Development of a BIM-based Automated Construction System ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Identifying heterogeneities in cooling and quality evolution for a pallet of packed fresh fruit by using virtual cold chains
Dry matter losses and quality changes during short rotation coppice willow storage in chip or rod form
Projecting the impacts of urban expansion on simultaneous losses of ecosystem services: A case study in Beijing, China
Rapid classification of intact chicken breast fillets by predicting principal component score of quality traits with visible/near-Infrared spectroscopy
Cash holdings and earnings quality: evidence from the Main and Alternative UK markets
Measuring and assessing risk of quality of life loss following a road traffic injury: A proposed methodology for use of a composite score
Guar gum and ginseng extract coatings maintain the quality of sweet cherry
Minimizing yield and quality losses in watermelon with multi-site and strobilurin fungicides effective against foliar and fruit anthracnose
Retardation of melanosis and quality loss of pre-cooked Pacific white shrimp using epigallocatechin gallate with the aid of ultrasound
Modelling inspection and replacement quality for a protection system
Identification of determinants of postharvest losses in Zimbabwean tomato supply chains as basis for dedicated interventions
Drying effects and dry matter losses during seasonal storage of spruce wood chips under practical conditions
Effect of salting and cold-smoking procedures on Atlantic salmon originating from pre-or post rigor filleted raw material. Based on the measurement of physiochemical characteristics
Deforestation and child diet diversity: A geospatial analysis of 15 Sub-Saharan African countries
Linking water quality impacts and benefits of ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef
Water quality of surface runoff and lint yield in cotton under furrow irrigation in Northeast Arkansas
A randomised controlled trial of manualized cognitive remediation therapy in adult obesity
Transient analysis of quality performance in two-stage manufacturing systems with remote quality information feedback

Anthropogenic drivers of headwater and riparian forest loss and degradation in a highly fragmented southern Amazonian landscape
Influence of spinning parameters on synthesis of alumina fibres by centrifugal spinning
On the evaluation of commonality strategy in product line design: The effect of valuation change and distribution channel structure
Non-destructive automatic quality evaluation of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce through packaging material
Active hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based composite coating powder to maintain the quality of fresh mango
A packetization strategy for interactive multiview video streaming over lossy networks
Application of quality by design principles in the development and evaluation of semisolid drug carrier systems for the transdermal delivery of lidocaine
Effects of aging/freezing sequence and freezing rate on meat quality and oxidative stability of pork loins
Evaluation of the impact of hearing loss in adults: Validation of a quality of life questionnaire
Near-freezing temperature storage prolongs storage period and improves quality and antioxidant capacity of nectarines
Effect of temperature and soil organic matter quality on greenhouse-gas production from temperate poor and rich fen soils
Emergy based sustainability evaluation of remanufacturing machining systems
Intramuscular variations of proteome and muscle fiber type distribution in semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles associated with pork quality
Exploring the dynamic correlation of landscape composition and habitat fragmentation with surface water quality in the Shenzhen river and deep bay cross-border watershed, China
Assessing the effects of slope gradient and land use change on soil quality degradation through digital mapping of soil quality indices and soil loss rate
Crosstalk between calcium and melatonin affects postharvest physiological deterioration and quality loss in cassava
Influence of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing on the freezing rate and quality of porcine longissimus muscles
Patient satisfaction, body image, and quality of life after lower body lift: a prospective pre- and postoperative long-term survey
Litter decomposition in hyper-arid deserts: Photodegradation is still important
A new equivalent circuit for piezoelectrics with three losses and external loads
Voltage unbalance reduction in the domestic distribution area using asymmetric inverters
Social welfare losses from groundwater over-extraction for small-scale agriculture in Sri Lanka: Environmental concern for land use
Impact on psychosocial outcomes of a nationally available weight management program tailored for individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results of a randomized controlled trial
Nutritional and economic postharvest loss analysis of African indigenous leafy vegetables along the supply chain in Kenya
Determinants of asymmetric loss recognition timeliness in public and private firms in Brazil
Weight loss and quality of life in patients surviving 2 years after gastric cancer resection
Low-loss active inductor with independently adjustable self-resonance frequency and quality factor parameters
Exploration of logistics and quality control activities in view of context characteristics and postharvest losses in fresh produce chains: A case study for tomatoes

Bariatric surgery in young adults: a multicenter study into weight loss, dietary adherence, and quality of life
Satellite speech quality measurement model based on a combination of auditory envelope feature and link loss
Bacterial population dynamics and sensorial quality loss in modified atmosphere packed fresh-cut iceberg lettuce
Long-term effect of weight loss induced by bariatric surgery on asthma control and health related quality of life in asthmatic patients with severe obesity: A pilot study
Association of Preference-Based Health-Related Quality of Life with Weight Loss in Obese Adults
Analysis and design of a lumped-element hybrid coupler using limited quality factor of components
Severe structural and functional visual system damage leads to profound loss of vision-related quality of life in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
Evaluation of support loss in micro-beam resonators: A revisit
Glaucoma patient-provider communication about vision quality-of-life
Auditor tenure and audit quality in Spanish state-owned foundations
Effect of nanocomposite packaging on postharvest senescence of Flammulina velutipes
Tolerance Design and Adjustment of Complex Customized Product Based on Cloud Manufacturing ☆
Concurrent tolerance allocation and scheduling for complex assemblies
Tolerance Optimization Design Based on the Manufacturing-costs of Assembly Quality ☆
Enhancing product robustness in reliability-based design optimization
Trojan Detection and Side-channel Analyses for Cyber-security in Cyber-physical Manufacturing Systems ☆
Process adjustment with an asymmetric quality loss function
Asymmetric response model for evaluating airline service quality: An empirical study in cross-strait direct flights
Cumulative quantity control chart for the mixture of inverse Rayleigh process ☆
Process-oriented tolerancing using the extended stream of variation model
Effect of phenolic compounds in combination with modified atmospheric packaging on inhibition of quality losses of refrigerated Eastern little tuna slices
Robust Parameter Control based on Selecting Online Controllable Variables ☆
Optimizing reliability-based robust design model using multi-objective genetic algorithm
A practical approach to project scheduling: considering the potential quality loss cost in the time–cost tradeoff problem
A study of power quality loss in PV modules caused by wind induced vibration located in Vienna