Multi-objective evolutionary simulation based optimization mechanism for a novel stochastic reliability centered maintenance problem
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Lean production system design for fishing net manufacturing using lean principles and simulation optimization
Optimization–simulation–optimization based approach for proactive variation reduction in assembly

Monte-Carlo-simulation-based optimization for copolymerization processes with embedded chemical composition distribution
Evaluating the impact of optimization algorithms for patient transits dispatching using discrete event simulation
Simulation and optimization of reforming reactors for carbon dioxide utilization using both rigorous and reduced models
Parallelizing and optimizing a detonation combustion simulation application on heterogeneous platform
Simulation-based model for the optimization of machining parameters in a metal-cutting operation
Hybrid simulation-based optimization of discrete parts manufacturing to increase energy efficiency and productivity
A dynamic simulationâoptimization approach for managing mass casualty incidents
Scenario-based analysis of fast track strategy optimization on emergency department using integrated safety simulation
Soil-cutting simulation and parameter optimization of handheld tiller's rotary blade by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics modelling and Taguchi method
Simulation and optimization of a methanol synthesis process from different biogas sources
Analyzing climate change impacts on water resources under uncertainty using an integrated simulation-optimization approach
Numerical simulation and optimized design of cased telescoped ammunition interior ballistic
Design and optimization of regenerators of a rotary magnetic refrigeration device using a detailed simulation model
Simulation and optimization of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant for part-load operation
A simulation-based optimization framework for integrating scheduling and model predictive control, and its application to air separation units
A mixed-method optimisation and simulation framework for supporting logistical decisions during offshore wind farm installations
A simulation comparison of risk measures for portfolio optimization
A comprehensive optimization model for flat solar collector coupled with a flat booster bottom reflector based on an exact finite length simulation model
Using simulation tools for optimizing cooling loads and daylighting levels in Egyptian campus buildings
Real time eco-driving of high speed trains by simulation-based dynamic multi-objective optimization
Distributed simulation optimization and parameter exploration framework for the cloud
Surface irrigation simulation-optimization model based on meta-heuristic algorithms
Simulation and optimization of humidification-dehumidification evaporation system
Performance analysis of simulation-based optimization of construction projects using High Performance Computing
An efficient simulation optimization method for the generalized redundancy allocation problem
A transient stochastic simulationâoptimization model for operational fuel planning in-theater
Decoupling the constraints for process simulation in large-scale flowsheet optimization
Simulation optimization model for aquifer parameter estimation using coupled meshfree point collocation method and cat swarm optimization
Study on construction material allocation policies: A simulation optimization method
Simulation and optimization approach for uncertainty-based short-term planning in open pit mines
On-line simulation and optimization of a commercial-scale shell entrained-flow gasifier using a novel dynamic reduced order model
Towards an ontological infrastructure for chemical process simulation and optimization in the context of eco-industrial parks
Aggregated surrogate simulator for groundwater-surface water management via simulation-optimization modeling: Theory, development and tests
Formulation and parameter selection of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm for simulation-based optimization
A daylight optimized simulation-based shading controller for venetian blinds
Modelling and simulation of a coal-fired power plant for start-up optimisation
Development of simulation optimization methods for solving patient referral problems in the hospital-collaboration environment
Methods of Multi-criteria Optimization in Problems of Simulation of Trucking Industry
Improving configuration of complex production lines via simulation-based optimization
Notes on Using Simulation-Optimization Techniques in Traffic Simulation
Numerical simulation of multi-stage fracturing and optimization of perforation in a horizontal well
On the optimal computing budget allocation problem for large scale simulation optimization
Merging crow search into ordinal optimization for solving equality constrained simulation optimization problems
Quasi-sparse response surface constructing accurately and robustly for efficient simulation based optimization
Risk management of wind farm micro-siting using an enhanced genetic algorithm with simulation optimization
Optimization of metabolite detection by quantum mechanics simulations in magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Calibration of Hygrothermal Simulations by the Help of a Generic Optimization Tool
A human-centered design optimization approach for robotic exoskeletons through biomechanical simulation
Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing
An optimization-simulation approach to the network redesign problem of pharmaceutical wholesalers
Optimization of heating profile for densification of fuel pellets using Monte Carlo simulation
Analysis of combined cycle efficiency by simulation and optimization
Simulation-based multimodal optimization of decoy system design using an archived noise-tolerant genetic algorithm
Simulation-based Method for Optimization of Supply Water Temperature of Room Heating System
Handling obstacles in pedestrian simulations: Models and optimization
Uncertainty-based simulation-optimization using Gaussian process emulation: Application to coastal groundwater management
Simulation and optimization of polymer molecular weight distribution with nonideal reactors
A stochastic optimization framework for road traffic controls based on evolutionary algorithms and traffic simulation
Simulation-based multi-objective system optimization of train traction systems
Automatic calibration model of a building energy simulation using optimization algorithm
Simulation-based optimisation of maintenance systems: Industrial case studies
A simulation based optimization approach for spare parts forecasting and selective maintenance
Joint optimisation of inspection maintenance and spare parts provisioning: a comparative study of inventory policies using simulation and survey data
Simulation-based machining condition optimization for machine tool energy consumption reduction
An integrated simulation-based optimization technique for multi-objective dynamic facility layout problem
Optimization of Forging Process Parameters for Wheel Hub Using Numerical Simulation
A Thermodynamic Library for Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Processes*
Increasing the efficiency in integer simulation optimization: Reducing the search space through data envelopment analysis and orthogonal arrays
Optimized task allocation on private cloud for hybrid simulation of large-scale critical systems
How can decision makers be supported in the improvement of an emergency department? A simulation, optimization and data mining approach