Analysis of stakeholders' involvement in the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Slovakia
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
New accounting information system: An application for a basic social benefit in Spain
The application of artificial intelligence in public administration for forecasting high crime risk transportation areas in urban environment
NUSANTARA: A New Model of Knowledge Management in Government Human Capital Management
Multi Methods for Knowledge Management Strategy Roadmap of Government Human Capital Management
Decision-making tool for the assessment and selection of construction processes based on environmental criteria: Application to precast and cast-in-situ alternatives
The Need for Positive Change: Adapting Management in Public Administration ☆
Evaluating the Role e-Government on Public Administration Reform: Case of Official City Government Websites in Indonesia ☆
Adopting open source software in public administration: The importance of boundary spanners and political commitment
Good Administration and Performance of Local Public Administration ☆
Internal control framework for a compliant ERP system
Charisma and organizational change: A multilevel study of perceived charisma, commitment to change, and team performance
Strategic e-government development and the role of benchmarking
Paradoxical frames and creative sparks: Enhancing individual creativity through conflict and integration
The public administration paradox: an organisation with a low degree of institutionalisation
Saving soil and financial feasibility. A model to support public-private partnerships in the regeneration of abandoned areas
Promoting the use of open government data: Cases of training and engagement
Principles for supporting cityâcitizen commoning for climate adaptation: From adaptation governance to sustainable transformation
A methodological evaluation of the Polish cadastral system based on the global cadastral model
Assessing telemetry and remote control systems for water users associations in Spain
Antimicrobials usage assessments in commercial poultry and local birds in North-central Nigeria: Associated pathways and factors for resistance emergence and spread
Analysis of veterinary drug residue monitoring results for commercial livestock products in Taiwan between 2011 and 2015
First Magnetic Resonance Managed by a Cardiology Department in the Spanish Public Healthcare System. Experience and Difficulties of an Innovative Model
Challenges in implementing the extended producer responsibility in an emerging economy: The end-of-life tire management in Colombia
Modeling a combined forecast algorithm based on sequence patterns and near characteristics: An application for tourism demand forecasting
Orchestration in political processes: Involvement of experts, citizens, and participatory professionals in forest policy making
An investigation of non-local-governed urban villages in China from the perspective of the administrative system
A comparison study on space-use analysis techniques and proposal of a novel method for determining space needs in public facilities
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector
Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic
Moving forward in implementing green infrastructures: Stakeholder perceptions of opportunities and obstacles in a major North American metropolitan area
Network and participatory governance in urban forestry: An assessment of examples from selected Slovakian cities
Factors affecting the adoption of a land information system: An empirical analysis in Liberia
Information technology and time of judgment in specialized courts: What is the impact of changing from physical to electronic processing?
Participation or involvement? Development of forest strategies on national and sub-national level in Germany
Improving records management to promote transparency and prevent corruption
Developing criteria for performance assessment in municipal solid waste management

Naloxone formulation for overdose reversal preference among patients receiving opioids for pain management
Integrated coastal management in Campeche, Mexico; a review after the Mexican marine and coastal national policy
Sustainable school food procurement: What factors do affect the introduction and the increase of organic food?
Qualities and functions ascribed to urban cemeteries across the capital cities of Scandinavia
Groundwater Governance in Bangladesh: Established Practices and Recent Trends
The Hidden Cost of Regulation: The Administrative Cost of Reporting Serious Reportable Events
Urban residents' response to and evaluation of low-carbon travel policies: Evidence from a survey of five eastern cities in China
Description and analysis of hospital pharmacies in Madagascar
Assessing adaptive capacity through governance networks: The elaboration of the flood risk management plan in Austria
Integrating decentralised land administration systems with traditional land governance institutions in Ghana: Policy and praxis
Participatory health impact assessment used to support decision-making in waste management planning: A replicable experience from Italy
Managing consensus based on leadership in opinion dynamics
The combination of an Environmental Management System and Life Cycle Assessment at the territorial level
Multilingual Self-Management Resources for Prostate Cancer Survivors and Their Partners: Results of a Long-Term Academic-State Health Department Partnership to Promote Survivorship Care
Public trust in manipulated elections: The role of election administration and media freedom
Do the Brazilian innovations in public management constitute a new model?
Governing asylum through configurations of productivity and deterrence: Effects on the spatiotemporal trajectories of cases in Switzerland
Spatial analysis and data mining techniques for identifying risk factors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Incoherence of urban planning policy in Bucharest: Its potential for land use conflict
Generic land registry and cadastre data model supporting interoperability based on international standards for Turkey
Implementing nature conservation through integrated forest management: A street-level bureaucracy perspective on the German public forest sector
Mapping government social media research and moving it forward: A framework and a research agenda
Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Plants Revisited: Management Issues
Exploring visitors' perceptions of silvicultural treatments to increase the destination attractiveness of peri-urban forests: A case study in Tuscany Region (Italy)
Waste prevention in communities: A comprehensive survey analyzing status quo, potentials, barriers and measures
Environmental impacts and production performances of organic agriculture in China: A monetary valuation
A study on the impact of non-operational mechanisms on the effectiveness of public information technology governance
Adapting through practice: Silviculture, innovation and forest governance for the age of extreme uncertainty
Identification and prioritization of areas with high environmental risk in Mediterranean coastal areas: A flexible approach
Acupuncture's Role in Solving the Opioid Epidemic: Evidence, Cost-Effectiveness, and Care Availability for Acupuncture as a Primary, Non-Pharmacologic Method for Pain Relief and ManagementâWhite Paper 2017
The governmentalities of infrastructure and services amid urban conflict: East Jerusalem in the post Oslo era
Space technology meets policy: An overview of Earth Observation sensors for monitoring of cultural landscapes within policy framework for Cultural Heritage
Rethinking the effect of risk aversion on the benefits of service innovations in public administration agencies