Mechanistic approach for construction quality management of compacted geomaterials
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Six Sigma and Dynamic Models Application as an Important Quality Management Tool in Railway Companies
Improvement in Production Process for Pipelines Manufacturing Based on Quality Management Method
Quality improvement program of adult urinary tract infection management: Review and impact
The effects of total quality management on the business performance: An application in the province of Kütahya ☆
The role of e-service quality management in the delivery business value
Customer Satisfaction Analysis by the Implementation of Quality Management System in a Public Institutuion ☆

مدلسازی فرآیند کسبوکار در مؤسسههای آموزشی عالی. توسعهی چارچوبی برای مدیریت کیفی کل در سطح آموزشی
Business Process Modeling in Higher Education Institutions. Developing a Framework for Total Quality Management at Institutional Level ☆
Impact of Total Quality Management on Innovation in Service Organizations: Literature Review and New Conceptual Framework
Quality management of B2C e-commerce service based on human factors engineering
Relationship of TQM and Business Performance with Mediators of SPC, Lean Production and TPM
Data mining for quality control: Burr detection in the drilling process
TQM and performance: Is the relationship so obvious?
The relationship between total quality management practices and their effects on firm performance
Integrated quality management for tourist destinations: a European perspective on achieving competitiveness
A review of management theories in the context of quality, environmental and social responsibility voluntary standards
Effect of production management on semen quality during long-term storage in different European boar studs
The role of creativity and project management in enhancing service quality of advertising agencies: A qualitative approach
Prediction of beef carcass and meat quality traits from factors characterising the rearing management system applied during the whole life of heifers
Effects of sea-level rise and freshwater management on long-term water levels and water quality in the Florida Coastal Everglades
Modeling framework for representing long-term effectiveness of best management practices in addressing hydrology and water quality problems: Framework development and demonstration using a Bayesian method
Enhancing Local Air Quality Management to maximise public health integration, collaboration and impact in Wales, UK: A Delphi study
Optimizing surface and contributing areas of bioretention cells for stormwater runoff quality and quantity management
An integrated bi-level optimization model for air quality management of Beijingâs energy system under uncertainty
Traffic management in the mobile edge cloud to improve the quality of experience of mobile video
The concentration-discharge slope as a tool for water quality management
Management of Eucalyptus short-rotation coppice and its outcome on fuel quality
A quality function deployment-based framework for the risk management of hazardous material transportation process
Effect of riparian management on stream morphometry and water quality in oil palm plantations in Borneo
Water Quality Management and Climate Change Mitigation: Cost-effectiveness of Joint Implementation in the Baltic Sea Region
Infrared spectroscopy as a tool for the assessment of soil biological quality in agricultural soils under contrasting management practices
Toward software quality enhancement by Customer Knowledge Management in software companies
Quality Management Framework for Total Diet Study centres in Europe
Quality management standards, institutionalization and organizational implications: A longitudinal analysis
Environmental management accounting and its effects on carbon management and disclosure quality
Audit quality, debt financing, and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan
Fit for purpose quality management system for military forensic exploitation
A quality management review of Scotland's sectoral marine plan for tidal energy
The impact of hard and soft quality management and proactive behaviour in determining innovation performance
Effect of beach management policies on recreational water quality
Urban local air quality management framework for non-attainment areas in Indian cities
A retrospective explanatory case study of the implementation of a bleeding management quality initiative, in an Australian cardiac surgery unit
Challenges and propositions for research in quality management
An error management perspective on audit quality: Toward a multi-level model

Are physiotherapists adhering to quality indicators for the management of knee osteoarthritis? An observational study
Variations of internal phosphorus loading and water quality in a hypertrophic lake during 40 years of different management efforts
Reliable and Flexible Quality Management Systems in the Automotive Industry: Monitor the Context and Change Effectively
Correlates of quality of life among individuals with epilepsy enrolled in self-management research
Water quality effects of short-rotation pine management for bioenergy feedstocks in the southeastern United States
Innovation, quality management and learning: Short-term and longer-term effects
Evaluation of the impact of intervention programmes on education organisations: Application to a Quality Management System

A modelling system with adjustable emission inventories for cross-boundary air quality management in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, China
Quality of tourist beaches of northern Chile: A first approach for ecosystem-based management
Quality indicators in the management of bladder cancer: A modified Delphi study
Public health and water quality management in low-exposure stormwater schemes: A critical review of regulatory frameworks and path forward
The impact of various land uses on the microbial and physicochemical quality of surface water bodies in developing countries: Prioritisation of water resources management areas
Connection of Dynamic Quality Modeling and Total Service Management in Railway Transport Operation
Development of Hybrid Quality Management System for Construction Equipment Part Industry
The influence of conflict management styles on relationship quality: The moderating effect of the level of task conflict
Coal seam water quality and the impact upon management strategies
Quality management, a directive approach to patient safety
A management-oriented water quality model for data scarce catchments
A research note: Quality of financial inputs and management earnings forecast accuracy in Japan
Ownership structure and disclosure quality: Evidence from management forecasts revisions in Japan
Instrument development for assessing knowledge management of quality assurers in Rajabhat universities, Thailand
Integrating multisensor satellite data merging and image reconstruction in support of machine learning for better water quality management
Simulated water quality effects of alternate grazing management practices at the ranch and watershed scales
Data quality management for service-oriented manufacturing cyber-physical systems
The impact of organizational context on hard and soft quality management and innovation performance
Assessment of the quality of anticoagulation management in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Temporal variations in water quality in a brackish tidal pond: Implications for governing processes and management strategies
Influence of Total Quality Management on Performance of Vietnamese Construction Firms