Distributed and opposing effects of incidental learning in the human brain
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Evaluating contingency approaches to information systems design
The relationship between user participation and system success: a simultaneous contingency approach
Mobile contingency management as an adjunctive treatment for co-morbid cannabis use disorder and cigarette smoking
Enhancement of power system voltage stability in multi-carrier energy systems
Energy and reserve scheduling under ambiguity on renewable probability distribution
Rapid assessment of maximum distributed generation output based on security distance for interconnected distribution networks
Cost-effective way to reduce stimulant-abuse among gay/bisexual men and transgender women: a randomized clinical trial with a cost comparison
Trade credit and replenishment decisions considering default risk
Assessment of power grid vulnerabilities accounting for stochastic loads and model imprecision
Inferring the interaction structure of resistance to antimicrobials
Rethinking organizational design for managing multiple projects

Placement and sizing of battery energy storage for primary frequency control in an isolated section of the Mexican power system
Failure of Reconciliation in Sri Lanka and risk of reproduction of war?
Towards measuring the semantic capacity of a physical medium demonstrated with elementary cellular automata
Techno-economic and business case assessment of multi-energy microgrids with co-optimization of energy, reserve and reliability services
An effective load shedding remedial action scheme considering wind farms generation
Answering the Call of Duty: Everyday encounters with the popular geopolitics of military-themed videogames
Abnormal perceptual sensitivity in body-focused repetitive behaviors
Age, sex, qualifications and voting at recent English general elections: an alternative exploratory approach
Understanding the link between contingency management and smoking cessation: The roles of sex and self-efficacy
Scalable corrective security-constrained economic dispatch considering conflicting contingencies
The role of contingency factors on the relationship between sustainability practices and organizational performance
Contingency-constrained robust transmission expansion planning under uncertainty
A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial for cocaine cessation and relapse prevention: Tailoring treatment to the individual
Relating to the Experience of Contingency in Patients With Advanced Cancer: An Interview Study in U.S. Patients
A new reliability assessment approach for integrated energy systems: Using hierarchical decoupling optimization framework and impact-increment based state enumeration method
Analyzing the Static Security Functions of a Power System Dynamic Security Assessment Toolbox
Event-based scheduling of industrial technical virtual power plant considering wind and market prices stochastic behaviors - A case study in Iran
Tree searching heuristic algorithm for multi-stage transmission planning considering security constraints via genetic algorithm
A configuration of sustainable sourcing and supply management strategies
Are people willing to share their political opinions on Facebook? Exploring roles of self-presentational concern in spiral of silence
Discrete event simulation of long-duration space station operations for rapid evaluation
How prior investments of time, money, and employee hires influence time to exit a distressed venture, and the extent to which contingency planning helps
A comprehensive approach for wind turbine generation allocation with accurate analysis of load curtailment using nested programming
Online group buying: Some insights from the business-to-business perspective
Management of major vascular injury during pedicle screw instrumentation of thoracolumbar spine
Real time procurement of energy and operating reserve from Renewable Energy Sources in deregulated environment considering imbalance penalties
Avoiding the political in transition: A micro-analysis of the micro-politics of conflict
A microscopic model for optimal train short-turnings during complete blockages
A time-extended network model for staged evacuation planning
A marine accident analysing model to evaluate potential operational causes in cargo ships
Electricity demand planning forecasts should consider climate non-stationarity to maintain reserve margins during heat waves
Exercise as an Adjunctive Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: Rationale and Intervention Description
A simulation approach to modelling baggage handling systems at an international airport
Learning not to respond: Role of the hippocampus in withholding responses during omission training
From avoidance to approach: The influence of threat-of-shock on reward-based decision making
The empirical link between export dispersion and export performance: A contingency-based approach
Power system security assessment for multiple contingencies using multiway decision tree
A decision support tool for transient stability preventive control
Grounding the experience of a visual field through sensorimotor contingencies
Off the rails: The cost performance of infrastructure rail projects
Regression-based statistical mediation and moderation analysis in clinical research: Observations, recommendations, and implementation
Application of swarm based intelligent computing algorithms for dynamic evaluation of maximum loadability of transmission network
Optimal transmission network expansion planning in real-sized power systems with high renewable penetration
Reliability aspects of rock tunnel design with the observational method
Estimation Techniques in Robust Vision-Based Landing of Aerial Vehicles
A method for measuring and valuing transport time variability in logistics and cost benefit analysis
CEO duality and firm performance: The moderating roles of other executives and blockholding outside directors
A dual narrative-modelling approach for evaluating socio-technical transitions in electricity sectors
Adaptive Immune System reinforcement Learning-Based algorithm for real-time Cascading Failures prevention
Responsive contingency planning of capacitated supply networks under disruption risks
Governance and governmentality in projects: Profiles and relationships with success
Scheme design considering network topology and multi-attribute decision-making for under frequency load shedding
Lifecycle Based User Value Analysis of Rail - Road Level Crossings: Probabilistic Approach Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Integration and responsiveness in subsidiaries in emerging economies
Innovation processes: Which process for which project?
Subsidiary autonomy and performance in Japanese multinationals in Europe