The role of pre-consumption experience in perceived value of retailer brands: Consumers' experience from emerging markets
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Unleashing salesforce performance: The impacts of personal branding and technology in an emerging market
The value of art in marketing: An emotion-based model of how artworks in ads improve product evaluations
Inside a Strategic Plan for a Dysfunctional Senior Leadership Team
Future of hospitality marketing and management research
Purchasing and supply management in an industrial marketing perspective
An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing the Development of Positioning Strategy
Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Capabilities and Firm Performance? Dynamic Capability Perspective
An airline's management strategies in a competitive air transport market
An impact-oriented implementation approach in business marketing research: Introduction to the Special Issue on “Implementing Strategies and Theories of B2B Marketing and Sales Management”
A decision support system for optimal deployment of sonobuoy networks based on sea current forecasts and multi-objective evolutionary optimization
Brand personality factor based models: A critical review
Strategic environmental assessment for sustainability: A review of a decade of academic research
Evolution of Sustainability as Marketing Strategy: Beginning of New Era
Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy
Improving firm performance through NPD: The role of market orientation, NPD orientation and the NPD process
Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance: A comment and reflection
Consumer innovativeness influence on really new product adoption
Intranet portals: Marketing and managing individuals’ acceptance and use
Examining market entry mode strategies via resource-based and institutional influences: Empirical evidence from a region-within-country economy context
Targeting college students on Facebook? How to stop wasting your money
Brand in the hand: A cross-market investigation of consumer acceptance of mobile marketing
Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media
Mobile phone feature preferences, customer satisfaction and repurchase intent among male users
Paradoxical frames and creative sparks: Enhancing individual creativity through conflict and integration
Event sponsorship and ambush marketing: Lessons from the Beijing Olympics
Understanding consumer intention to use mobile services
Changing patterns of urban public space: Observations and assessments from the Tokyo and New York metropolitan areas
Relationship quality as an antecedent of customer relationship proneness: A cross-cultural study between Spain and Mexico
A study of experiential quality, experiential value, trust, corporate reputation, experiential satisfaction and behavioral intentions for cruise tourists: The case of Hong Kong
Evaluating the performance of recycling cooperatives in their operational activities in the recycling chain
Integrated multi-site aggregate production-pricing planning in a two-echelon supply chain with multiple demand classes
Management characteristics of beef cattle production in Hawaii1
Needs, drivers and barriers of innovation: The case of an alpine community-model destination
The tourist loyalty index: A new indicator for measuring tourist destination loyalty?
Misreading of consumer dissatisfaction in online product reviews: Writing style as a cause for bias
Storying energy consumption: Collective video storytelling in energy efficiency social marketing
Barriers towards hotel disaster preparedness: Case studies of post 2011 Tsunami, Japan
The role of creativity and project management in enhancing service quality of advertising agencies: A qualitative approach
Perceptional components of brand equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention
The use of Geographical Information Systems for Tourism Marketing purposes in Aveiro region (Portugal)
Systematic mapping on social media and its relation to business
New technologies in tourism: From multi-disciplinary to anti-disciplinary advances and trajectories
Game-theoretical model for marketing cooperative in fisheries
Innovation and environmentally sustainable economy: Identifying the best practices developed by multinationals in Brazil
Towards evidence-based management of external resources: Developing design propositions and future research avenues through research synthesis
Disruptive innovation in low-income contexts: challenges and state-of-the-art national research in marketing
Wholesale pricing and evolutionary stable strategies of retailers under network externality
The moderating role of relational bonding in green supply chain practices and performance
Diverse dynamics in agroecological transitions on fruit tree farms
Servitization in global business-to-business distribution: The central activities of manufacturers
Application of business intelligence in the tourism industry: A case study of a local food festival in Thailand
The empirical link between export dispersion and export performance: A contingency-based approach
Endogeneity bias in marketing research: Problem, causes and remedies
Top management attention to trade shows and firm performance: A relationship marketing perspective
The impact of investor impatience and environmental turbulence on myopic marketing management and stock performance
A new marketing mix model to rescue the hospitality industry: Evidence from Egypt after the Arab Spring
Customer reference marketing: Conceptualization, measurement and link to selling performance
Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework

Entrepreneurial marketing of international high-tech business-to-business new ventures: A decision-making process perspective
Destination marketing: The use of technology since the millennium
Renew or cancel? Drivers of customer renewal decisions for IT-based service contracts
Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions
A framework for attribute selection in marketing using rough computing and formal concept analysis
The significance of the West Lake pattern and its heuristic implications for creating China's heritage tourism economics
Applying fuzzy logic for sentiment analysis of social media network data in marketing
A dynamic marketing-operations interface model of new product updates
A multidisciplinary perspective of big data in management research
Issues in Supply Chain Management: Progress and potential