Management accounting innovations in a time of economic crisis
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The real-time power of Twitter: Crisis management and leadership in an age of social media
Leadership in Crisis Management: Separation of Leadership and Executive Concepts ☆
Data Preparation for Logistic Modeling of Flood Crisis Management ☆
Entering new territory: A study of internal crisis management and crisis communication in organizations
Strategic e-government development and the role of benchmarking
Strategic environmental assessment for sustainability: A review of a decade of academic research

مدیریت بحران و خارج شدن از بحران: چگونگی عملکرد رستوران های هنگ کنگ در برابر بیماری حاد تنفسی "سارس"
Crisis management and recovery: how restaurants in Hong Kong responded to SARS
Crisis management and the discourse of renewal: understanding the potential for positive outcomes of crisis
Stock options and credit default swaps in risk management
One page project management application on flood preparedness: case study of Thailand
Using the media's tweets to broaden previous conceptualizations of political travel risks
Factors that influence organisational crisis perception from an internal stakeholderâs point of view
Solving the crisis: When agency is the preferred leadership for implementing change
Exploring the relationship between corporate reputation and the publicâs crisis communication on social media
Investigating the resilience of civil infrastructure firms in New Zealand
Resilience of the US securities industry to the global financial crisis
Investor sentiment and evaporating liquidity during the financial crisis
Enclosing the Urban Commons: Crises for the Commons and Commoners
What drives bank efficiency? The interaction of bank income diversification and ownership
Asymmetric volatility varies in different dry bulk freight rate markets under structure breaks
The impact of the financial crisis and austerity policies on the service quality of public hospitals in Greece
Bank CEO materialism: Risk controls, culture and tail risk
Analyzing nuclear expertise support to population protection decision making process during nuclear emergencies
In good times and in bad: Defined-benefit pensions and corporate financial policy
Software services for supporting remote crisis management
Batch-based active learning: Application to social media data for crisis management
Acquiring skills in malignant hyperthermia crisis management: comparison of high-fidelity simulation versus computer-based case study
The role of external experts in crisis situations: A research synthesis of 114 post-crisis evaluation reports in the Netherlands
Optimal investment risks and debt management with backup security in a financial crisis
A simulation framework for crisis management: Design and use
Business resilience: A study of Auckland hospitality sector
Reflections to move forward: Where destination crisis management research needs to go
Effect of sleep deprivation after a night shift duty on simulated crisis management by residents in anaesthesia. A randomised crossover study
Symbiotic relationship or not? Understanding resilience and crisis management in tourism
Net Working Capital Management Strategies in the Construction Enterprises Listed on the NewConnect Market
Catalytic defiance as a crisis communication strategy: The risk of pursuing long-term objectives
Geographies of crisis in Greece: A social well-being approach
Islamic or conventional mutual funds: Who has the upper hand? Evidence from Malaysia
Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines?
Holding out for a better deal: Brinkmanship in the Greek bailout negotiations
A spatial-temporal vulnerability assessment to support the building of community resilience against power outage impacts
Examining the reduction in potable water consumption by households in Catalonia (Spain): Structural and contingent factors
CEO equity compensation and earnings management: The role of growth opportunities
Early crisis nontechnical skill teaching in residency leads to long-term skill retention and improved performance during crises: A prospective, nonrandomized controlled study
Multifractal cross-correlations between crude oil and tanker freight rate
Board diversity and financial fragility: Evidence from European banks
The liquidity impact on firm values: The evidence of Taiwan's banking industry
Organizational culture and leadership style: The missing combination for selecting the right leader for effective crisis management
A framework for interoperability assessment in crisis management
Training decision-makers: Existing strategies for natural and technological crisis management and specifications of an improved simulation-based tool
The Use of Crisis Management Information Systems In Rescue Operations of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Finance-oriented directors and crisis management: Blissful ignorance in the hospitality industry?
Population-production-pollution nexus based air pollution management model for alleviating the atmospheric crisis in Beijing, China
So you want to conduct a randomised trial? Learnings from a 'failed' feasibility study of a Crisis Resource Management prompt during simulated paediatric resuscitation
Crisis Communication in Libraries: Opportunity for New Roles in Public Relations
Mobile applications in crisis informatics literature: A systematic review
The way we live now: Financialization and securitization
A balance theory approach to stakeholder network and apology strategy
User Interface of Atmospheric Dispersion Simulations for Nuclear Emergency Countermeasures
An agent-based Decision Support System for resources' scheduling in Emergency Supply Chains
Communication in times of crisis: The stakeholder relationship under pressure
A new marketing mix model to rescue the hospitality industry: Evidence from Egypt after the Arab Spring
Perceptions of crisis preparedness and motivation: A study among municipal leaders
The relation between auditor reputation, earnings and capital management in the banking sector: An international investigation
Application of two under-researched typologies in crisis communication: Ethics of justice vs. care and public relations vs. legal strategies
A hybrid approach to decision making and information fusion: Combining humans and artificial agents
The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk using Ontologies
Better safe than sorry: Why organizations in crisis should never hesitate to steal thunder
The effect of stress and dissatisfaction on employees during crisis
Terror Threats Life Cycles Controlling Using Crisis Management during Environmental Metamorphoses ☆
Crisis Management Simulations: Lessons Learned from a Cross-cultural Perspective ☆