The effect of prior knowledge on post-encoding brain connectivity and its relation to subsequent memory
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Alignment of alpha-band desynchronization with syntactic structure predicts successful sentence comprehension
Working memory cannot regulate overt emotional capture
Stress affects the neural ensemble for integrating new information and prior knowledge
Adolescent cannabis use and brain systems supporting adult working memory encoding, maintenance, and retrieval
Auditory enhancement of visual memory encoding is driven by emotional content of the auditory material and mediated by superior frontal cortex
Preferential consolidation of emotionally salient information during a nap is preserved in middle age
Memory allocation mechanisms underlie memory linking across time
An Excitatory Neural Assembly Encodes Short-Term Memory in the Prefrontal Cortex
The transformation of multi-sensory experiences into memories during sleep
Reward anticipation modulates the effect of stress-related increases in cortisol on episodic memory
Behavioral tagging and capture: long-term memory decline in middle-aged rats
Dissociation of immediate and delayed effects of emotional arousal on episodic memory
The late posterior negativity in episodic memory: A correlate of stimulus retrieval?
The involvement of alpha oscillations in voluntary attention directed towards encoding episodic memories
Reduced recognition and priming in older relative to young adults for incidental and intentional information
Human aging reduces the neurobehavioral influence of motivation on episodic memory
Impact of high sucrose diets on the discrimination of spatial and object memories with overlapping features
A neural model of retrospective attention in visual working memory
Effects of grasp compatibility on long-term memory for objects
Research reportNoradrenergic effects on olfactory perception and learning
Specifying the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in memory formation
The effect of encoding duration on implicit and explicit eyewitness memory
Network specialization during adolescence: Hippocampal effective connectivity in boys and girls
Episodic memory after trauma exposure: Medial temporal lobe function is positively related to re-experiencing and inversely related to negative affect symptoms
The neural correlates of self-referential memory encoding and retrieval in schizophrenia
Distinguishable memory retrieval networks for collaboratively and non-collaboratively learned information
Long-term effects of prenatal drug exposure on the neural correlates of memory at encoding and retrieval
The relation between working memory and language comprehension in signers and speakers
Neural activity reveals perceptual grouping in working memory
Does prediction error drive one-shot declarative learning?
Mental reinstatement of encoding context improves episodic remembering

Relate it! Objective and subjective evaluation of mediator-based strategies for improving source memory in younger and older adults
Selective attention meets spontaneous recognition memory: Evidence for effects at retrieval
Occipital, parietal, and frontal cortices selectively maintain task-relevant features of multi-feature objects in visual working memory
Amyloid-Beta Deposition is Associated with Increased Medial Temporal Lobe Activation during Memory Encoding in the Cognitively Normal Elderly
Harmony search based remodularization for object-oriented software systems
Emotional arousal impairs association-memory: Roles of amygdala and hippocampus
Multifaceted pattern of neural efficiency in working memory capacity
Learning terms and definitions: Drawing and the role of elaborative encoding
Cross-cultural differences in the neural correlates of specific and general recognition
Consolidation Promotes the Emergence of Representational Overlap in the Hippocampus and Medial Prefrontal Cortex
The effect of cortical and subcortical lesions on spontaneous expression of memory-encoded and emotionally infused information: Evidence for a role of the ventral stream
Regular articleSubjective memory complaints are associated with brain activation supporting successful memory encoding
Prefrontal activity and impaired memory encoding strategies in schizophrenia
Gender Differences in Episodic Encoding of Autobiographical Memory
Neural correlates of durable memories across the adult lifespan: brain activity at encoding and retrieval
Neural correlates of memory encoding and recognition for own-race and other-race faces in an associative-memory task
Contribution of stress and sex hormones to memory encoding
Laminar Organization of Encoding and Memory Reactivation in the Parietal Cortex
Gamma oscillatory activity is impaired in episodic memory encoding with age
Direct Brain Stimulation Modulates Encoding States and Memory Performance in Humans
Similar patterns of neural activity predict memory function during encoding and retrieval
Use of incidentally encoded memory from a single experience in cats
Eye movements reveal a dissociation between memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism
Sleep-mediated memory consolidation depends on the level of integration at encoding
Face working memory deficits in developmental prosopagnosia: Tests of encoding limits and updating processes
Transcranial direct current stimulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during encoding improves recall but not recognition memory
Priority CommunicationSelective Inhibition of Amygdala Neuronal Ensembles Encoding Nicotine-Associated Memories Inhibits Nicotine Preference and Relapse
A shared representation of order between encoding and recognition in visual short-term memory
Visual integration enhances associative memory equally for young and older adults without reducing hippocampal encoding activation
Age-related alterations in functional connectivity patterns during working memory encoding of emotional items
Differential medial temporal lobe morphometric predictors of item- and relational-encoded memories in healthy individuals and in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
Survival processing versus self-reference: A memory advantage following descriptive self-referential encoding
Cortical pattern separation and item-specific memory encoding

Preferential recruitment of the basolateral amygdala during memory encoding of negative scenes in posttraumatic stress disorder
The experiential blink: Mapping the cost of working memory encoding onto conscious perception in the attentional blink
Hippocampal dysfunction during declarative memory encoding in schizophrenia and effects of genetic liability
Anticipation of electric shocks modulates low beta power and event-related fields during memory encoding
Digital memory encoding in Chinese dyscalculia: An event-related potential study
The dissociable effects of stereotype threat on older adults’ memory encoding and retrieval
The relationships between age, associative memory performance, and the neural correlates of successful associative memory encoding