Corporate governance of a multinational enterprise: Firm, industry and institutional perspectives
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Global corporate governance: On the relevance of firms’ ownership structure
Does corporate governance influence corporate risk-taking? Evidence from the Institutional Shareholders Services (ISS)
Do public relations professionals understand corporate governance issues well enough to advise companies on stakeholder relationship management?
Risk management, corporate governance, and bank performance in the financial crisis
Audit committees and financial reporting quality: The 8th EU Company Law Directive perspective
Capital structure adjustment behaviors of Chinese listed companies: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China
Governance reforms and performance of MENA banks: Are disclosures effective?
Biased monitors: Corporate governance when managerial ability is mis-assessed
Managerial manipulation, corporate governance, and limited market participation
Accounting discretion and executive cash compensation: An empirical investigation of corporate governance, credit ratings and firm value
Corporate governance and default risk in financial firms over the post-financial crisis period: International evidence
On the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from GCC countries
Does managerial behavior of managing earnings mitigate the relationship between corporate governance and firm value? Evidence from an emerging market
Changes in corporate governance and top executive turnover: The evidence from Japan
Alternative corporate governance: Domestic media coverage of mergers and acquisitions in China
Which bundles of corporate governance provisions lead to high firm performance among restaurant firms?
Corporate social responsibility in marine plastic debris governance
Corporate governance and cost of debt financing: Empirical evidence from Canada
Corporate governance, critical junctures and ethnic politics: Ownership and boards in Malaysia
Firm age, corporate governance, and capital structure choices
The role of corporate governance in Japanese unlisted companies
Financial development, corporate governance and cost of equity capital
Corporate governance, political involvement, and internationalization: An empirical investigation in Japan and Taiwan
Attitude toward business environment of auditing, corporate governance and balance between auditing and marketing
The extent of voluntary disclosure and its determinants in emerging markets: Evidence from Egypt
The power of the pen reconsidered: The media, CEO human capital, and corporate governance
Do board interlocks increase innovation? Evidence from a corporate governance reform in India
The Impact of Environmental, Social and Governance Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility on Economic Performance: Australian Evidence
Risky lending: Does bank corporate governance matter?
Corporate governance, board networks and growth in domestic and international markets: Evidence from India
The diffusion of corporate governance to emerging markets: Evaluating two dimensions of investor heterogeneity
Capital reduction, financial characteristics and corporate governance
Does dividend tax impede competition for corporate charters?
Differences and similaritites between corporate governance principles in Islamic banks and Conventional banks
Corporate governance in Islamic banks: New insights for dual board structure and agency relationships
Corporate social performance and its relation with corporate financial performance: International evidence in the banking industry
Corporate governance and family succession: New evidence from Taiwan
The substitution of governance mechanisms in the evolution of family firms
Will future land based food and fibre production be in family or corporate hands? An analysis of farm land ownership and governance considering farmer characteristics as choice drivers. The New Zealand case
Are excess cash holdings more valuable to firms in times of crisis? Financial constraints and governance matters
Product-market competitiveness and investor reaction to corporate governance failures
Does an Islamic label indicate good corporate governance?
Geographic concentration of institutions, corporate governance, and firm value

The determinants of financial fraud in Chinese firms: Does corporate governance as an institutional innovation matter?
Explanations for corporate governance non-compliance: A rhetorical analysis
A tale of two cities: Economic development, corporate governance and firm value in Vietnam
Strength of the association between R&D volatility and firm growth: The roles of corporate governance and tangible asset volatility
The effect of corporate governance on firm value and profitability: Time-series evidence from Turkey
Corporate governance compliance of family and non-family listed firms in emerging markets: Evidence from Latin America
Say on pay effectiveness, corporate governance mechanisms, and CEO compensation alignment
Target corporate governance, acquirers' location choices, and partial acquisitions
Anti-misconduct policies, corporate governance and capital market responses: International evidence
Does corporate governance matter in competitive industries? Evidence from China
Corporate governance practices, ownership structure, and corporate performance in the GCC countries
Corporate governance, capital structure and firm performance: Evidence from Thailand
How to explain non-performing loans by many corporate governance variables simultaneously? A corporate governance index is built to US commercial banks
Corporate social responsibility governance, outcomes, and financial performance
The impact of managerial political ties on corporate governance and debt financing: Evidence from Ghana
Do exogenous changes in passive institutional ownership affect corporate governance and firm value?
Bad company. The indirect effect of differences in corporate governance in the pension plan industry
Corporate governance, social responsibility information disclosure, and enterprise value in China
The relationship between corporate governance and foreign ownership of the banks in developing countries
Complex ownership structures, corporate governance and firm performance: The French context.
Option repricing, corporate governance, and the effect of shareholder empowerment
Corporate governance and stock liquidity dimensions: Panel evidence from pure order-driven Australian market