در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The economic and environmental values of the R&D investment in a renewable energy sector in South Korea
External knowledge sources, green innovation and performance
Investment decision for coastal urban development projects considering the impact of climate change: Case study of the Great Garuda Project in Indonesia
Empirical analysis of change metrics for software fault prediction
Financing eco cities and low carbon cities: The case of Shenzhen International Low Carbon City
The role of information technology for building virtual environments to integrate crowdsourcing mechanisms into the open innovation process
Exploring the links between software development task type, team attitudes and task completion performance: Insights from the Jazz repository
Managing inter-firm projects: A systematic review and directions for future research
Automatically classifying user requests in crowdsourcing requirements engineering

Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of publicly funded R&D consortia
Dilution of innovation utility, reinforcing the reluctance towards the new: An upstream supplier perspective on a fragmented electricity industry
An effective approach for software project effort and duration estimation with machine learning algorithms
Mechanism and policy combination of technical sustainable entrepreneurship crowdfunding in China: A system dynamics analysis
An intelligent algorithm for determination and optimization of productivity factors in upstream oil projects
Natural capital utilization based on a three-dimensional ecological footprint model: A case study in northern Shaanxi, China
Critical factors affecting the development of renewable energy power generation: Evidence from China
Lessons learned on development and application of agent-based models of complex dynamical systems
Identifying and analyzing barriers to offshore wind power development in China using the grey decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory approach
Technical debt and agile software development practices and processes: An industry practitioner survey
Systematic guidance on usability methods in user-centered software development
Coordinating innovation projects with high tech suppliers through contracts
Energy-environmental efficiency and optimal restructuring of the global economy
Learning from the past: A process recommendation system for video game projects using postmortems experiences
A comprehensive approach for the selection of a portfolio of interdependent projects. An application to subsidized projects in Spain
Comparing North-South technology transfer and South-South technology transfer: The technology transfer impact of Ethiopian Wind Farms
Resource configurations, product development capability, and competitive advantage: An empirical analysis of their evolution
Feasibility assessment & design of hybrid renewable energy based electric vehicle charging station in Bangladesh
Screening for postpartum anxiety: A quality improvement project to promote the screening of women suffering in silence
Performance evaluation of the Service Industry Innovation Research program: The application of a means-end chain
Harnessing business intelligence in smart grids: A case of the electricity market
Subsidiary knowledge creation in co-evolving contexts
Effort estimation in large-scale software development: An industrial case study
Energy system modeling: Public transparency, scientific reproducibility, and open development
In the eyes of the beholder: The effect of participant diversity on perceived merits of collaborative innovations
Evaluating subset selection methods for use case points estimation
The microfoundations of firms explorative innovation capabilities within the triple helix framework
Snowman: Agile development method with institutionalized communication and documentation for capstone projects
Encircling cities from rural areas? Barriers to the diffusion of solar water heaters in China's urban market
Development of Research and Innovation Capacity Index of HEIs on Disaster Resilience Related Studies
Exploring technology opportunities by visualizing patent information based on generative topographic mapping and link prediction
Sustainability of mega water diversion projects: Experience and lessons from China
Feature assignment in multi-release work plan: Accelerating optimization using gene clustering
The optimal research and development portfolio of low-carbon energy technologies: A study of China
Whose business is your project? A comparative study of different subsidy policy schemes for collaborative R&D
A Study into the Role of International Collaborations in Higher Education to Enhance Research Capacity for Disaster Resilience
Purchasing involvement in technologically uncertain new product development projects: Challenges and implications
Combined peer-to-peer feedback and continuous improvement associated with reduced injuries at Amtrak-Chicago
Self-induced learning vs. project-based supplier development for production ramp-up with two supply options
Dynamic subsidy model of photovoltaic distributed generation in China
Quantitative lifecycle risk analysis of the development of a just-in-time transportation network system
The contribution of innovation policy criteria to the development of local renewable energy systems
Evaluating predictors for brownfield redevelopment
Direct and cross scheme effects in a research and development subsidy program

Dynamic impact of uncertainty on R&D cooperation formation and research performance: Evidence from the bio-pharmaceutical industry
The economic benefits of big science R&D: With a focus on fusion R&D program in Korea
A multicriteria sorting approach based on data envelopment analysis for R&D project selection problem
Agency and strategic contracts: Theory and evidence from R&D agreements in the pharmaceutical industry
Nature-Based Solutions in the EU: Innovating with nature to address social, economic and environmental challenges
Future cost and performance of water electrolysis: An expert elicitation study
Strengthening the development of the short-rotation plantations bioenergy sector: Policy insights from six European countries
Use of Social Media Applications for Supporting New Product Development Processes in Multinational Corporations
The effect of process management on different types of innovations: An analytical modeling approach
Commercialization within Advanced Manufacturing: Value Stream Mapping as a Tool for Efficient Learning
Assessing technological developments in amorphous/glassy metallic alloys using patent indicators
The Australian South West Hub Project: Developing a Storage Project in Unconventional Geology
Creating change through pilot and demonstration projects: Towards a valuation policy approach
A geospatial analysis of land use and stormwater management on fecal coliform contamination in North Carolina streams
Beyond dual systems: A genetically-informed, latent factor model of behavioral and self-report measures related to adolescent risk-taking
A practical approach to comparative design of non-contact sensing techniques for seed flow rate detection
Design and performance attributes driving mobile travel application engagement
Opciones reales: una propuesta para valorar proyectos de I+D en centros públicos de investigación agraria
The dark side of knowledge transfer: Exploring knowledge leakage in joint R&D projects
Collaboration in Multi-Partner R&D Projects: The Impact of Partnering Scale and Scope
Antecedents of innovation impacts in publicly funded collaborative R&D projects