Vehicle sideslip angle measurement based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Several variants of Kalman Filter algorithm for power system harmonic estimation
Identification of synchronous generator model with frequency control using unscented Kalman filter
Optimal Kalman Filter for state estimation of a quadrotor UAV
Stable force identification in structural dynamics using Kalman filtering and dummy-measurements
Effective Kalman filtering algorithm for distributed multichannel speech enhancement
Reliability based impact localization in composite panels using Bayesian updating and the Kalman filter
A dynamic load estimation method for nonlinear structures with unscented Kalman filter
Fault detection and diagnosis algorithms for an open-cycle liquid propellant rocket engine using the Kalman filter and fault factor methods
A chaos genetic algorithm based extended Kalman filter for the available capacity evaluation of lithium-ion batteries
Virtual microphone sensing through vibro-acoustic modelling and Kalman filtering
An adaptive three-stage extended Kalman filter for nonlinear discrete-time system in presence of unknown inputs
Remaining useful life estimation in aeronautics: Combining data-driven and Kalman filtering
A modified temporal criterion to meta-optimize the extended Kalman filter for land cover classification of remotely sensed time series
State and force observers based on multibody models and the indirect Kalman filter
Application of adaptive Kalman filter in vehicle laser Doppler velocimetry
Constraining the ensemble Kalman filter for improved streamflow forecasting
Adaptive robust cubature Kalman filtering for satellite attitude estimation
Improved image processing-based crop detection using Kalman filtering and the Hungarian algorithm
Dual Kalman filter for estimating load-free human motion kinematic energy expenditure
Real-time forecasting of fire in a two-story building using ensemble Kalman filter method
Kalman filter for mobile-robot attitude estimation: Novel optimized and adaptive solutions
Estimation of single plane unbalance parameters of a rotor-bearing system using Kalman filtering based force estimation technique
Distributed Kalman filtering for robust state estimation over wireless sensor networks under malicious cyber attacks
Robust extended fractional Kalman filter for nonlinear fractional system with missing measurements
Data assimilation for phase-field models based on the ensemble Kalman filter
Non-Gaussian parameter estimation using generalized polynomial chaos expansion with extended Kalman filtering
Nonlinear Kalman filters for aircraft engine gas path health estimation with measurement uncertainty
State of Charge estimation via extended Kalman filter designed for electrochemical equations
Fuzzy extended Kalman filter for dynamic mobile localization in urban area using wireless network
A reduced order model based on Kalman filtering for sequential data assimilation of turbulent flows
Desensitized cubature Kalman filter with uncertain parameters
An adaptive Kalman filter estimating process noise covariance
Distributed extended Kalman filter with nonlinear consensus estimate
Analysis of bias in an Ebola epidemic model by extended Kalman filter approach
Estimating the credibility of Brazilian monetary policy using a Kalman filter approach
Stable Kalman filter and neural network for the chaotic systems identification
A two-update ensemble Kalman filter for land hydrological data assimilation with an uncertain constraint
Research articleAnalyses of integrated aircraft cabin contaminant monitoring network based on Kalman consensus filter
Three examples of the stability properties of the invariant extended Kalman filter *
Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter using Maximum Likelihood Estimation*
On stability of the Kalman filter for discrete time output error systems
Cubature Kalman filter-based chaotic synchronization and image encryption
Robust double gain unscented Kalman filter for small satellite attitude estimation
Parameter Estimations of Heston Model Based on Consistent Extended Kalman Filter
A probabilistic collocation based iterative Kalman filter for landfill data assimilation
Event-triggered Kalman-consensus filter for two-target tracking sensor networks
Dependence of Locomotive Adhesion Force Estimation by a Kalman Filter on the Filter Settings
A hybrid Bayesian Kalman filter and applications to numerical wind speed modeling
A Kalman filter adapted to the estimation of mean gradients in the large-eddy simulation of unsteady turbulent flows
Bearings-only maneuvering target tracking based on truncated quadrature Kalman filtering
Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter design for hybridoma cell fed-batch and continuous cultures.
A linear model based on Kalman filter for improving neural network classification performance
Hybrid solar irradiance now-casting by fusing Kalman filter and regressor
Adaptive Sliding Kalman Filter using Nonparametric Change Point Detection
An adaptive cubature Kalman filter algorithm for inertial and land-based navigation system
A novel human–manipulators interface using hybrid sensors with Kalman filter and particle filter
Autonomous robotic capture of non-cooperative target by adaptive extended Kalman filter based visual servo
Acoustic velocity measurement by means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry: Development of an Extended Kalman Filter and validation in free-field measurement

Remaining useful life prediction based on noisy condition monitoring signals using constrained Kalman filter
Stability of consensus extended Kalman filter for distributed state estimation ☆
Kalman filter for adaptive learning of look-up tables with application to automotive battery resistance estimation
Performance evaluation of Cubature Kalman filter in a GPS/IMU tightly-coupled navigation system
On the stability of the continuous-time Kalman filter subject to exponentially decaying perturbations
A polynomial chaos based square-root Kalman filter for Mars entry navigation
Predicting building's corners hygrothermal behavior by using a Fuzzy inference system combined with clustering and Kalman filter
Vehicle tractive force prediction with robust and windup-stable Kalman filters
The stability analysis of the adaptive three-stage Kalman filter
Time–frequency analysis based on Vold-Kalman filter and higher order energy separation for fault diagnosis of wind turbine planetary gearbox under nonstationary conditions
Analysis of a robust Kalman filter in loosely coupled GPS/INS navigation system
Square Root Cubature Kalman Filter-Kalman Filter Algorithm for Intelligent Vehicle Position Estimate ☆
Robust unscented Kalman filter with adaptation of process and measurement noise covariances
Inertial/celestial-based fuzzy adaptive unscented Kalman filter with Covariance Intersection algorithm for satellite attitude determination