A multi-scale analysis method for the simulation of tunnel excavation in sandy cobble stratum
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Enhancement of signal amplitude of surface wave EMATs based on 3-D simulation analysis and orthogonal test method
Dynamic mechanical analysis of bucky gel actuator electrolyte by molecular dynamics simulation
A scalable parallel framework for microstructure analysis of large-scale molecular dynamics simulations data
Enhancing a tsunami evacuation simulation for a multi-scenario analysis using parallel computing
Atomistic simulation analysis of the effects of void interaction on void growth and coalescence in a metallic system
Analysis of voltage multiplier circuit simulation for rain energy harvesting using circular piezoelectric
Laminar near-wall combustion: Analysis of tabulated chemistry simulations by means of detailed kinetics
Reliability Analysis of Space Structures Using Monte-Carlo Simulation Method
Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in the road freight transportation using simulation
Simulation and sensitivity analysis of wear on the automotive brake pad
An analysis of the convergence of stochastic Lagrangian/Eulerian spray simulations
Reliability analysis of subsea pipelines under spatially varying ground motions by using subset simulation
Efficient simulation and analysis of mid-sized networks
Fundamental analysis of the influence of powder characteristics in Selective Laser Melting of molybdenum based on a multi-physical simulation model
Subjective survey & simulation analysis of time-based visual comfort in daylit spaces
Simulation modeling and analysis of the hop count distribution in cognitive radio ad-hoc networks with beamforming
Systems modeling, simulation and analysis for robust operations and improved design of entrained-flow pulverized coal gasifiers
Analysis on the effects of turbulent inflow conditions on spray primary atomization in the near-field by direct numerical simulation
A meta-analysis with examination of moderators of student cognition, affect, and learning outcomes while using serious educational games, serious games, and simulations
Probabilistic risk analysis of process plants under seismic loading based on Monte Carlo simulations
An analysis of the impact of network device buffers on packet schedulers through experiments and simulations
Monte Carlo simulation based time limited dispatch analysis with the constraint of dispatch reliability for electronic engine control systems
Novel patch modelling method for efficient simulation and prediction uncertainty analysis of multi-scale groundwater flow and transport processes
Simulation and performance analysis on condenser coil in household heat pump water heater
The experiment and simulation analysis of bus emergency evacuation
Reactive molecular dynamics simulation for analysis of thermal decomposition of oligomeric polyacrylicester model nanocomposite and its experimental verification
Stability analysis and numerical simulations of a one dimensional open channel hydraulic system
Novel approaches for the assembly simulation of rigid Skin Model Shapes in tolerance analysis
A methodology for the long-term simulation and uncertainty analysis of the operational lifetime performance of wave energy converter arrays
Simulation procedure for the post-fire seismic analysis of reinforced concrete structural walls
In situ visualization and data analysis for turbidity currents simulation
Analysis and simulation of Single Electron Transistor as an analogue frequency doubler
Shape deformation analysis of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell by electro-chemo-mechanical simulation
Performance analysis of simulation-based optimization of construction projects using High Performance Computing
Mathematical modeling, simulation, and analysis for predicting improvement opportunities in the continuous catalytic regeneration reforming process
Employing process simulation for hazardous process deviation identification and analysis
Analysis of the impact of simulation model simplifications on the quality of low-energy buildings simulation results
Determinate dimension of numerical simulation model in submarine pipeline global buckling analysis
Dynamic simulation for risk analysis: Application to an exothermic reaction
Simulation and analysis of chemical release in the ionosphere
Mechanical modelling and simulation analyses of stress distribution and material failure for vanadium redox flow battery
Simulation and Analysis of hot forging dies for Pan Head bolt and insert component.
Numerical simulation and parametric analysis of multi-anchor walls using the finite element method
Performance analysis and simulation of vertical gallium nitride nanowire transistors
Scenario-based analysis of fast track strategy optimization on emergency department using integrated safety simulation
A simulations approach for meta-analysis of genetic association studies based on additive genetic model
Dynamic simulation analysis of the tire-pavement system considering temperature fields
Multiphase turbulence mechanisms identification from consistent analysis of direct numerical simulation data
System reliability analysis of slope stability using generalized Subset Simulation
Output analysis for terminating simulations with partial observability
A methodology for the conceptual design of flotation circuits by combining group contribution, local/global sensitivity analysis, and reverse simulation
Discontinuous deformation analysis of super section tunnel surrounding rock stability based on joint distribution simulation
Utilizing Flow Simulation in the Design Phase of a Casting Die to Optimize Design Parameters and Defect Analysis
Traffic micro-simulation model for design and operational analysis of barrier toll stations
Uncertainty analysis of thermal comfort in a prototypical naturally ventilated office building and its implications compared to deterministic simulation
Numerical simulation of modified Trombe-Michel Walls with exergy and energy analysis
Ventilation Analysis and Simulation for Inverter of Photovoltaic Power Plant
Reliability analysis and updating of deteriorating systems with subset simulation

Coupling Monte Carlo simulations with thermal analysis for correcting microdosimetric spectra from a novel micro-calorimeter
Performance analyses of naval ships based on engineering level of simulation at the initial design stage
Simulation platform for cyber-security and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures
Increasing the efficiency in integer simulation optimization: Reducing the search space through data envelopment analysis and orthogonal arrays
A three-dimensional numerical simulation model for weld characteristics analysis in fiber laser keyhole welding
Simulations and analysis of multiphase transport and reaction in segmented flow microreactors
An analysis of student collaborative problem solving activities mediated by collaborative simulations

Operations Status and Bottleneck Analysis and Improvement of a Batch Process Manufacturing Line Using Discrete Event Simulation
The analysis of rock damage process based on the microseismic monitoring and numerical simulations
Simulation analysis of factors affecting air route connection in China
Robustness assessment of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: A case study of the Beijing Subway
An auto-tuning PID control system based on genetic algorithms to provide delay guarantees in Passive Optical Networks
Mathematical modeling and Bayesian estimation for error-prone retail shelf audits
Simulation analysis of train operation to recover knock-on delay under high-frequency intervals
Speeding up fast: Shortening waiting times for commercial freight at the Canada–U.S. border
A tracking error approach to leveraged ETFs: Are they really that bad?