Integrated and Intelligent Manufacturing: Perspectives and Enablers
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Four Types of Manufacturing Process Innovation and their Managerial Concerns
Implementation of a responsive supply chain strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms
A computational approach for eliminating error in the solution of the location set covering problem
Production-related Staff's Perception of Manufacturing Strategy at a SMME
Analysis of global manufacturing virtual networks in the aeronautical industry
Strategic intent in the management of the green environment within SMEs: An analysis of the UK screen-printing sector
A semi-analytical thermal modelling approach for selective laser melting
Pricing decisions for substitutable products with green manufacturing in a competitive supply chain
Kinetic analysis of cell decay during the filling process: Application to lot size determination in manufacturing systems for human induced pluripotent and mesenchymal stem cells
Sustainable silicon photovoltaics manufacturing in a global market: A techno-economic, tariff and transportation framework
A cyber-physical system for quality-oriented assembly of automotive electric motors
Synthesis and optimization of manufacturing systems configuration using co-platforming
Contingency factors and complementary effects of adopting advanced manufacturing tools and managerial practices: Effects on organizational measurement systems and firms' performance
Is the adjustment of the impeller speed a reliable attempt to influence granule size in continuous dry granulation?
A data-driven programming of the human-computer interactions for modeling a collaborative manufacturing system of hypoid gears by considering both geometric and physical performances
Drivers of eco-innovation in the manufacturing sector of Nigeria
An efficient multi-unit production planning strategy based on continuous variables
Control of three different continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes: Use of soft sensors
A life cycle energy analysis integrated process planning approach to foster the sustainability of discrete part manufacturing
Creep behaviour of inconel 718 processed by laser powder bed fusion
Optimal scheduling of manufacturing and onsite generation systems in over-generation mitigation oriented electricity demand response program
Total volatile organic compound emission evaluation and control for stereolithography additive manufacturing process
Assessment of an emerging aerospace manufacturing cluster and its dependence on the mature global clusters
An Approach for the Integration of Anticipative Maintenance Strategies within a Production Planning and Control Model
Process mechanisms based on powder flow spatial distribution in direct metal deposition
Development of full carbon wheels for sport cars with high-volume technology
A hybrid measurement sampling method for accurate inspection of geometric errors on freeform surfaces
Global value chain assessment based on retrospectively induced economic costs associated with technology application: A case study of photovoltaic power system in Japan
Drivers to sustainable manufacturing practices and circular economy: A perspective of leather industries in Bangladesh
Integrated product-process design: Material and manufacturing process selection for additive manufacturing using multi-criteria decision making
Implementation of Concurrent Redesign & Manufacture procedure for an automotive component
Shifting and power sharing control of a novel dual input clutchless transmission for electric vehicles
Social manufacturing in the fashion sector: New value creation through alternative design strategies?
Implementation processes of online and offline channel conflict management strategies in manufacturing enterprises: A resource orchestration perspective
Influence of scan strategy and molten pool configuration on microstructures and tensile properties of selective laser melting additive manufactured aluminum based parts
Defining corporate energy policy and strategy to achieve carbon emissions reduction targets via energy management in non-energy intensive multi-site manufacturing organisations
An integrated performance driven manufacturing management strategy based on overall system effectiveness
Targeted rework strategies for powder bed additive manufacture
Crystal and Particle Engineering Strategies for Improving Powder Compression and Flow Properties to Enable Continuous Tablet Manufacturing by Direct Compression
Strategies for functionally graded lattice structures derived using topology optimisation for Additive Manufacturing
Understanding of business performance from the perspective of manufacturing strategies: fit manufacturing and overall equipment effectiveness
An integrated precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography process for antibody manufacturing: Process development strategy and continuous chromatography exploration
Exploitation Strategy and Performance of Contract Manufacturing Exporters: The Mediating Roles of Exploration Strategy and Marketing Capability
Fit manufacturing; integrated model of manufacturing strategies
The influence of laser parameters and scanning strategies on the mechanical properties of a stochastic porous material
Strategies to Standardise Bamboo for Manufacturing Process Chains
Considering the function of Middle Palaeolithic blade technologies through an examination of experimental blade edge angles
Drivers for energy efficiency: an empirical analysis of Norwegian manufacturing firms
Designing a Cellular Manufacturing System featuring remanufacturing, recycling, and disposal options: A mathematical modeling approach
Environmental impact assessment of an innovative strategy based on an additive and subtractive manufacturing combination
Conducting a metering assessment to identify submetering needs at a manufacturing facility
Industrial Additive Manufacturing: A manufacturing systems perspective
Financial performance of servitized manufacturing firms: A configuration issue between servitization strategies and customer-oriented organizational design
Location Independent Manufacturing Case-based Blue Ocean Strategy
Supply chain perspective on competitive strategies and green supply chain management strategies
Strategies to realize decentralized manufacture through hybrid manufacturing platforms
Cumulative manufacturing capabilities in Europe: Integrating sustainability into the sand cone model
Optimal operating strategies of combined cooling, heating and power systems: A case study for an engine manufacturing facility
Circular economy strategies for mitigating critical material supply issues
Design framework for multifunctional additive manufacturing: Coupled optimization strategy for structures with embedded functional systems
Towards practical, high-level guidelines to promote company strategy for the use of reconfigurable manufacturing automation
Modeling in the quality by design environment: Regulatory requirements and recommendations for design space and control strategy appointment
Localized melt-scan strategy for site specific control of grain size and primary dendrite arm spacing in electron beam additive manufacturing
Cost of quality: Evaluating cost-quality trade-offs for inspection strategies of manufacturing processes
A Design Strategy Based on Topology Optimization Techniques for an Additive Manufactured High Performance Engine Piston
Comparison of production strategies and degree of postponement when incorporating additive manufacturing to product supply chains
Strategies for Value Creation Through Sustainable Manufacturing
Influence of Milling Strategies of Thin-walled Elements on Effectiveness of their Manufacturing
A non-retraction path planning approach for extrusion-based additive manufacturing
Adoption of Integrated Lean-Green-Agile Strategies for Modern Manufacturing Systems

Towards Robust Early Stage Data Knowledge-based Inference Engine to Support Zero-defect Strategies in Manufacturing Environment