The measurement of revenue inefficiency over time: An additive perspective
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Do health information technology investments impact hospital financial performance and productivity?
How to promote energy efficiency through technological progress in China?
Productivity, financial constraints and outward foreign direct investment: Firm-level evidence
Forest property taxation under the generalized Faustmann formula
Fractal attractors and singular invariant measures in two-sector growth models with random factor shares
Why European banks are less profitable than U.S. banks: A decomposition approach
A cross-country analysis of total factor productivity using micro-level data
Land productivity and plot size: Is measurement error driving the inverse relationship?
Are private and social goals aligned in pasture-based dairy production?
Improving eco-efficiency for the sustainable agricultural production: A case study in Shandong, China
Impact of the severity of hypoglycemia on health - Related quality of life, productivity, resource use, and costs among US patients with type 2 diabetes
Electrical energy poverty among micro-enterprises: Indices estimation approach for the city of Ibadan, Nigeria
Work Productivity Loss After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Designing and verifying a disassembly line approach to cope with the upsurge of end-of-life vehicles in China
A re-examination of the impact of irrigation on rice production in Benin: An application of the endogenous switching model
Vegetation responses to sagebrush-reduction treatments measured by satellites
Decreasing the diesel fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of industrial in-field chipping operations
Environmental impacts and resource use of milk production on the North China Plain, based on life cycle assessment
Combating desertification in China: Monitoring, control, management and revegetation
Energy efficiency, productivity and exporting: Firm-level evidence in Latin America
Efficiency, productivity gains, and the size of Brazilian supermarkets
Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest
What's in a number? How (and why) measuring research productivity in different ways changes the gender gap
Globalization and productivity: A robust nonparametric world frontier analysis
Performance of portfolios of climate smart agriculture practices in a rice-wheat system of western Indo-Gangetic plains
How did urban polycentricity and dispersion affect economic productivity? A case study of 306 Chinese cities
Measuring the size of the shadow economy using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends
Resource allocation and productivity across provinces in China
Productivity Benefits of Medical Care: Evidence from US-Based Randomized Clinical Trials
Statistical inference in efficient production with bad inputs and outputs using latent prices and optimal directions
The Impact of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Workforce Productivity in an Iranian Petrochemical Industry
Productivity in Pediatric Palliative Care: Measuring and Monitoring an Elusive Metric
Energy efficiency of airlines and its influencing factors: A comparison between China and the United States
Do Slow and Steady Residents Win the Race? Modeling the Effects of Peak and Overall Resident Productivity in the Emergency Department
Misallocations and policy constraints on mergers in the modern manufacturing sector
Environmental management and labour productivity: The moderating role of capital intensity
Graph productivity change measure using the least distance to the pareto-efficient frontier in data envelopment analysis
Mental health and productivity at work: Does what you do matter?

Productivity and environmental costs from intensification of farming. A panel data analysis across EU regions
Ecosystem implications of conserving endemic versus eradicating introduced large herbivores in the Galapagos Archipelago
Managing the trade-offs among yield increase, water resources inputs and greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated wheat production systems
Monitoring breeding herd production data to detect PRRSV outbreaks
Looking at Pro-Poor Growth from an Agricultural Perspective
Aggregate uncertainty and sectoral productivity growth: The role of credit constraints
Measuring System Optimization to Increase Productivity
Cost-optimal renovation solutions to maximize environmental performance, indoor thermal conditions and productivity of office buildings in cold climate
A remark on the definition of the FäreâLovell measure for infeasible production vectors: implication for the Luenberger productivity indicator
Energy productivity evaluation of large scale building energy efficiency programs for Oman
Foreign direct investment, productivity and the technology gap in African economies
Dynamics of green productivity growth for major Chinese urban agglomerations
Improving agricultural water productivity to ensure food security in China under changing environment: From research to practice
Estimating Malmquist productivity indexes using probabilistic directional distances: An application to the European banking sector
A multi-modal architecture for non-intrusive analysis of performance in the workplace
Carbon productivity growth, technological innovation, and technology gap change of coal-fired power plants in China
Method for including the economic value of indoor climate as design criterion in optimisation of office building design
Productivity growth in urban freight transport: An index number approach
Total factor productivity or labor productivity? Firm heterogeneity and location choice of multinationals
Using Workers Compatibility to Predict Labor Productivity through Cluster Analysis
Analysis on pure e-commerce congestion effect, productivity effect and profitability in China
Labor productivity and employment gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa
Assessing physician productivity following Norwegian hospital reform: A panel and data envelopment analysis
Structural change and economic growth: Empirical evidence and policy insights from Asian economies
Local context, academic entrepreneurship and open science: Publication secrecy and commercial activity among Japanese and US scientists
A SWOT analysis of successful construction waste management
Implementing electronic lab order entry management in hospitals: Incremental strategies lead to better productivity outcomes
Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade