The effects of online social networks on tacit knowledge transmission
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A collaborative methodology for tacit knowledge management: Application to scientific research
Intelligent cooperation: A framework of pedagogic practice in the operating room
A new emergency decision support methodology based on multi-source knowledge in 2-tuple linguistic model
The search for skills: Knowledge stars and innovation in the hiring process
The tension between person centred and task focused care in an acute surgical setting: A critical ethnography
Knowledge creating ba as a determinant of work performance of employees: An empirical analysis among pump manufacturing firms in South India
External knowledge sources, green innovation and performance
From social capital to entrepreneurial orientation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities
Is nepotism so bad for family firms? A socioemotional wealth approach
Market performance implications of modularization: Evidence from global auto firms operating in China
Have your cake and eat it too? Simultaneously pursuing the knowledge-sharing benefits of agile and traditional development approaches
Bridging the research-practice divide: Harnessing expertise collaboration in making a wider set of contributions
Little less conversation, little more action: Musical intervention as aesthetic material communication
Factors that affect scientists' knowledge sharing behavior in health and life sciences research communities: Differences between explicit and implicit knowledge
Competitors contained? Manufacturer strategies in the global rare earth value chain: Insights from the magnet filament
A qualitative study of the internalization of ISO 9000 standards: The linkages among firms' motivations, internalization processes, and performance
Are organisational defensive routines harmful to the relationship between personality and organisational learning?
On legitimacy in impact assessment: An epistemologically-based conceptualisation
Coworker knowledge sharing and peer learning among elite footballers: Insights from German Bundesliga players
Between demarcation and discretion: The medical-administrative boundary as a locus of safety in high-volume organisational routines
Citizen Design Science: A strategy for crowd-creative urban design
Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk
Capturing and managing knowledge using social software and semantic web technologies
Constructing a strategy on the creation of core competencies for African companies
An expert knowledge-based dynamic maintenance task assignment model using discrete stressstrength interference theory
Apiculture knowledge transmission in a changing world: Can family-owned knowledge be opened?
Design Research: Aesthetic Epistemology and Explanatory Knowledge
Enterprise social networks: A literature review and research agenda
Construction safety planning: Site-specific temporal and spatial information integration
System architecture for mastering machine parameter optimisation
Conceptualising forensic science and forensic reconstruction. Part II: The critical interaction between research, policy/law and practice
The impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Productivity: A Case Study on Koosar Bank of Iran
The Adaptive Process of Multimodal Composition: How Developing Tacit Knowledge of Digital Tools Affects Creative Writing
Does it Matter the Loss of Tacit Knowledge in IT Outsourcing? A study in a Swedish Governmental Agency
Grid workflow validation using ontology-based tacit knowledge: A case study for quantitative remote sensing applications
Research on Intensive Facts about Explicit Case of Tacit Knowledge
The Construction of Enterprise Tacit Knowledge Sharing Stimulation System Oriented to Employee Individual
The impact of tacit knowledge management on organizational performance: Evidence from Malaysia
Innovation, entrepreneurial, knowledge, and business ecosystems: Old wine in new bottles?
Untangling the safeguarding and coordinating functions of contracts: Direct and contingent value in China
Development trajectories in Chinas wind and solar energy industries: How technology-related differences shape the dynamics of industry localization and catching up
Convergent analytics and informed decision-making: A retrospective multimethod case study project in Kenya
A collaborative system for capturing and reusing in-context design knowledge with an integrated representation model
Managing time pacing in organizations transitioning to a project-based mode 3 cases studies of two multinational companies

Intergenerational knowledge sharing in family firms: Case-based evidence from the New Zealand wine industry
Knowledge transfer and isomorphism in franchise networks
International knowledge flows and the administrative barriers to mobility
The challenge of partner selection in collaborative foresight projects
The clinical reasoning of Western herbal practitioners: A qualitative feasibility study
The role of community leadership in the development of grassroots innovations
Explaining servitization failure and deservitization: A knowledge-based perspective
A semantic framework for enabling model integration for biorefining
The deployment of new energy technologies and the need for local learning
What is a research article?: Genre variability and data selection in genre research
Driving service innovativeness via collaboration with customers and suppliers: Evidence from business-to-business services
Technology sourcing for website personalization and social media marketing: A study of e-retailing industry
Co-Insights framework for collaborative decision support and tacit knowledge transfer
The Role of the Tacit Knowledge in Developing the Human Resources: Critical Analytical Study of the Knowledge Centre in the Industrial Commercial Chamber in Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ☆
Bringing tacit knowledge back to contributory and interactional expertise: A reply to Goddiksen
Modeling of tacit knowledge in industry: Simulations on the variables of industrial processes
Improving marketing success : The role of tacit knowledge exchange between sales and marketing
Engaging students in group work to maximise tacit knowledge sharing and use
A Conceptual Framework for Managing Tacit Knowledge through ICT Perspective