Why does intrinsic motivation decline following negative feedback? The mediating role of ability self-concept and its moderation by goal orientations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Situational cuing of materialism triggers self-objectification among women (but not men): The moderating role of self-concept clarity
Relación entre imagen corporal y autoconcepto físico en mujeres adolescentes
The effects of advertising models for age-restricted products and self-concept discrepancy on advertising outcomes among young adolescents
Relationships of career adaptabilities with explicit and implicit self-concepts ☆
How an early transition to high-ability secondary schools affects students' academic self-concept: Contrast effects, assimilation effects, and differential stability
Implicit versus explicit measures of self-concept of self-control and their differential predictive power for spontaneous trait-relevant behaviors
Body-related state shame and guilt in women: Do causal attributions mediate the influence of physical self-concept and shame and guilt proneness ☆
Vocabulary overclaiming — A complete approach: Ability, personality, self-concept correlates, and gender differences
Implicit attitudes and self-concepts towards transgression and aggression: Differences between male community and offender adolescents, and associations with psychopathic traits
Achievement goals, academic self-concept, and school grades in mathematics: Longitudinal reciprocal relations in above average ability secondary school students
How perceived parental bonding affects self-concept and drive for thinness: A community-based study
Within-individual variability in self-concepts and personality states: Applying density distribution and situation-behavior approaches across cultures
The implicit self and the specificity-matching principle: Implicit self-concept predicts domain-specific outcomes
The threat of moral refusers for one's self-concept and the protective function of physical cleansing
Heart rate variability moderates the association between attachment avoidance and self-concept reorganization following marital separation ☆
Confidence: A better predictor of academic achievement than self-efficacy, self-concept and anxiety?
Reciprocal relationships between three aspects of physical self-concept, vigorous physical activity, and lung function: A longitudinal study among late adolescents
Physical self-concept and disturbed eating attitudes and behaviors in French athlete and non-athlete adolescent girls: Direct and indirect relations
Profiles of self-concept, goal orientation, and self-regulation in students with physical, intellectual, and multiple disabilities: Implications for instructional support
Aggressive Behavior as a Predictor of Self-Concept: A Study with a Sample of Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education Students *
How motivational constructs interact to predict elementary students' reading performance: Examples from attitudes and self-concept in reading
Self-concept and academic achievement: A meta-analysis of longitudinal relations
Youth debt, mastery, and self-esteem: Class-stratified effects of indebtedness on self-concept
The roles of self-concept clarity and psychological reactance in compliance with product and service recommendations
How does exposure to cigarette advertising contribute to smoking in adolescents? The role of the developing self-concept and identification with advertising models
On the experience of self-relevant feedback: How self-concept organization influences affective responses and self-evaluations
The protective identity: Evidence that mortality salience heightens the clarity and coherence of the self-concept
A longitudinal analysis of gender differences in academic self-concept and language achievement: A multivariate multilevel latent growth approach
Crossing disciplinary boundaries: Applying financial portfolio theory to model the organization of the self-concept
Relations of physical self-concept and self-efficacy with frequency of voluntary physical activity in preadolescents: Implications for after-school care programming
When organizational justice and the self-concept meet: Consequences for the organization and its members ☆
Thinking about the self influences thinking in general: cognitive consequences of salient self-concept
Math self-concept in preschool children: Structure, achievement relations, and generalizability across gender
Exploring the relationship between adolescents' self-concept and their offline and online social worlds
Impact of violent video game realism on the self-concept of aggressiveness assessed with explicit and implicit measures
Self-concept structure and borderline personality disorder: Evidence for negative compartmentalization
Self-imagery in individuals with high body dissatisfaction: The effect of positive and negative self-imagery on aspects of the self-concept
Reaching out by changing what's within: Social exclusion increases self-concept malleability
Attachment anxiety and implicit self-concept of neuroticism: Associations in women but not men
Effect of learning disabilities on academic self-concept in children with epilepsy and on their quality of life
The implicit health-related self-concept in somatoform disorders
Motor ability and self-esteem: The mediating role of physical self-concept and perceived social acceptance
Trauma and psychosis: The mediating role of self-concept clarity and dissociation
Students' self-concept and self-efficacy in the sciences: Differential relations to antecedents and educational outcomes
Math achievement, stereotypes, and math self-concepts among elementary-school students in Singapore
Self-concept clarity, social support, and compulsive Internet use: A study of the US and the UAE
The formation of academic self-concept in elementary education: A unifying model for external and internal comparisons
Resting cortisol level, self-concept, and putative familial environment in adolescents at ultra high-risk for psychotic disorders
Children's emotions in math problem solving situations: Contributions of self-concept, metacognitive experiences, and performance
Self-concept of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian students: Competence and affect components and relations to achievement ☆
The role of positive academic self-concept in promoting school success
Development of an academic self concept for adolescents (ASCA) scale
Dominance as part of self-concept mediates the intergenerational transmission of social anxiety among adolescents under residential care
How social identity shapes the working self-concept
Learning progress assessment and goal setting: Effects on reading achievement, reading motivation and reading self-concept
Reading achievement and reading self-concept – Testing the reciprocal effects model
Dimensional comparison theory: an extension of the internal/external frame of reference effect on academic self-concept formation
Academic self-concept in science: Multidimensionality, relations to achievement measures, and gender differences ☆
Using Implicit Association Tests for the assessment of implicit personality self-concepts of extraversion and neuroticism in schizophrenia
Social anxiety and self-concept in children with epilepsy: A pilot intervention study
Further evidence on the structural relationship between academic self-concept and self-efficacy: On the effects of domain specificity
Biological maturation and physical activity in adolescent British females: The roles of physical self-concept and perceived parental support
Self-concept in adolescence: A longitudinal study on reciprocal effects of self-perceptions in academic and social domains
Systematic review of self-concept measures for primary school aged children with cerebral palsy
Self-concept clarity, thin-ideal internalization, and appearance-related social comparison as predictors of body dissatisfaction
Cross-observer agreement and self-concept consistency across cultures: Integrating trait and cultural psychology perspectives
Self-concept and physical self-concept in psychiatric children and adolescents
Students' emotions during homework: Structures, self-concept antecedents, and achievement outcomes
Maternal self concept as a provider and cessation of substance use during pregnancy ☆
Cultural inertia: The effects of cultural change on intergroup relations and the self-concept
Academic motivation, self-concept, engagement, and performance in high school: Key processes from a longitudinal perspective
Leaders' relational self-concept and followers' task performance: Implications for mentoring provided to followers
Self-concept of computer and math ability: Gender implications across time and within ICT studies
Self-concept consistency and short-term stability in eight cultures