Implementation of Genetic Algorithm Based Additive and Divisive Clustering Techniques for Unit Commitment
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Guided genetic algorithm for dome optimization against instability with discrete variables
Optimization of the marinelli beaker dimensions using genetic algorithm
A genetic algorithm for multigroup energy structure search
Two-echelon logistics distribution region partitioning problem based on a hybrid particle swarm optimization–genetic algorithm
Social networks and genetic algorithms to choose committees with independent members
Multi-objective path finding in stochastic time-dependent road networks using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
Optimization of a passive vibration absorber for a barrel using the genetic algorithm
Targeting High Value Customers While Under Resource Constraint: Partial Order Constrained Optimization with Genetic Algorithm
Optimization of teacher volunteer transferring problems using greedy genetic algorithms
A proposed iteration optimization approach integrating backpropagation neural network with genetic algorithm
Reliability and topology based network design using pattern mining guided genetic algorithm
Pattern generation for multi-class LAD using iterative genetic algorithm with flexible chromosomes and multiple populations
An evolutionary-based methodology for symbolic simplification of analog circuits using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing
Coupling a genetic algorithm approach and a discrete event simulator to design mixed-model un-paced assembly lines with parallel workstations and stochastic task times
Intelligent road adaptive suspension system design using an experts’ based hybrid genetic algorithm
Weight restrictions in Data Envelopment Analysis: A comprehensive Genetic Algorithm based approach for incorporating value judgments
Quantifying the risk of project delays with a genetic algorithm
New genetic algorithms for contingencies selection in the static security analysis of electric power systems
Detection of masses in mammograms with adaption to breast density using genetic algorithm, phylogenetic trees, LBP and SVM
A new evolutionary approach for neural spike detection based on genetic algorithm
An improved genetic algorithm based approach to solve constrained knapsack problem in fuzzy environment
An Artificial Neural Network based expert system fitted with Genetic Algorithms for detecting the status of several rotary components in agro-industrial machines using a single vibration signal
Genetic algorithms for credit scoring: Alternative fitness function performance comparison
A novel case adaptation method based on an improved integrated genetic algorithm for power grid wind disaster emergencies
A genetic algorithm-based decomposition approach to solve an integrated equipment-workforce-service planning problem ☆
Modeling slump of ready mix concrete using genetic algorithms assisted training of Artificial Neural Networks
Hierarchical multi-class LAD based on OvA-binary tree using genetic algorithm
Order batching in a pick-and-pass warehousing system with group genetic algorithm ☆
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with nighttime work and simultaneous work constraints: A case study from the transformer industry
A genetic algorithm-based learning approach to understand customer satisfaction with OTA websites
Effective hierarchical optimization by a hierarchical multi-space competitive genetic algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem
An auto-tuning PID control system based on genetic algorithms to provide delay guarantees in Passive Optical Networks
Binary tree optimization using genetic algorithm for multiclass support vector machine
A hybrid model of genetic algorithm with local search to discover linguistic data summaries from creep data
Construction scheduling using Genetic Algorithm based on Building Information Model
Gait modification and optimization using neural network–genetic algorithm approach: Application to knee rehabilitation
Knowledge discovery using genetic algorithm for maritime situational awareness
A Genetic Algorithm-based optimization model for supporting green transportation operations
A genetic algorithm approach for multi-product multi-period continuous review inventory models

Modeling and optimization for microstructural properties of Al/SiC nanocomposite by artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
Optimizing parameters of support vector machine using fast messy genetic algorithm for dispute classification
An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm to design finite impulse response filters
Entropy based region reducing genetic algorithm for reliability redundancy allocation in interval environment
Greedy-search-based multi-objective genetic algorithm for emergency logistics scheduling
Text classification using genetic algorithm oriented latent semantic features

Study of image retrieval and classification based on adaptive features using genetic algorithm feature selection
Genetic algorithm-based heuristic for feature selection in credit risk assessment
An economic policy for noise control in industry using genetic algorithm
A novel fault diagnosis model for gearbox based on wavelet support vector machine with immune genetic algorithm
A methodology for the geometric design of heat recovery steam generators applying genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms applied to phasor estimation and frequency tracking in PMU development
Cyclic electric load forecasting by seasonal SVR with chaotic genetic algorithm
Nondestructive characterization of tie-rods by means of dynamic testing, added masses and genetic algorithms
Combined heat and power economic emission dispatch using nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II
A non dominated ranking Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm and electre method for unequal area facility layout problems
Multi-objective portfolio selection model with fuzzy random returns and a compromise approach-based genetic algorithm
Multiple sourcing under supplier failure risk and quantity discount: A genetic algorithm approach
Train re-scheduling with genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for single-track railways
Manufacturing Network Design for Mass Customisation using a Genetic Algorithm and an Intelligent Search Method
A rough penalty genetic algorithm for constrained optimization
On the use of niching genetic algorithms for variable selection in solar radiation estimation
A genetic algorithm approach for a single hoist scheduling problem with time windows constraints
Optimization of electronic nose sensor array by genetic algorithms in Xihu-Longjing Tea quality analysis
Utilizing artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms to build an algo-trading model for intra-day foreign exchange speculation
Solder joint inspection based on neural network combined with genetic algorithm
Real-coded Genetic Algorithm for system identification and tuning of a modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller for a hybrid tank system
Optimal design of electromagnetic devices: Development of an efficient optimization tool based on smart mutation operations implemented in a genetic algorithm
Robust manufacturing system design using multi objective genetic algorithms, Petri nets and Bayesian uncertainty representation
Multi-objective optimization of laser-welded steel sandwich panels for static loads using a genetic algorithm
Fast optimization of nano-CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator using polynomial regression and genetic algorithm
Multi-level genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained re-entrant scheduling problem in the flow shop
Genetic algorithm to the machine repair problem with two removable servers operating under the triadic (0, Q, N, M) policy
A comparative study of genetic algorithms for the multi-objective optimization of composite stringers under compression loads