Managing gamer relationships to enhance online gamer loyalty: The perspectives of social capital theory and self-perception theory
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Friends or foes? Monetized Life Cycle Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis of the site remediation of a former gas plant
Reliability of two social cognition tests: The combined stories test and the social knowledge test
Land for food or power? Risk governance of dams and family farms in Southwest Ethiopia
Measuring the influence of energy prices in the price formation mechanism
Analysis of economic and social costs of adverse events associated with blood transfusions in Spain
Social entrepreneurial opportunity and active stakeholder participation: Resource mobilization in enterprising conveners of cross-sector social partnerships
Influence of attitudes and perceptions on deprivation cost functions
Bio-based plastics - A review of environmental, social and economic impact assessments
The overlooked role of embeddedness in disruptive innovation theory
Environmental corporate social responsibility, firm dynamics and wage inequality
Disentangling the impact of cost transparency on cooperation efficiency in exchange partnerships
Self-control, organizational context, and rational choice in Internet abuses at work
Game theory-based Security Vulnerability Quantification for Social Internet of Things
Investment in high-frequency trading technology: A real options approach
Do tidal stream energy projects offer more value than offshore wind farms? A case study in the United Kingdom
Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market
Cost-Effectiveness of a Savings-Led Economic Empowerment Intervention for AIDS-Affected Adolescents in Uganda: Implications for Scale-up in Low-Resource Communities
Profitable pollution abatement? A worker productivity perspective
Prioritizing mitigation efforts considering co-benefits, equity and energy justice: Fossil fuel to renewable energy transition pathways
Development of a wellness trust to improve population health: Case-study of a United States urban center
Evaluating a psychosocial intervention for men with prostate cancer and their partners: Outcomes and lessons learned from a randomized controlled trial
Modeling the Economic Value of Blue Carbon in Delaware Estuary Wetlands: Historic Estimates and Future Projections
Network-based optimization modeling of manhole setting for pipeline transportation
Welfare maximization with production costs: A primal dual approach
Be careful what you calibrate for: Social discounting in general equilibrium
Accounting for context: Separating monetary and (uncertain) social incentives
Voluntary vaccinations and vaccine shortages: A theoretical analysis
Effect of stakeholder collaborative management on off-site construction cost performance
Intertemporal Distribution, Sufficiency, and the Social Cost of Carbon
Economics of social trade-off: Balancing wastewater treatment cost and ecosystem damage
A social cost benefit analysis of grid-scale electrical energy storage projects: A case study
Cost-effective envelope optimisation for social housing in Brazil's moderate climates zones
Overhauls in water supply systems in Ukraine: A hydro-economic model of socially responsible planning and cost management
A minimum adjustment cost feedback mechanism based consensus model for group decision making under social network with distributed linguistic trust
Estimating demand variability and capacity costs due to social network influence: The hidden cost of connection
Social costs are an underappreciated force for honest signalling in animal aggregations
Investigation on a novel sustainable model for waste management in megacities: A case study in tehran municipality
Cost-sensitive learning for social network analysis and network measurement
Assessment of the marginal social cost due to congestion using the speed flow function
Social Cost of Forcing: A Basis for Pricing All Forcing Agents
Collective optimization problems with optimal decentralized selfish strategies*
Social trust environment and firm tax avoidance: Evidence from China
Optimizing cost for geo-distributed storage systems in online social networks
The impact of corporate social performance on the cost of debt and access to debt financing for listed European non-financial firms
Economic consequences of legal and illegal drugs: The case of social costs in Belgium
Climate-based policies may increase life-cycle social costs of vehicle fleet operation
Using cost-benefit analysis and social return on investment to evaluate the impact of social enterprise: Promises, implementation, and limitations
Finding the right way - a new approach for route selection procedures?
The social cost of congestion games by imposing variable delays
Positive and negative effects of social impact on evolutionary vaccination game in networks
The international effect of managerial social capital on the cost of equity
Consequences of a carbon tax on household electricity use and cost, carbon emissions, and economics of household solar and wind
Comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiency in social housing. Case study: Northwest Mexico
Labor market dynamics when (un)employment is a social norm
Does defending come with a cost? Examining the psychosocial correlates of defending behaviour among bystanders of bullying in a Canadian sample
The impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU food chain: A quantitative and economic assessment using an environmentally extended input-output approach
Cost-effective Land Use Planning: Optimizing Land Use and Land Management Patterns to Maximize Social Benefits
Benefits and challenges of energy efficient social housing
An examination of the consequences of corporate social responsibility in the airline industry: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and voice behavior
The operational cost minimization in distributed clouds via community-aware user data placements of social networks
Social profile and cost analysis of deep infection following total hip replacement surgery
On the private and social desirability of mixed bundling in complementary markets with cost savings
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a fish stocking program in a culture-based recreational fishery
The importance of external costs for assessing the potential of trams and trains for urban freight distribution
An integrated perspective of social exchange theory and transaction cost approach on the antecedents of trust in international joint ventures
Monetary evaluation of end-of-life vehicle treatment from a social perspective for different scenarios in China