Oil consumption, economic growth, and oil futures: The impact of long-run oil supply uncertainty on asset prices
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Designing sustainable supply chain networks under uncertain environments: Fuzzy multi-objective programming
An optimization framework for supporting decision making in biodiesel feedstock imports: Water footprint vs. import costs
Unmasking decoupling: Redefining the Resource Intensity of the Economy
Real estate market response to enhanced building codes in Moore, OK
Carbon footprint based green supplier selection under dynamic environment
Impact of different water and nitrogen inputs on the eco-efficiency of durum wheat cultivation in Mediterranean environments
Technical note: Solving inventory models by algebraic method
Towards sustainable wine: Comparison of two Portuguese wines
Can optimum yield and quality of vegetables be reconciled with low residual soil mineral nitrogen at harvest?
Optimal water utilization and allocation in industrial sectors based on water footprint accounting in Dalian City, China
Tariff evasion in machinery production networks: Evidence from East Asia
Modelling investments in short rotation coppice under uncertainty: A value chain perspective
Integrated soil-cotton system management enhances triacylglycerol yield and favourable fatty acid profile
The importance of transnational impacts of climate change in a power market
Intersection of economic and environmental goals of sustainable development initiatives
Production scheduling optimization considering ecological costs for open pit metal mines
Techno-economic and profitability analysis of food waste biorefineries at European level
Investigating challenges of a sustainable use of marine mineral resources
Production of cereals in northern marginal areas: An integrated assessment of climate change impacts at the farm level
A pollution sensitive remanufacturing model with waste items: Triangular dense fuzzy lock set approach
Sustainable economic production quantity models for inventory systems with shortage
Could EU dairy quota removal favour some dairy production systems over others? The case of French dairy production systems
Agricultural water rights trading and virtual water export compensation coupling model: A case study of an irrigation district in China
The worlds by-product and critical metal resources part III: A global assessment of indium
Multiperiod model for the optimal production planning in the industrial gases sector
Compared environmental and economic impact from cradle to gate of concrete with natural and recycled coarse aggregates
Environmental performance of expanded cork slab and granules through life cycle assessment
A comparative life cycle study of alternative materials for Australian multi-storey apartment building frame constructions: Environmental and economic perspective
Off-shore enhanced oil recovery in the North Sea: The impact of price uncertainty on the investment decisions
Discovery of natural resources: A class of general equilibrium models

A novel path toward methanol and olefins production fueled by syngas via a coupling of coke-oven gas reforming with pulverized coke chemical looping combustion
Considerations for waste gasification as an alternative to landfilling in Washington state using decision analysis and optimization
Perceptions of groundwater degradation and mitigation responses in the Haouaria region in Tunisia
Plant-wide modelling of phosphorus transformations in wastewater treatment systems: Impacts of control and operational strategies
Life cycle assessment and life cycle costs for pre-disaster waste management systems
Production technique and sensory evaluation of traditional alcoholic beverage based maize and banana
A novel integrated modelling framework to assess the impacts of climate and socio-economic drivers on land use and water quality
How Important Are Health Care Expenditures for Life Expectancy? A Comparative, European Analysis
Comparative study of the toxic effect of salinity in different genotypes of tomato plants: Carboxylates metabolism
Density-dependent water use in carp polyculture: Impacts on production performance and water productivity
Co-hydrogenation of fatty acid by-products and different gas oil fractions
Water footprint of Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration in China
A production inventory model with price discounted fuzzy demand using an interval compared hybrid algorithm
Analyzing virtual water pollution transfer embodied in economic activities based on gray water footprint: A case study
Analysis of a sequential production of electricity, ice and drying of agricultural products by cascading geothermal energy
A joint design of production run length, maintenance policy and control chart with multiple assignable causes
A pollution sensitive dense fuzzy economic production quantity model with cycle time dependent production rate
Increasing the efficiency of hot mandrel bending of pipe elbows
Community gardening in poor neighborhoods in France: A way to re-think food practices?
An imperfect production model under Radio Frequency Identification adoption and trade credit
Economic evaluation of aromatics production, a case study for financial model application in petrochemical projects
Effect of the Safety Stock on the Probability of Occurrence of the Stock Shortage

Seeing the forest for the trees: How much woody biomass can the Midwest United States sustainably produce?
Joint Optimization of Production Planning and Capacity Adjustment for Assembly System
An integrated wood pellet supply chain development: Selecting among feedstock sources and a range of operating scales
The relationship between global oil price shocks and China's output: A time-varying analysis
Imperfect production inventory model with production rate dependent defective rate and advertisement dependent demand
Circular economy at the micro level: A dynamic view of incumbents struggles and challenges in the textile industry
Impact of Recycled Aggregates on Selected Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Cement Concrete
A robust optimization model for the design of a cardboard closed-loop supply chain
Development of a mathematical methodology to investigate biohydrogen production from regional and national agricultural crop residues: A case study of Iran
A multiproduct single machine economic production quantity model for an imperfect production system under warehouse construction cost
A production inventory model for deteriorating item with ramp type demand allowing inflation and shortages under fuzziness
An inventory model with non-instantaneous receipt and exponentially deteriorating items for an integrated three layer supply chain system under two levels of trade credit
A deterministic multi product single machine EPQ model with backordering, scraped products, rework and interruption in manufacturing process
Joint production and delivery lot sizing for a make-to-order producer–buyer supply chain with transportation cost
Economic production quantity models for deteriorating items with up-stream full trade credit and down-stream partial trade credit
Supply chain coordination with stock-dependent demand rate and credit incentives
Optimal production lot with imperfect production process under permissible delay in payments and complete backlogging