A fine grained digital textile printing system based on image registration
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Design for mass customization: Product variety vs. process variety
Integration of product development capability and supply chain capability: The driver for high performance adaptation
Car sequencing for mixed-model assembly lines with consideration of changeover complexity
Development of an ICT-based framework towards sustainable optimal diabetes management in Nigerian health sector
Customized nutrition intervention and personalized counseling helps achieve nutrition targets in perioperative liver transplant patients
Decision model for the customer order decoupling point considering order insertion scheduling with capacity and time constraints in logistics service supply chain
Modelling and Product customization of PVC Coating Machine
Digital resonant laser printing: Bridging nanophotonic science and consumer products
Measuring the mass and center of gravity of helmet systems for underground workers
Design of a lightweight dual arm system for aerial manipulation
A conjoint analysis to consumer choice in Brazil: Defining device attributes for recognizing customized foods characteristics
Enhanced light absorption due to the mixing state of black carbon in fresh biomass burning emissions
A spatial database for landslides in northern Bavaria: A methodological approach
Evaluation of drag models for particles and powders with non-uniform size and shape
An observation based muscle model for simulation of facial expressions
Towards highly stable lithium sulfur batteries: Surface functionalization of carbon nanotube scaffolds
Paper spray mass spectrometry for the direct, semi-quantitative measurement of fentanyl and norfentanyl in complex matrices
Creeping flow of a wormlike micelle solution past a falling sphere: Role of boundary conditions
Development of a microwave thermogravimetric analyzer and its application on polystyrene microwave pyrolysis kinetics
Benefits of mass customized products: moderating role of product involvement and fashion innovativeness
Integrated product-process design: Material and manufacturing process selection for additive manufacturing using multi-criteria decision making
Dynamic supply chain integration optimization in service mass customization
Process modularity of mass customized manufacturing systems: principles, measures and assessment
A design framework for the mass customisation of custom-fit bicycle helmet models

Leveraging high-involvement practices to develop mass customization capability: A contingent configurational perspective
Prediction of sinter yield and strength in iron ore sintering process by numerical simulation
Product-specific Process Time Estimation from Incomplete Point of Production Data for Mass Customization
Multi-parametric rigid and flexible, low-cost, disposable sensing platforms for biomedical applications

Decision support to product configuration considering component replenishment uncertainty: A stochastic programming approach
Analysis of logistics service supply chain for the One Belt and One Road initiative of China
Design for Customization: A New Paradigm for Product-Service System Development
Effect of larval growth conditions on adult body mass and long-distance flight endurance in a wood-boring beetle: Do smaller beetles fly better?
Product-Service Systems for Functional Offering of Automotive Fixtures: Using Design Automation as Enabler
Systematic Consideration of Value Chains with Respect to the Timing of Individualization
Social Product Development: The Democratization of Design, Manufacture and Innovation
Towards sustainable consumption and production: Competitive pricing of modular products for green consumers
The Design and Manufacture of a Prototype Personalized Liner for Lower Limb Amputees
Modeling heat and mass transfer in cross-counterflow enthalpy exchangers
Estimation of insulin secretion, glucose uptake by tissues, and liver handling of glucose using a mathematical model of glucose-insulin homeostasis in lean and obese mice
Product Family Flexible Design Method Based on Dynamic Requirements Uncertainty Analysis
Unveiling alterative splice diversity from human oligodendrocyte proteome data
Identification of bovine-associated coagulase-negative staphylococci by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry using a direct transfer protocol
Cloud-assisted interaction and negotiation of industrial robots for the smart factory
A high performance home in the Mediterranean climate: from the design principle to actual measurements
Application of a Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Methodology to Produce a Metal/Polymer Customized Dental Implant
Development model of web design element for clothing e-commerce based on the concept of mass customization
Mass Customization with Additive Manufacturing: New Perspectives for Multi Performative Building Components in Architecture
Parametric and Generative Design Techniques for Mass-Customization in Building Industry: A Case Study for Glued-Laminated Timber
Broad screening of illicit ingredients in cosmetics using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometry with customized accurate-mass database and mass spectral library
Value Co-creative Manufacturing System for Mass Customization: Concept of Smart Factory and Operation Method Using Autonomous Negotiation Mechanism
Mass imagineering: Combining human imagination and automated engineering from early education to digital afterlife
The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing
Variety-Driven Assembly System Layout Design by Design Structure Matrix Clustering Analysis
Are modular and customizable smartphones the future, or doomed to fail? A case study on the introduction of sustainable consumer electronics
Consumer Driven New Product Development in Future Re-Distributed Models of Sustainable Production and Consumption
Comparison of titrable thermoplastic versus custom-made mandibular advancement device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
Finite element transient modelling for whole engine-secondary air system thermomechanical analysis
Modular product platform configuration and co-planning of assembly lines using assembly and disassembly
Modular configuration and control concept for the implementation of human-robot-cooperation in the automotive assembly line
Use of fused deposit modeling for additive manufacturing in hospital facilities: European certification directives
Mini-factories for Close-to-customer Manufacturing of Customized Furniture: From Concept to Real Demo
Exterior prefabricated panelized walls platform optimization
The assessment of a two-handed pinch force: Quantifying different anthropometric pinch grasp patterns for males and females
Experimental and Computational Investigation of Gas Separation in Adsorbent-coated Microchannels
Digital Manufacturing- Applications Past, Current, and Future Trends
Self-Aware Smart Products: Systematic Literature Review, Conceptual Design and Prototype Implementation
Formal computer-aided product family architecture design for mass customization
Cloud-based Integrated Shop-floor Planning and Control of Manufacturing Operations for Mass Customisation ☆
HUMANIT3D for Disaster Response: An Assessment of Mass Customization on Organizational Performance Under Turbulent Environments ☆
FabPod: Designing with temporal flexibility & relationships to mass-customisation
Embeddedness and path dependence of organizational capabilities for mass customization and green management: A longitudinal case study in the machinery industry