Single-machine-based joint optimization of predictive maintenance planning and production scheduling
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Continuous Improvement on Information and On-line Maintenance Technologies for Increased Cost-effectiveness
A new methodology of fault location for predictive maintenance of transmission lines
Hydroelectric power plant management relying on neural networks and expert system integration
Assessment of existing buildings performance using system dynamics technique
Driving manoeuvre during lane maintenance in older adults: Associations with neuropsychological scores
Remaining useful life prediction of degrading systems subjected to imperfect maintenance: Application to draught fans
Abnormal cortical neural synchrony during working memory in schizophrenia
Organizational citizenship behaviour of men in nursing professions: Career stage perspectives
Neural signatures for active maintenance and interference during working memory updating
Remaining useful life prediction based on variation coefficient consistency test of a Wiener process
Effects of a combined dietary, exercise and behavioral intervention and sympathetic system on body weight maintenance after intended weight loss: Results of a randomized controlled trial
Are you sure you want me to follow this? A study of procedure management, user perceptions and compliance behaviour
Dynamics in rail infrastructure provision: Maintenance and renewal costs in Sweden
Impacts of pavement deterioration and maintenance cost on Pareto-efficient contracts for highway franchising
Predicting risk of trace element pollution from municipal roads using site-specific soil samples and remotely sensed data
A gene-expression profiling score for prediction of outcome in patients with follicular lymphoma: a retrospective training and validation analysis in three international cohorts
A one-year resistance training program following weight loss has no significant impact on body composition and energy expenditure in postmenopausal women living with overweight and obesity
Probabilistic kernel machines for predictive monitoring of weld residual stress in energy systems
Recent applications of big data analytics in railway transportation systems: A survey
An Approach for the Integration of Anticipative Maintenance Strategies within a Production Planning and Control Model
A model for predicting plastic strain and surface cracks at steady-state wear and ratcheting regime
Canonical variable analysis and long short-term memory for fault diagnosis and performance estimation of a centrifugal compressor
Auxiliary power unit failure prediction using quantified generalized renewal process
Characterizing and Predicting Blocking Bugs in Open Source Projects
Predicting milk protein responses and the requirement of metabolizable protein by lactating dairy cows
Bayesian hierarchical model-based prognostics for lithium-ion batteries
Support vector regression for predicting software enhancement effort
Insight meditation and telomere biology: The effects of intensive retreat and the moderating role of personality
Sensorless fault detection in linear axes with dynamic load profiles
Traffic noise and pavement distresses: Modelling and assessment of input parameters influence through data mining techniques
Pressure Injury Progression and Factors Associated With Different End-Points in a Home Palliative Care Setting: A Retrospective Chart Review Study
Maintenance scheduling based on remaining useful life predictions for wind farms managed using power purchase agreements
Performance-based maintenance of gas turbines for reliable control of degraded power systems
Condition based maintenance optimization for offshore wind turbine considering opportunities based on neural network approach
Would you change your mind? An empirical study of social impact theory on Facebook
Data-driven optimization of railway maintenance for track geometry
Novel performance-based technique for predicting maintenance strategy of bitumen stabilised ballast
Predicting ship machinery system condition through analytical reliability tools and artificial neural networks
Predicting the unpredictable: Consideration of human and organisational factors in maintenance prognostics
A hidden-Gamma model-based filtering and prediction approach for monotonic health factors in manufacturing
A habitat-based framework to predict the effects of agricultural drain maintenance on imperiled fishes
Mining Shop-Floor Data for Preventive Maintenance Management: Integrating Probabilistic and Predictive Models
Industrial Internet of Things monitoring solution for advanced predictive maintenance applications
Towards Intelligent and Sustainable Production: Combining and Integrating Online Predictive Maintenance and Continuous Quality Control
An Automated Maintainability Prediction Tool Integrated with Computer Aided Design
A Hybrid of Variable Neighbor Search and Fuzzy Logic for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with predictive maintenance
Operational Supply Chain Planning Method for Integrating Spare Parts Supply Chains and Intelligent Maintenance Systems
A Proactive Event-driven Decision Model for Joint Equipment Predictive Maintenance and Spare Parts Inventory Optimization
Prediction of industrial equipment Remaining Useful Life by fuzzy similarity and belief function theory
Sustainable transportation pros, cons, and self-efficacy as predictors of 6-month stage transitions in a Chinese sample
Application of Internet of Things Technology on Predictive Maintenance System of Coal Equipment
Predictive Maintenance Modelling for Through-Life Engineering Services
Modelling of Predictive Maintenance for a Periodically Inspected System
Semantic Framework for Predictive Maintenance in a Cloud Environment
A cost driven predictive maintenance policy for structural airframe maintenance
Maintenance-based prognostics of nuclear plant equipment for long-term operation
A simulation based optimization approach for spare parts forecasting and selective maintenance
Prediction of fleece insulation after shearing and its impact on maintenance energy requirements of Romney sheep
Maintenance strategy selection in electric power distribution systems
Joint optimization of lot sizing and condition-based maintenance for multi-component production systems
Parents' participation in physical activity predicts maintenance of some, but not all, types of physical activity in offspring during early adolescence: A prospective longitudinal study
Timely condition-based maintenance planning for multi-component systems
A procedural approach for realizing prescriptive maintenance planning in manufacturing industries
Malnutrition Inflammation Score cut-off predicting mortality in maintenance hemodialysis patients
Supporting group maintenance through prognostics-enhanced dynamic dependability prediction
A prediction strategy based on center points and knee points for evolutionary dynamic multi-objective optimization
Long-term predictive maintenance: A study of optimal cleaning of biomass boilers
Comparison of a Handheld Indirect Calorimetry Device and Predictive Energy Equations Among Individuals on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Predicting clinical outcomes using phase angle as assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis in maintenance hemodialysis patients

An assessment of the social cognitive predictors of exclusive breastfeeding behavior using the Health Action Process Approach
Risk-cost optimised maintenance strategy for tunnel structures