How social support influences university students' academic achievement and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of self-esteem
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Associations between friends, academic emotions and achievement: Individual differences in enjoyment and boredom
Predictive Factors Associated with Academic Performance in College Students
The role of Personality Traits and Intelligence in Academic Achievement of Russian High School Students
Metacognitive monitoring of working memory performance and its relationship to academic achievement in Grade 4 children
School building condition, school attendance, and academic achievement in New York City public schools: A mediation model
Effortful control is associated with children's school functioning via learning-related behaviors

Socioeconomic disparities in academic achievement: A multi-modal investigation of neural mechanisms in children and adolescents
Crossing the bridge to elementary school: The development of childrenâs working memory components in relation to teacher-student relationships and academic achievement
The effect of neighborhood context on childrenâs academic achievement in China: Exploring mediating mechanisms
Trajectories of teacher-student warmth and conflict at the transition to middle school: Effects on academic engagement and achievement
Mentor Support Provisions Scale: Measure dimensionality, measurement invariance, and associations with adolescent school functioning
More enjoyment, less anxiety and boredom: How achievement emotions relate to academic self-concept and teachers' diagnostic skills
Subjective well-being and academic achievement: A meta-analysis
The roles of anxious and prosocial behavior in early academic performance: A population-based study examining unique and moderated effects
Behavioral performance and neural areas associated with memory processes contribute to math and reading achievement in 6-year-old children
Measuring the contribution of academic and general vocabulary knowledge to learners' academic achievement
Speaking their language: The role of cultural content integration and heritage language for academic achievement among Latino children
Testing the internal/external frame of reference model of academic achievement and academic self-concept with open self-concept reports
Girls get smart, boys get smug: Historical changes in gender differences in math, literacy, and academic social comparison and achievement
Exploring the relations among physical fitness, executive functioning, and low academic achievement

The relationship between motherchild discrepancies in educational aspirations and children's academic achievement: The mediating role of children's academic self-efficacy
Do migrant students affect local students academic achievements in urban China?
Harsh parenting and academic achievement in Chinese adolescents: Potential mediating roles of effortful control and classroom engagement
Determinants of schooling and academic achievements: Comparison between children with and without disabilities in India
Does personalized goal setting and study planning improve academic performance and perception of learning experience in a developing setting?
Social network site use and academic achievement: A meta-analysis
Executive functions, visual-motor coordination, physical fitness and academic achievement: Longitudinal relations in typically developing children
The effect of teaching based on dominant learning style on nursing students' academic achievement
Conscientiousness as a key to success for academic achievement among French university students enrolled in management studies
The mediating role of cognitive ability on the relationship between motor proficiency and early academic achievement in children
A review of the relationship between parental involvement indicators and academic achievement
Reciprocal effects between self-efficacy and achievement in mathematics and reading
Regional inequalities and gender differences in academic achievement as a function of educational opportunities: Evidence from Ethiopia
Bidirectional relations among executive function, teacherchild relationships, and early reading and math achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis
Comparing student performance in blended and traditional courses: Does prior academic achievement matter?
Desperately seeking consistency: Student nurses' experiences and expectations of academic supervision
Relationship of weight status, physical activity and screen time with academic achievement in adolescents
Social and dimensional comparisons in math and verbal test anxiety: Within- and cross-domain relations with achievement and the mediating role of academic self-concept
Spanish instruction in head start and dual language learners' academic achievement
School starting age and academic achievement: Evidence from China's junior high schools
The effect of chronotype (morningness/eveningness) on medical students' academic achievement in Sudan
Secondary school students' engagement profiles and their relationship with academic adjustment and achievement in university
Sudanese refugee youth and educational success: The role of church and youth group in supporting cultural and academic adjustment and schooling achievement
The Role of Social-Emotional and Social Network Factors in the Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Risky Behaviors
Teacher-student relationship quality and academic achievement in elementary school: A longitudinal examination of gender differences
Physical activity and sedentary time in relation to academic achievement in children
The Power of Language Nutrition for Children's Brain Development, Health, and Future Academic Achievement
Individual differences in mental toughness associate with academic performance and income
Vision screening outcomes of Grade 3 children in Australia: Differences in academic achievement
The impact of alcohol and marijuana use on academic achievement among college students
Gender Characteristics of Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Younger Schoolchildren
Cognitive performance and academic achievement: How do family and school converge?
Time perspective, approaches to learning, and academic achievement in secondary students
Reconnecting Youth: Promoting emotional competence and social support to improve academic achievement
The Big Five personality traits, goal orientations, and academic achievement
The role of parental involvement in academic achievement trajectories of elementary school children with Southeast Asian and Taiwanese mothers
Relations from temperamental approach reactivity and effortful control to academic achievement and peer relations in early elementary school
Associations between selected dietary behaviours and academic achievement: A study of Australian school aged children
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Muscular Strength as Mediators of the Influence of Fatness on Academic Achievement
Examining associations among achievement motivation, locus of control, academic stress, and life satisfaction: A comparison of U.S. and international undergraduate students
Profiles of adolescents' peer and teacher relatedness: Differences in well-being and academic achievement across latent groups
Program-specific prediction of academic achievement on the basis of cognitive and non-cognitive factors
Need for cognition in children and adolescents: Behavioral correlates and relations to academic achievement and potential
The role of puberty in students' academic motivation and achievement
The development of executive functioning across the transition to first grade and its predictive value for academic achievement
Original ArticleRelationship between motor coordination, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement in Japanese children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Physical activity and academic achievement across the curriculum: Results from a 3-year cluster-randomized trial
Self-perception and relationship quality as mediators of father's school-specific involvement and adolescent's academic achievement
Mediated effects of perceived discrimination on adolescent academic achievement: A test of four models
Cumulative risk over the early life course and its relation to academic achievement in childhood and early adolescence
A longitudinal investigation of irrational beliefs, hedonic balance and academic achievement
The effects of summer heat on academic achievement: A cohort analysis
The Cumulative Effect of Health Adversities on Children's Later Academic Achievement