Human factors risk assessment and management: Process safety in engineering
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Risk regulation, community pressure and the use of management accounting in managing climate change risk: Australian evidence
Strategies for psychosocial risk management in manufacturing ☆
Service risk perceptions and risk management strategies in business-to-business tourism partnerships
A multidimensional approach to information security risk management using FMEA and fuzzy theory
Safety risk management for electrical transmission and distribution line construction
Risk management and managerial efficiency in Chinese banks: A network DEA framework
An empirical investigation on how portfolio risk management influences project portfolio success
Value-based performance and risk management in supply chains: A robust optimization approach
Strategic e-government development and the role of benchmarking
Higher growth through the Blue Ocean Strategy: Implications for economic policy
Entering new territory: A study of internal crisis management and crisis communication in organizations
Project risk management and design flexibility: Analysing a case and conditions of complementarity
The risk assessment model of BT construction engineering project financing
Risk analysis and risk management approaches applied to the petroleum industry and their applicability to IO concepts
Large engineering project risk management using a Bayesian belief network

Towards integrating construction risk management and stakeholder management: A systematic literature review and future research agendas
The moderating impact of supply network topology on the effectiveness of risk management
A new risk-based authentication management model oriented on user's experience
Fuzzy cognitive maps for adverse drug event risk management
A quality function deployment-based framework for the risk management of hazardous material transportation process
Supply chain risk network management: A Bayesian belief network and expected utility based approach for managing supply chain risks
Risk- and value-based management for non-life insurers under solvency constraints
Resource management under endogenous risk of expropriation
Forgotten ureteral stents: Risk factors, complications and management
Liquidity risk and maturity management over the credit cycle
Feasibility study of a targeted self-management intervention for reducing stroke risk factors in a high-risk population in Uganda
Towards resilient flood risk management for Asian coastal cities: Lessons learned from Hong Kong and Singapore
Risk Factors and Management of Dural Defects in Anterior Surgery for Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
Awareness, Determinants and Value of Reputation Risk Management: Empirical Evidence from the Banking and Insurance Industry
Risk and Resilience Monitor: Development of multiscale and multilevel indicators for disaster risk management for the communes and urban areas of Chile
Interest rate risk management with debt issues: Evidence from Europe
Risk management for forestry planning under uncertainty in demand and prices
Do organizations use a formalized risk management process to address social media risk?
Flexible inverse adaptive fuzzy inference model to identify the evolution of operational value at risk for improving operational risk management
Stock options and credit default swaps in risk management
An empirical analysis of corporate currency risk management policies and practices
The Development of a Risk Management System in the Field of Industrial Safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Building Urban Resilience for Disaster Risk Management and Disaster Risk Reduction
Risk-based underground pipeline safety management considering corrosion effect
The Influence of Organizational External Factors on Construction Risk Management among Nigerian Construction Companies
Trends in cardiovascular risk factor management in type 1 diabetes by sex
Risk modelling as a tool to support natural hazard risk management in New Zealand local government
Effects of risks on the performance of business process outsourcing projects: The moderating roles of knowledge management capabilities
Developing an integrated risk management framework for agricultural water conveyance and distribution systems within fuzzy decision making approaches
Workplace risk management practices to prevent musculoskeletal and mental health disorders: What are the gaps?
Coping with risk management and fill rate in the loss-averse newsvendor model
Integrating a national risk assessment into a disaster risk management system: Process and practice
Developing a holistic model for earthquake risk assessment and disaster management interventions in urban fabrics
Shipping risk management practice revisited: A new portfolio approach
Risk management of hazardous substances in a circular economy
Effects of Risk Management Practice on the Success of IT Project
Corporate risk management, product market competition, and disclosure
A systems approach to risk analysis validation for risk management
Derivation of endogenous equivalent values to support risk assessment and risk management decisions for an endogenous carcinogen: Ethylene oxide
Implementing risk management to reduce injuries in the U.S. Fire Service
An evaluation of a risk-based environmental regulation in Brazil: Limitations to risk management of hazardous installations
Parameter estimation risk in asset pricing and risk management: A Bayesian approach
A risk management framework for distributed agile projects
The role of Foresight in avoiding systematic failure of natural disaster risk management
Project risk management: A deterministic quantitative technique for assessment and mitigation
Failure risk control for aeroengine turbine disks based on active thermal management