory capacity, habitual thought suppression and mindfulness
Measuring fluctuations across the Continuum of Auditory Hallucinations. Development and validation of a state inventory
Exploring flow in sport and exercise therapy with war and torture survivors
Effect of a bereavement support group on female adolescents' psychological health: a randomised controlled trial in South Africa
Dissociation between working memory performance and proactive interference control in post-traumatic stress disorder
Estrategias cognitivas de control, evitación y regulación emocional: el papel diferencial en pensamientos repetitivos negativos e intrusivos
A Multisite Study of Family Functioning Impairment in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Written accounts of living with epilepsy: A thematic analysis
Neural correlates of affective and non-affective cognition in obsessive compulsive disorder: A meta-analysis of functional imaging studies
Examination of an experimental manipulation of intolerance of uncertainty on obsessive-compulsive outcomes
Conditioned responses to trauma reminders: How durable are they over time and does memory integration reduce them?
Attentional avoidance increases voice hearing in an analogue task in people with psychosis: An experimental study
Using text to predict psychological and physical health: A comparison of human raters and computerized text analysis
A prospective examination of risk factors in the development of intrusions following a trauma analog
Kawasaki Disease With Coronary Artery Aneurysms: Psychosocial Impact on Parents and Children
Association of prenatal cocaine exposure, childhood maltreatment, and responses to stress in adolescence
Replacing intrusive thoughts: Investigating thought control in relation to OCD symptoms
Unwanted intrusive thoughts: Cultural, contextual, covariational, and characterological determinants of diversity
Part 2. They scare because we care: The relationship between obsessive intrusive thoughts and appraisals and control strategies across 15 cities
Part 3. A question of perspective: The association between intrusive thoughts and obsessionality in 11 countries
Part 1—You can run but you can't hide: Intrusive thoughts on six continents
Intrusive thoughts mediate the association between neuroticism and cognitive function
Influence of age, thought content, and anxiety on suppression of intrusive thoughts
Ego-syntonicity and ego-dystonicity of eating-related intrusive thoughts in patients with eating disorders
Less food for thought. Impact of attentional instructions on intrusive thoughts about snack foods