Action simulation and mirroring in children with autism spectrum disorders
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Immediate effect of mental practice with and without mirror therapy on muscle activation in hemiparetic stroke patientsâ
Inhibition or facilitation? Modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery
From visual to motor strategies: Training in mental rotation of hands
The effect of bilateral eye-movements versus no eye-movements on sexual fantasies
Arithmetic, working memory, and visuospatial imagery abilities in children with poor geometric learning
Object-spatial imagery in fine arts, psychology, and engineering
Expertise-Level-Dependent Functionally Plastic Changes During Motor Imagery in Basketball Players
When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experiences and purchase intentions
Motor imagery development and proprioceptive integration: Which sensory reweighting during childhood?
The role of motor imagery in learning via instructions
Research reportMotor sequence learning and intermanual transfer with a phantom limb
Evidence for a neural signature of musical preference during silence
Investigating the Effects of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation-Guided Imagery Combination on Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy Treatment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Attributional biases in psychiatric patients, a religious, and a control group in the assessment of a hallucinatory experience: The White Christmas Test
Turning negative memories around: Contingency versus devaluation techniques
Why do learners who draw perform well? Investigating the role of visualization, generation and externalization in learner-generated drawing
Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations
Dendrite morphological neural networks for motor task recognition from electroencephalographic signals
Enhanced mental imagery and intact perceptual organization in schizotypal personality disorder
The effect of pleasant olfactory mental imagery on the incidence and extent of atelectasis in patients after open heart surgery
Computational model of enactive visuospatial mental imagery using saccadic perceptual actions
Using a foreign language reduces mental imagery
Intrinsic Neural Linkage between Primary Visual Area and Default Mode Network in Human Brain: Evidence from Visual Mental Imagery
Feeling happy when feeling down: The effectiveness of positive mental imagery in dysphoria
The Key of the Maze: The role of mental imagery and cognitive flexibility in navigational planning
Remembering verbally-presented items as pictures: Brain activity underlying visual mental images in schizophrenia patients with visual hallucinations
Research reportEvent-related potentials during encoding: Comparing unitization to relational processing
When math operations have visuospatial meanings versus purely symbolic definitions: Which solving stages and brain regions are affected?
Assessing the efficacy of imagery-enhanced cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
On the role of visual experience in mathematical development: Evidence from blind mathematicians
Thoughts, images, and appraisals associated with acting and not acting on the urge to self-injure
Eye movement during retrieval of emotional autobiographical memories
Action observation facilitates motor cortical activity in patients with stroke and hemiplegia
Design and evaluation of action observation and motor imagery based BCIs using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Motor imagery-based implicit sequence learning depends on the formation of stimulus-response associations
Physical proximity increases persuasive effectiveness through visual imagery
The role of dorsal premotor cortex in mental rotation: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Mental reinstatement of encoding context improves episodic remembering
Individual differences shape the content of visual representations
Shifting visual perspective during retrieval shapes autobiographical memories
An investigation of design studio performance in relation to creativity, spatial ability, and visual cognitive style
Improving Resident Performance in Oculoplastic Surgery: A New Curriculum Using Surgical Wet Laboratory Videos
Network modeling of resting state connectivity points towards the bottom up theories of schizophrenia
Assessing motor imagery in brain-computer interface training: Psychological and neurophysiological correlates
Mental Imagery Training Increases Wanting of Rewards and Reward Sensitivity and Reduces Depressive Symptoms
Visual perception and visual mental imagery of emotional faces generate similar expression aftereffects
Seeing light at the end of the tunnel: Positive prospective mental imagery and optimism in depression
Effects of a training in mental imagery on worry: A proof-of-principle study
Reality monitoring performance and the role of visual imagery in visual hallucinations
Challenge and threat imagery manipulates heart rate and anxiety responses to stress
Bidirectional contrast effects between taste perception and simulation: A simulation-induced adaptation mechanism
Development and Validation of a Mental Practice Tool for Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
Reorganization of the thalamocortical network in musicians
Mental imagery of face enhances face-sensitive event-related potentials to ambiguous visual stimuli
Effects of pleasant olfactory mental imagery on the arterial oxygenation in patients with open heart surgery: A randomized controlled trial
How language abstractness affects service referral persuasiveness
Is heart rate variability affected by distinct motor imagery strategies?
Mental training can improve physical activity behavior in adolescent girls
Overcoming lower imagery ability through process priming
Research reportMental rotation task specifically modulates functional connectivity strength of intrinsic brain activity in low frequency domains: A maximum uncertainty linear discriminant analysis
Alcohol related mental imagery: The effects of a priming dose in at risk drinkers
Acceptance- and imagery-based strategies can reduce chocolate cravings: A test of the elaborated-intrusion theory of desire
God imagery and affective outcomes in a spiritually integrative inpatient program

Negative mental imagery in public speaking anxiety: Forming cognitive resistance by taxing visuospatial working memory
Mental imagery of speech implicates two mechanisms of perceptual reactivation
Beyond visual imagery: How modality-specific is enhanced mental imagery in synesthesia?
Experiencing the temporally extended self: Initial support for the role of affective states, vivid mental imagery, and future self-continuity in the prediction of academic procrastination ☆
Imagining a brighter future: The effect of positive imagery training on mood, prospective mental imagery and emotional bias in older adults