How does proximity affect interfirm marketing cooperation? A study of an agribusiness cluster
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Development of Electronic Commerce in Agribusiness – The Polish Example ☆
Differentiation strategies in emerging markets: The case of Latin American agribusinesses
Recovery of functional compounds from lignocellulosic material: An innovative enzymatic approach
Emerging hybrid governance to foster low-emission rural development in the amazon frontier
New reading of Saharan agricultural transformation: Continuities of ancient oases and their extensions (Algeria)
Whose fault is it? Fraud scandal in the milk industry and its impact on product image and consumption The case of Brazil
Do consumers care how a genetically engineered food was created or who created it?
Diagnosing institutional logics in partnerships and how they evolve through institutional bricolage: Insights from soybean and cassava value chains in Ghana
Commodifying sustainability: Development, nature and politics in the palm oil industry
Towards a Gramscian food regime analysis of Indiaâs agrarian crisis: Counter-movements, petrofarming and Cheap Nature
Green coffee seed residue: A sustainable source of antioxidant compounds
Vulnerability of women to climate change in arid and semi-arid regions: The case of India and South Asia
Tomatoes, tribes, bananas, and businessmen: An analysis of the shadow state and of the politics of water in Jordan
Linking ecosystem services to livelihoods in southern Africa
No mans land in the Brazilian Amazon: Could undesignated public forests slow Amazon deforestation?
Water footprint and economic water productivity of Italian wines with appellation of origin: Managing sustainability through an integrated approach

From divide to nexus: Interconnected land use and water governance changes shaping risks related to water
Optimal material ordering policy and allocation rule for a manufacturer making multiple products
What determines the acceptance and use of electronic traceability systems in agri-food supply chains?
Farmer innovation system and government intervention: An empirical study of straw utilisation technology development and diffusion in China
Illicit crops substitution and rural prosperity in armed conflict areas: A conceptual proposal based on the Working With People model in Colombia
Rapid transformation of food systems in developing regions: Highlighting the role of agricultural research & innovations

Sources and distribution of aromatic hydrocarbons in a tropical marine protected area estuary under influence of sugarcane cultivation
Buyer-supplier exchange relationship: How do exchange partners behave across the relationship life-cycle?
Family farming, agribusiness and the state: Building consent around oil palm expansion in post-neoliberal Brazil
Soy Moratorium in Mato Grosso: Deforestation undermines the agreement
Collapse of ecosystem carbon stocks due to forest conversion to soybean plantations at the Amazon-Cerrado transition
What are business students taught about farming: Do textbooks paint a negative picture?
Exploring strategic characteristics of intermodal grain terminals: Empirical evidence from Brazil
Seeding a narrow future and harvesting an exclusionary past: The contradictions and future scenarios of agro-neoliberalism in Brazil
Comparison of the anaerobic digestion at the mesophilic and thermophilic temperature regime of organic wastes from the agribusiness
After the consent: Re-imagining participatory land governance in Massingir, Mozambique
Assessing food value chain pathways, linkages and impacts for better nutrition of vulnerable groups
Scenario analysis of Brazilian soybean exports via discrete event simulation applied to soybean transportation: The case of Mato Grosso State

Links among innovation, food system transformation, and technology adoption, with implications for food policy: Overview of a special issue
Internal spatial fix: Chinas geographical solution to food supply and its limits
Policy support for sustainable crop intensification in Eastern Africa
Information orientation of small-scale farmers' community enterprises in Northern Thailand
Inter-sectoral determinants of forest policy: the power of deforesting actors in post-2012 Brazil
Curbing enthusiasm for Brazilian agribusiness: The use of actor-specific assessments to transform sustainable development on the ground
Robust and resilient strategies for managing supply disruptions in an agribusiness supply chain
ResearchThe plasma free amino acid dose-response technique: A proposed methodology for determining lysine relative bioavailability of rumen-protected lysine supplements
Modeling of China's cassava-based bioethanol supply chain operation and coordination
Metaphor and metonymy in advertising: Building viewpoint in multimodal multi-space blends
The rationalization and persistence of organic food beliefs in the face of contrary evidence
Crude ethanolic extract from spent coffee grounds: Volatile and functional properties
Constructing useful models of firms' heterogeneities in implemented strategies and performance outcomes
How biofuel policies backfire: Misguided goals, inefficient mechanisms, and political-ecological blind spots
Wasting the rural: Meat, manure, and the politics of agro-industrialization in contemporary China
Considering the role of agritourism co-creation from a service-dominant logic perspective
Biologically friendly room temperature ionic liquids and nanomaterials for the development of innovative enzymatic biosensors
Technological innovation in agricultural co-operatives in China: Implications for agro-food innovation policies
ResearchShort- and longer-term effects of feeding increased metabolizable protein with or without an altered amino acid profile to dairy cows immediately postpartum
A new management scheme to support reverse logistics processes in the agrifood distribution sector
A new indicator to estimate the efficiency of water and energy use in agro-industries
Organizational tolerance in agro-industrial systems: an empirical application for the meat sector
A multi-level approach to analyze the effects of renewable energy in the wine sector
Cooperatives, partnerships and the challenges of quality upgrading: A case study from Ethiopia
Original papersDetermination of mango ripening degree by electrical impedance spectroscopy
Is contract farming an inclusive alternative to land grabbing? The case of potato contract farming in Maharashtra, India
Riding on self-sufficiency: Grain policy and the rise of agrarian capital in China
Deforestation analysis in protected areas and scenario simulation for structural corridors in the agricultural frontier of Western Bahia, Brazil
Eco-innovation and technological cooperation in cassava processing companies: structural equation modeling
Amazon entrepreneurs: Womenâs economic empowerment and the potential for more sustainable land use practices
Addressing the impacts of large-scale land investments: Re-engaging with livelihood research
Evaluation of the environmental, economic, and social performance of soybean farming systems in southern Brazil
Translating Sustainable Forest Management from the global to the domestic sphere: The case of Brazil
Tactical optimization of the oil palm agribusiness supply chain
Impact of policies and subsidies in agribusiness: The case of oil palm and biofuels in Colombia