Aligning supply chain design for boosting resilience
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Strong leaders, strong cultures: Global management lessons from Toyota and Hyundai
Globalization of Health Service: Sharing of Best Practices in Perianesthesia Nursing Care, a Case Study of Cross-Border Institutional Collaboration
A model of water and sediment balance as determinants of relative sea level rise in contemporary and future deltas
Accounting for institutional quality in global forest modeling
Environmental impacts and resource use of milk production on the North China Plain, based on life cycle assessment
Development of a new methodology for the creation of water temperature scenarios using frequency analysis tool
Influence of the geographical scope on the research foci of sustainable forest management: Insights from a content analysis
Areas on which to focus when seeking to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of commercial waste management. A case study of a hypermarket, Finland
Defining corporate energy policy and strategy to achieve carbon emissions reduction targets via energy management in non-energy intensive multi-site manufacturing organisations
Scalable orchestration of software defined service overlay network for multipath transmission
Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach
Global land-water nexus: Agricultural land and freshwater use embodied in worldwide supply chains
Spatial management in small-scale fisheries: A potential approach for climate change adaptation in Pacific Islands
Performance of portfolios of climate smart agriculture practices in a rice-wheat system of western Indo-Gangetic plains
Life-cycle impact assessment of organic and non-organic grass-fed beef production in Japan
From state to system: Financialization and the water-energy-food-climate nexus
Sustainable chemical processing and energy-carbon dioxide management: Review of challenges and opportunities
Markov velocity predictor and radial basis function neural network-based real-time energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Investigation of efficiency and effectiveness of the existing disaster management frameworks in Sri Lanka
Real-time global driving cycle construction and the application to economy driving pro system in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
A social-ecological typology of rangelands based on rainfall variability and farming type
Assessing the implementation of marine ecosystem based management into national policies: Insights from agenda setting and policy responses
Protected area connectivity: Shortfalls in global targets and country-level priorities
Pathways for agriculture and forestry to contribute to terrestrial biodiversity conservation: A global scenario-study
Integrating natural and social sciences to manage sustainably vectors of change in the marine environment: Dogger Bank transnational case study
Past and future impact of climate change on foraging habitat suitability in a high-alpine bird species: Management options to buffer against global warming effects
Global sensitivity analysis of water age and temperature for informing salmonid disease management
Intelligent energy management strategy based on hierarchical approximate global optimization for plug-in fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles
Mitigation of global warming impact of fresh fruit production through climate smart management
Reward-based Markov chain analysis adaptive global resource management for inter-cloud computing
Global policy analysis of low impact development for stormwater management in urban regions
Practical management of acne for clinicians: An international consensus from the Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne
Principles for integrated environmental management of military training areas
The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk using Ontologies
Sustainability in Model-based Planning and Control of Global Value Creation Networks
Strategic management and promotion issues in international research cooperation
Linking Pan-European data to the local scale for decision making for global change and water scarcity within water resources planning and management
Challenges for developing Forest Stewardship Council certification for ecosystem services: How to enhance local adoption?
International cross-sector social partnerships between sport and governments: The World Anti-Doping Agency
Higher education in sport management: A systematic review of research topics and trends
Translating Sustainable Forest Management from the global to the domestic sphere: The case of Brazil
Progress made in managing and valuing ecosystem services: a horizon scan of gaps in research, management and governance
Development of a Global Energy Management System for non-energy intensive multi-site industrial organisations: A methodology
Strategic management and promotion issues in international research cooperation
Biomimetic reinvention of the construction industry: energy management and sustainability
Comparative analysis of factors influencing spatial distributions of marine protected areas and territorial use rights for fisheries in Japan
Evaluating the impacts of agricultural land management practices on water resources: A probabilistic hydrologic modeling approach
Evaluation of fertilizer and water management effect on rice performance and greenhouse gas intensity in different seasonal weather of tropical climate
Measuring links between cultural heritage management and sustainable urban development: An overview of global monitoring tools
Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of nitrate leaching and crop yield simulation under different water and nitrogen management practices
Free convective energy management of an inclined enclosure mounted with triple heating elements: Multiple morphology optimizations with unique global energy supply
Managing tropical wetlands for advancing global rice production: Implications for land-use management
Groundwater Supply and Climate Change Management by Means of Global Atmospheric Datasets. Preliminary Results
Minimum 2-Year Outcomes of Arthroscopic Management of Symptomatic Hip Labrum Tears in Patients With Global Acetabular Overcoverage
The influence of community-based resource management institutions on adaptation capacity: A large-n study of farmer responses to climate and global market disturbances
An energy management maturity model for multi-site industrial organisations with a global presence
Laying the foundation for a global body of knowledge in public relations and communications management
The agenda 2030 for responsible management education: An applied methodology
Mapping certified forests for sustainable management - A global tool for information improvement through participatory and collaborative mapping
Social management capability, human migration and the global mining industry
The future value of ecosystem services: Global scenarios and national implications
Seeking entry to the North American market: Chinese management academics publishing internationally
Developing effective global relationships through staffing with inpatriate managers: The role of interpersonal trust
Exploring the role of national culture in the management of large-scale international science projects
Adopting or adapting? The tension between local and international mindsets in Portuguese management
Interfaces of control. Technocratic and socio-ideological control in a global management consultancy firm
The `global city' misconceived: the myth of `global management' in transnational service firms
The influence of dissemination risks, strategic control and global management skills on firms' modal decision in host countries
The role of economics in global management of whales: re-forming or re-founding IWC?