A dynamic model for water management at the farm level integrating strategic, tactical and operational decisions
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.

مدیریت سرمایه گذاری برای مستمری سالیانه مرتبط با ارزش ویژه با خطر کم تحت ریسک ناشی از نوسان نرخ بهره
The investment management for a downside-protected equity-linked annuity under interest rate risk
Modeling managerial behavior in real options valuation for project-based environments
A stochastic model with interacting managerial operating options and debt rescheduling
An asset management approach to optimize water meter replacement
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector
Economic determinants of price informativeness about future earnings
Practical and low-cost monitoring tool for building energy management systems using virtual instrumentation
Influence of governance structure on green stormwater infrastructure investment
The socioeconomic factors that facilitate or constrain restoration management: Watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration in the Bolivian Andes
Expected Shortfall, spectral risk measures, and the aggravating effect of background risk, or: risk vulnerability and the problem of subadditivity
Building a sustainable development model for China's poverty-stricken reservoir regions based on system dynamics
Disentangling the antecedents of ambidexterity: Exploration and exploitation
Risk- and value-based management for non-life insurers under solvency constraints
Constraints to achieve infrastructure sustainability for mountainous townships in China
Landscape and crop management strategies to conserve pollination services and increase yields in tropical coffee farms
Design criteria for the optimal sizing of integrated photovoltaic-storage systems
Soil management and soil properties in a Kenyan smallholder irrigation system on naturally low-fertile soils
The eastern industrial zone in Ethiopia: Catalyst for development?
Designing an agricultural vegetative waste-management system under uncertain prices of treatment-technology output products
Business models and innovativeness of potential renewable energy projects in Africa
Do investors and entrepreneurs match? Evidence from The Netherlands and Sweden
Techno-economic assessment of a microbial power-to-gas plant Case study in Belgium
A capacity-investment model of wind power with uncertain supply-price under high penetration rate
Prisoner's dilemma on competing retailers' investment in green supply chain management
Dynamic derivative-based investment strategy for meanvariance assetliability management with stochastic volatility
Optimal investment risks and debt management with backup security in a financial crisis
Optimal investment management for a defined contribution pension fund under imperfect information
An analysis and valuation of post-designation management aimed at maximising recreational benefits in coastal Marine Protected Areas
Life Cycle Cost and Return on Investment as complementary decision variables for urban flood risk management in developing countries
Resilience of the US securities industry to the global financial crisis
Defining corporate energy policy and strategy to achieve carbon emissions reduction targets via energy management in non-energy intensive multi-site manufacturing organisations
Toward an IT investment decision support model for global enterprises
Project benefit management: Setting effective target benefits
Linking sustainability-oriented innovation to supply chain relationship integration
The unintended consequences of uncertainty disclosures made by auditors and managers on nonprofessional investor judgments
Modeling Smallholder Farmers' Preferences for Soil Management Measures: A Case Study From South Ethiopia
Information networks in the stock market based on the distance of the multi-attribute dimensions between listed companies
A stochastic dynamic programming approach to analyze adaptation to climate change Application to groundwater irrigation in India
Performance persistence in Chinese securities investment funds
Impact of specific investments, governance mechanisms and behaviors on the performance of cooperative innovation projects
Wind power feasibility analysis under uncertainty in the Brazilian electricity market
Risk management for optimal land use planning integrating ecosystem services values: A case study in Changsha, Middle China
Strategy for China Intercity-railway Operation Management Model Based on Varied Investors
Development of a Global Energy Management System for non-energy intensive multi-site industrial organisations: A methodology
Does decentralized decision making increase company performance through its Information Technology infrastructure investment?
Cross-sectoral assessment of public policies in health and the environment: Scenario of the municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo
Do United States manufacturing companies benefit from climate change mitigation technologies?
Top management attention to trade shows and firm performance: A relationship marketing perspective
Using educational drama to teach investments management: Evidence of cross-cultural relevance from Australia and China
The Paradigm of the Integration of Different Types of Management Information Systems in Investment and Construction Company Implementing the Project Approach
Confronting the financing impasse: Risk management through internationally staged investments in tidal energy development
Valuing investments in sustainable land management in the Upper Tana River basin, Kenya
Accounting quality and information asymmetry of foreign direct investment firms
Does founder ownership affect foreign investments? Evidence from India
Organizational and Legal Barriers in Shaping the Final Value of Construction Contracts
Investment climate in Russia and challenges for foreign business: The case of Japanese companies
An innovative methodology for measuring the effective implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the European Union
Optimal dynamic asset-liability management with stochastic interest rates and inflation risks
Precursors to the financial and strategic orientation of hotel property capital budgeting
Collaborative learning to unlock investments for functional ecological infrastructure: Bridging barriers in social-ecological systems in South Africa
How do companies decide? Emotional triggers and drivers of investment in natural gas and biogas vehicles
Using genetic algorithm to support clustering-based portfolio optimization by investor information
The persistency and volatility of the firm R&D investment: Revisited from the perspective of technological capability
Characteristics of investors in onshore wind power in Sweden
Progress made in managing and valuing ecosystem services: a horizon scan of gaps in research, management and governance
A safer bet? Evaluating the effects of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative on mineral investment climate attractiveness
The effect of process management on different types of innovations: An analytical modeling approach
Photovoltaic investment roadmaps and sustainable development