According to Roney (2003), when exposed to potential mates (young women), men show greater conformity to female mate preferences. This study conceptually replicates and extends this finding to show that women also respond to female physical attractiveness. When exposed to attractive women (potential rivals), women report higher levels of communion and lower levels of agency.
The analysis of variance revealed significant three-way interactions between the respondent's sex, the researcher's sex, and the researcher's physical attractiveness on agentic goals (F(1, 257) = 5.928, p = .016) and communal goals (F(1, 257) = 4.288, p = .039). As expected, when exposed to a physically attractive (vs. unattractive) female researcher, men scored significantly higher on agentic goals (5.190 vs. 4.525; F(1, 53) = 3.779, p = .028) and lower on communal goals (3.480 vs. 4.000; F(1, 53) = 3.603, p = .031) but were insensitive to the physical attractiveness of the male researcher (agentic goals: 4.659 vs. 4.978; F(1, 43) = .795, p = .188; communal goals: 3.580 vs. 3.228; F(1, 43) = 1.136, p = .146). Conversely, when exposed to a physically attractive (vs. unattractive) female researcher, women scored significantly lower on agentic goals (3.813 vs. 4.364; F(1, 69) = 5.518, p = .011) and higher on communal goals (4.364 vs. 3.813; F(1, 69) = 2.934, p = .045) but were insensitive to the physical attractiveness of the male researcher (agentic goals: 4.284 vs. 4.396; F(1, 92) = .141, p = .354; communal goals: 4.017 vs. 3.944; F(1, 92) = .060, p = .403). Table 1 summarizes these results and compares the current study's procedure and findings with Roney's (2003).
Table 1.
Replication and extension of the effects of visual exposure to the opposite sex.
Study Respondents Stimuli Conditions Dependent variables Results
Roney (2003)
Exp. 2 Male students (N = 22) Photographs in magazine advertisements 2 (20-year-old female model vs. 50-year-old female model) Attitude toward material wealth More favorable attitude in the younger than older models condition
Feelings of ambition Stronger feelings in the younger than older models condition
Feelings of aggressiveness
Free response listing of personality traits More traits consistent with extraversion in the younger than older models condition
This study Men and women from general population (N = 265) Photographs of (fictional) researchers on the home page of an online study and on the header of following web pages 2 (male vs. female respondents) × 2 (male vs. female researcher) × 2 (attractive vs. unattractive researcher) Attitude toward agentic goals Men: more favorable attitude in the attractive female than unattractive female researcher condition
Women: less favorable attitude in the female attractive than female unattractive researcher condition
No difference between the attractive and unattractive male researcher condition
Attitude toward communal goals Men: less favorable attitude in the attractive female than unattractive female researcher condition
Women: more favorable attitude in the attractive female than unattractive female researcher condition
No difference between the attractive and unattractive male researcher condition