NASA has refined its highly benchmarked Strategic Management System which define~ an agency-wide process of planning integrated with budgeting,performance evaluation, and program and project
management. Based on its Strategic Management System, NASA developed its new 25 year strategic plan, which will shape its budget, performance objectives, programs, projects, and partnerships for
the beginning of the new millennium. This paper will reveal NASA's new plan and will describe the process that NASA used to develop it. It was
developed from Agency source documents and interviews with staff and management officials.NASA's new strategic plan reflects a greater
emphasis on commercialization of operations and commercial parmerships, continued emphasis on international partnerships, and more attention to cooperative activities with other US agencies. It
defines goals and objectives for five principal areas of a, gency activity, or Enterprises: Space Science, Earth Science, Biological and Physical Research, Human Exploration and Development of Space, and Aero-Space Technology, and in four process-oriented
crosscutting areas: Manage Strategically, Provide Aerospace Products and Capabilities, Generate Knowledge, and Communicate Knowledge. The Strategic Plan generally describes the science, technology development, and spacecraft missions that are planned to meet the specified objectives.NASA's Strategic Management System and Strategic Plan also include environmental assessments,external consultations, objective development procedures, long-range planning, performance planning linkages, and a series of subordinate planning at the Enterprise, field center, program, and employee levels.