رفتار خودآزاری/خودکشی را میتوان با اعتیاد به اینترنت در میان نوجوانان پیشبینی کند: تحقیق آیندهنگر
Internet Addiction among Adolescents May Predict Self-Harm/Suicidal Behavior: A Prospective Study
Internet Addiction among Adolescents May Predict Self-Harm/Suicidal Behavior: A Prospective Study
Associations between friends, academic emotions and achievement: Individual differences in enjoyment and boredom
Age-related differences in the neural correlates of empathy for pleasant and unpleasant touch in a female sample
The role of sensorimotor processes in social group contagion
The support-control continuum: An investigation of staff perspectives on factors influencing the success or failure of de-escalation techniques for the management of violence and aggression in mental health settings
Courtesy stigma: A concealed consternation among caregivers of people affected by leprosy
Human behavioural discrimination of human, chimpanzee and macaque affective vocalisations is reflected by the neural response in the superior temporal sulcus
Doing what your neighbour does: neighbour proximity, familiarity and postural alignment increase behavioural mimicry
Meeting others virtually in a day-to-day setting: Investigating social avoidance and prosocial behavior towards avatars and agents
A taxonomy and state of the art revision on affective games
Social media in the mentorship and networking of physicians: Important role for women in surgical specialties
The relationship between the Dark Tetrad and a two-dimensional view of empathy
Engagement, resilience and empathy in nursing assistants
Evolution of emotional contagion in group-living animals
The effects of oxytocin on social cognition in borderline personality disorder
Do cultural norms affect social network behavior inappropriateness? A global study
Stress-induced flexibility and individuality in female and male zebra finch distance calls
The relative persuasiveness of narrative versus non-narrative health messages in public health emergency communication: Evidence from a field experiment
Agent-based computational models to explore diffusion of medical innovations among cardiologists
When are influentials equally influenceable? The strength of strong ties in new product adoption
Individual differences in the intentionality bias and its association with cognitive empathy
The associations between callous-unemotional traits and emotional awareness in youth
Exploring the effects of specialist versus generalist embodied virtual agents in a multi-product category online store
The role of emotions in the choice to adopt, or resist, innovations by Irish dairy farmers
Getting emotional: An emotion-cognition dual-factor model of crisis communication
Using real life incidents for creating realistic virtual crowds with data-driven emotion contagion
An agent-based model for emotion contagion and competition in online social media
Socio-material network analysis: A mixed method study of five European artistic collectives
Affect and leader-member exchange in the new millennium: A state-of-art review and guiding framework
Mother natural: Motivations and associations for consuming natural foods
An emotional contagion model for heterogeneous social media with multiple behaviors
The interpersonal effects of emotion intensity in customer service: Perceived appropriateness and authenticity of attendants' emotional displays shape customer trust and satisfaction
Perceived stigma and associated factors among children and adolescents with epilepsy in south western Uganda: A cross sectional study
Understanding social viewing through discussion network and emotion: A focus on South Korean presidential debates
Charismatic leadership: Eliciting and channeling follower emotions
Don't walk in her shoes! Different forms of perspective taking affect stress physiology
Contagious trauma: Reframing the spatial mobility of trauma within advocacy work
Observed Differences in Corruption between Asia and Africa: The Industrial Organization of Corruption and Its Cure
Traumatic stress symptoms after the November 13th 2015 Terrorist Attacks among Young Adults: The relation to media and emotion regulation
The ward as emotional ecology: Adolescent experiences of managing mental health and distress in psychiatric inpatient settings
Experimental investigation of cognitive and affective empathy in borderline personality disorder: Effects of ambiguity in multimodal social information processing
Key players in conservation diffusion: Using social network analysis to identify critical injection points
A developmental perspective on the neural bases of human empathy
Aberrant link between empathy and social attribution style in borderline personality disorder
Measuring the unimaginable: Imaginative resistance to fiction and related constructs
Social stress contagion in rats: Behavioural, autonomic and neuroendocrine correlates
Emotional states and emotional contagion in pigs after exposure to a positive and negative treatment
The contagion effect of international crude oil price fluctuations on Chinese stock market investor sentiment
School poverty effects on trajectories of child behaviour: Do they depend on gender and ethnicity?
Patient health records: An exploratory study of patient satisfaction
Is the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy measuring two or five dimensions? Evidence in a French sample
A computational model to simulate development and recovery of traumatised patients
Observational fear learning in degus is correlated with temporal vocalization patterns
The depicted service employee in marketing communications: An empirical assessment of the impact of facial happiness
Clinically differentiating life-course-persistent and adolescence-limited conduct problems: Is age-of-onset really enough?
Facial emotion recognition, theory of mind and the role of facial mimicry in depression
Specifying and testing the design rationale of social robots for behavior change in children
How do you feel today? Managing patient emotions during health care experiences to enhance well-being
Why do audiences choose to keep watching on live video streaming platforms? An explanation of dual identification framework
You and me: Investigating the role of self-evaluative emotion in preschool prosociality
Modeling multi-level mechanisms of environmental attitudes and behaviours: The example of carsharing in Berlin
Depressive symptoms, friend distress, and self-blame: Risk factors for adolescent peer victimization
Happy classes make happy students: Classmates' well-being predicts individual student well-being
The emotional link: Leadership and the role of implicit and explicit emotional contagion processes across multiple organizational levels