Management accounting as a political resource for enabling embedded agency
به اعتقاد لامپکین و دس، گرایش کارآفرینانه جنبه های تصمیم گیری، رویه ها و طرز عمل یک شرکت را برای مشخص کردن جهت گیری راهبردی و چگونگی اداره یک شرکت با هم ترکیب می کند. بر این اساس گرایش کارآفرینانه به فرایندها، شیوه ها و فعالیت های تصمیم گیری کلیدی سازمان اشاره دارد که به ورودی جدید منجر می شود. ورودی جدید با وارد شدن به بازارهای جدید با محصولات یا خدمات فعلی یا جدید تحقق می یابد.
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Conceptualizing and operationalizing the social entrepreneurship construct
Facilitating dynamic marketing capabilities development for domestic and foreign firms in an emerging economy
Integrating hybridity and business model theory in sustainable entrepreneurship
Overcoming work-related stress and promoting employee creativity in hotel industry: The role of task feedback from supervisor
Green innovation, indeed a cornerstone in linking market requests and business performance. Evidence from the Spanish automotive components industry
What drives future business leaders? How work values and gender shape young adults' entrepreneurial and leadership aspirations
Assessing the maturity of crowdventuring for corporate entrepreneurship
The climate for entrepreneurship at higher education institutions
Examining how the personality, self-efficacy, and anticipatory cognitions of potential entrepreneurs shape their entrepreneurial intentions
Entrepreneurial identity formation during the initial entrepreneurial experience: The influence of simulation feedback and existing identity
Understanding the impact of social media usage among organizations
Strategic diagnosis of information processing structures and commercialization in new ventures
Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery
The role of economic and normative signals in international prosocial crowdfunding: An illustration using market orientation and psychological capital
A metacultural approach to predicting self-employment across the globe
Needs, drivers and barriers of innovation: The case of an alpine community-model destination
Home country institutions, social value orientation, and the internationalization of ventures
The project-oriented organization and its contribution to innovation
Post-entry survival of developing economy international new ventures: A dynamic capability perspective
Career decisions of immigrants: Role of identity and social embeddedness
Linking entrepreneurial orientation to project success
From social capital to entrepreneurial orientation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities
Entrepreneurial orientation and social ties in transitional economies
Social entrepreneurial opportunity and active stakeholder participation: Resource mobilization in enterprising conveners of cross-sector social partnerships
Alliances of service firms and manufacturers: Relations and configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and hybrid innovation
Technological dynamism and entrepreneurial orientation: The heterogeneous effects of social capital
Entrepreneurial orientation, network resource acquisition, and firm performance: A network approach
A longitudinal comparison of capital structure between young for-profit social and commercial enterprises
Feeling capable and valued: A prosocial perspective on the link between empathy and social entrepreneurial intentions
Internationalization pattern of creative-cultural events: Two cases from Canada
Psychological ownership, knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: The moderating role of governance heterogeneity
Effectuation or causation as the key to corporate venture success? Investigating effects of entrepreneurial behaviors on business model innovation and venture performance
Blazing new trails or opportunity lost? Evaluating research at the intersection of leadership and entrepreneurship
The influence of entrepreneurial, market, knowledge management orientations on cleaner production and the sustainable competitive advantage
Sustainable business models, venture typologies, and entrepreneurial ecosystems: A social network perspective
Business model design in sustainable entrepreneurship: Illuminating the commercial logic of hybrid businesses
Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results
Using digital footprints in entrepreneurship research: A Twitter-based personality analysis of superstar entrepreneurs and managers
Institutions and dynamic capabilities: Theoretical insights and research agenda for strategic entrepreneurship
Service innovativeness and the structuring of organizations: The moderating roles of learning orientation and inter-functional coordination
The impact of generation and socioeconomic status on the value of higher education in the UAE: A longitudinal study
The influence of the dark triad on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude orientation and entrepreneurial intention: A study among students in Taiwan University
How does the closure of interorganizational relationships affect entrepreneurial orientation?
Entrepreneurial orientation and religion: the Pastor as an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurial orientation and its effect on sustainability decision tradeoffs: The case of sustainable fashion firms
A configurational analysis of the antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation
A risky shift? An exploration of the measurement equivalence of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial orientation across socioeconomic gradients
The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: Influence of family governance
The relationship between organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: Does generational involvement matter?
Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation
Exploring nonlinear effects of family involvement in the board on entrepreneurial orientation
Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance
A content adequate five-dimensional Entrepreneurial Orientation scale
The effects of network reliance on opportunity recognition: A moderated mediation model of knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurial orientation

Governance structure and internationalization of family-controlled firms: The mediating role of international entrepreneurial orientation
Entrepreneurial orientation and strategic alliance success: The contingency role of relational factors
The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation: A meta-analysis of resource orchestration and cultural contingencies
Affect spin, entrepreneurs' well-being, and venture goal progress: The moderating role of goal orientation
Breaking the routines: Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic learning, firm size, and age
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Orientation in Dynamic Environments: The Interplay between Top Management Team Advice-Seeking and Absorptive Capacity
Liabilities and benefits: Examining the two sides of the foreignness coin from entrepreneurial perspective
Strategic orientation and new product development performance: The role of networking capability and networking ability
Drivers of innovation success in sustainable businesses
Are similar ones different? Determinant characteristics of management tool usage within companies sharing the same institutional environment
Innovation search dynamics in new domains: An exploratory study of academic founders' search for funding in the biotechnology industry
Factor affecting innovativeness of small and medium enterprises in the five southern border provinces
Extending the resource-based view: Effects of strategic orientation toward community on small business performance
Efectividad de la orientación emprendedora: el papel del capital social y las capacidades
The Simultaneous Influence of National Culture and Market Turbulence on Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Nine-country Study