Episodic memory after trauma exposure: Medial temporal lobe function is positively related to re-experiencing and inversely related to negative affect symptoms
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A randomised controlled trial investigating the benefits of adaptive working memory training for working memory capacity and attentional control in high worriers
The worrying mind in control: An investigation of adaptive working memory training and cognitive bias modification in worry-prone individuals
Attentional Bias to Reminders of the Deceased as Compared With a Living Attachment in Grieving
Neural activity during traumatic film viewing is linked to endogenous estradiol and hormonal contraception
Frightened by the perpetrators voice: Startle responsivity and cognitive processing predict earwitness speaker identification
Multi-parametric space-time computational vademecum for parametric studies: Application to real time welding simulations
Motivated forgetting reduces veridical memories but slightly increases false memories in both young and healthy older people
Post-traumatic stress and relationships to coping and alexithymia in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
Monitoring self-adaptive applications within edge computing frameworks: A state-of-the-art review
Are there gender differences in those diagnosed with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures?

Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
Abstract and experiential thinking differentially account for anomalous perception of reality in people with or without schizophrenia
A computerized neuropsychological evaluation of cognitive functions in a subclinical obsessive-compulsive sample
Sympathetic arousal, but not disturbed executive functioning, mediates the impairment of cognitive flexibility under stress
An efficient method for uncertainty propagation in robust software performance estimation
Behavioral reconsolidation interference with episodic memory within-subjects is elusive
Working memory cannot regulate overt emotional capture
Rumination on unwanted intrusive thoughts affects the urge to neutralize in nonclinical individuals
Insult to veneration: The evolution of prehistoric intrusiveness within the Casma Valley of Peru
Memory-Focused Cognitive Therapy for Cocaine Use Disorder: Theory, Procedures and Preliminary Evidence From an External Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
A collaborative analysis method of user abnormal behavior based on reputation voting in cloud environment
An investigation of potential neural correlates of intrusive retrieval of distressing memories
Visual processing in expert drivers: What makes expert drivers expert?
A non-intrusive method for estimating binaural speech intelligibility from noise-corrupted signals captured by a pair of microphones
The impact of childhood stressful life events on health and behavior in at-risk youth
Attentional control and executive functioning in school-aged children: Linking self-regulation and parenting strategies
Do prolonged grief disorder symptoms predict post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following bereavement? A cross-lagged analysis
Enhanced accessibility of ignored neutral and negative items in nonclinical dissociative individuals
Acceptance- and imagery-based strategies can reduce chocolate cravings: A test of the elaborated-intrusion theory of desire
Manipulating beliefs about losing control causes checking behaviour
Alcohol related mental imagery: The effects of a priming dose in at risk drinkers
Memory-focused cognitive therapy for cocaine use disorder: Rationale, design and protocol for an external pilot randomised controlled trial
Achieving autonomic Web service compositions with models at runtime
Tracking thoughts: Exploring the neural architecture of mental time travel during mind-wandering
Given Up by Parents for Survival: Separation Narratives by Formerly Persecuted Elderly Belgian Jews
Neurobiological correlates of post-traumatic stress disorder: A focus on cerebellum role
From metaphorical information overflow and overload to real stress: Theoretical background, empirical findings, and applications
Energy prediction using spatiotemporal pattern networks
Smart sensor network for power quality monitoring in electrical installations
The perception of team engagement reduces stress induced situation awareness overconfidence and risk-taking
Chronic traumatic stress impairs memory in mice: Potential roles of acetylcholine, neuroinflammation and corticotropin releasing factor expression in the hippocampus
Measuring fluctuations across the Continuum of Auditory Hallucinations. Development and validation of a state inventory
Here we go again! The impact of website ad repetition on recall, intrusiveness, attitudes, and site revisit intentions
Priming performance-related concerns induces task-related mind-wandering
The relationship between processing style, trauma memory processes, and the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents
Activating attachment representations during memory retrieval modulates intrusive traumatic memories
Brief exercise enhances intrusive memories of traumatic stimuli
Reducing intrusive traumatic memories after emergency caesarean section: A proof-of-principle randomized controlled study
Conditioned responses to trauma reminders: How durable are they over time and does memory integration reduce them?
A prospective cohort study on posttraumatic stress disorder in liver transplantation recipients before and after transplantation: Prevalence, symptom occurrence, and intrusive memories
Acute physical exercise in humans enhances reconsolidation of emotional memories
Dissociation between working memory performance and proactive interference control in post-traumatic stress disorder
Ageing and thought suppression performance: Its relationship with working memory capacity, habitual thought suppression and mindfulness
Individual differences shape the content of visual representations
Exploring flow in sport and exercise therapy with war and torture survivors
A prospective examination of risk factors in the development of intrusions following a trauma analog
Reactive dissociative experiences in response to acute increases in shame feelings
Oculomotricity and Neurological Soft Signs: Can we refine the endophenotype? A study in subjects belonging to the spectrum of schizophrenia
Does location congruence matter? A field study on the effects of location-based advertising on perceived ad intrusiveness, relevance & value
The impact of attentional and emotional demands on memory performance in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Visuospatial context learning and configuration learning is associated with analogue traumatic intrusions
Endogenous and exogenous time pressure: Interactions with mathematics anxiety in explaining arithmetic performance
Role of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated mechanisms in cocaine memory enhancement
The role of stress during memory reactivation on intrusive memories
Low levels of estradiol are associated with elevated conditioned responding during fear extinction and with intrusive memories in daily life
First steps in using machine learning on fMRI data to predict intrusive memories of traumatic film footage
Interaction of noradrenaline and cortisol predicts negative intrusive memories in posttraumatic stress disorder
Vividness of general mental imagery is associated with the occurrence of intrusive memories
Effects of rumination on intrusive memories: Does processing mode matter?
The importance of context: Evidence that contextual representations increase intrusive memories