Optimal pricing, production, and inventory for deteriorating items under demand uncertainty: The finite horizon case
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Identifying a stochastic process related to the stiffness in a voice production mechanical model
Forecasting Method of Consumption Spare Parts of Mutual Support System Based on Stochastic Process
Visibility graph analysis for re-sampled time series from auto-regressive stochastic processes
What do market-calibrated stochastic processes indicate about the long-term price of crude oil?
A family of narrow-band non-linear stochastic processes for the mechanics of sea waves
Impact of stochastic migration on species diversity in meta-food webs consisting of several patches
Symbolic and numeric scheme for solution of linear integro-differential equations with random parameter uncertainties and Gaussian stochastic process input
Unified theory for stochastic modelling of hydroclimatic processes: Preserving marginal distributions, correlation structures, and intermittency
Cells Escape an Operational Mitotic Checkpoint through a Stochastic Process
Using efficient parallelization in Graphic Processing Units to parameterize stochastic fire propagation models
Derivative formulae for stochastic differential equations driven by Poisson random measures
A stochastic partial differential equation model for the pricing of mortgage-backed securities
Numerical solution of stochastic quantum master equations using stochastic interacting wave functions
Fault detection and diagnosis using empirical mode decomposition based principal component analysis
Second-order moment-closure for tighter epidemic thresholds
A new state-dependent degradation process and related model misidentification problems
Gaussian random bridges and a geometric model for information equilibrium
Covariance of stochastic integrals with respect to fractional Brownian motion
A stochastic program with time series and affine decision rules for the reservoir management problem
Evaluation of economic feasibility under uncertainty of a thermochemical route for ethanol production in Brazil
A parallel time integrator for noisy nonlinear oscillatory systems
Causal inference for multivariate stochastic process prediction
Simulation of multivariate stationary stochastic processes using dimension-reduction representation methods
A Robust Stochastic Fractal Search approach for optimization of the surface grinding process
Modeling phase diagrams as stochastic processes with application in vehicular traffic flow
State-dependent stochastic models: A general stochastic framework for modeling deteriorating engineering systems considering multiple deterioration processes and their interactions
Generation of correlated random variables and stochastic processes
Fluctuating periodic solutions and moment boundedness of a stochastic model for the bone remodeling process
Scalable parallel simulation of dynamical processes on large stochastic Kronecker graphs
Statistical inference for stochastic processes: Two-sample hypothesis tests
Investigation on the stochastic nature of the solar radiation process
Integrably bounded set-valued stochastic integrals
Two new stochastic models of the failure process of a series system
Stochastic degradation process modeling and remaining useful life estimation with flexible random-effects
Asymptotic results for a Markov-modulated risk process with stochastic investment
A stochastic harmonic function representation for non-stationary stochastic processes
Analysis of Stochastic Noise of Blood-Glucose Dynamics
One-dimensional lattices topologically equivalent to three-dimensional lattices within the context of the lattice gas model
Modeling oil production and its peak by means of a stochastic diffusion process based on the Hubbert curve
Existence, uniqueness and stability of mild solutions to stochastic reactiondiffusion CohenGrossberg neural networks with delays and Wiener processes
Lithium-ion battery capacity fading dynamics modelling for formulation optimization: A stochastic approach to accelerate the design process

Intrinsic availability assessment of aged gas transmission pipeline using bayesian update and stochastic process modeling
Robust Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Dynamics Determined by a Markov Process*
Relationship between causality of stochastic processes and zero blocks of their joint innovation transfer matrices
Hybrid stochastic optimization method for optimal control problems of chemical processes
Controlling roughening processes in the stochastic KuramotoSivashinsky equation
The effect of copulas on time-variant reliability involving time-continuous stochastic processes
Simulation of higher-order stochastic processes by spectral representation
Comparison of stochastic fault detection and classification algorithms for nonlinear chemical processes
Stochastic simulation by image quilting of process-based geological models
A domain-theoretic approach to Brownian motion and general continuous stochastic processes
Stochastic processes during transients in nuclear reactors
Stochastic renewal process models for estimation of damage cost over the life-cycle of a structure

Time inhomogeneous Stochastic Differential Equations involving the local time of the unknown process, and associated parabolic operators
A biased-randomized simheuristic for the distributed assembly permutation flowshop problem with stochastic processing times
Uncertainty quantification for linear hyperbolic equations with stochastic process or random field coefficients
Correlation and relaxation times for a stochastic process with a fat-tailed steady-state distribution
Forecasting stochastic processes using singular spectrum analysis: Aspects of the theory and application
A time-fractional generalised advection equation from a stochastic process
A framework for stochastic scheduling of two-machine robotic rework cells with in-process inspection system
Summability of stochastic processes—A generalization of integration for non-linear processes
An exactly solvable correlated stochastic process in finite time
A separation principle for partially observed control of singular stochastic processes
Universal approach to overcoming nonstationarity, unsteadiness and non-Markovity of stochastic processes in complex systems
Stochastic processes evolutionary spectrum estimation via harmonic wavelets
Clusterwise PLS regression on a stochastic process
Approximation of stochastic processes by T–S fuzzy systems
Entropy analysis of stochastic processes at finite resolution