Institutional entrepreneurship, practice memory, and cultural memory: Choice and creativity in the pursuit of endogenous change of local authority budgeting
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Applying institutional theories to managing megaprojects
Social Influence on Health IT Adoption Patterns of the Elderly: An Institutional Theory Based Use Behavior Approach ☆
Strengthen Brand Association through SE: Institutional Theory Revisited ☆
Internal control framework for a compliant ERP system
An Institutional Theory perspective on sustainable practices across the dairy supply chain
Charisma and organizational change: A multilevel study of perceived charisma, commitment to change, and team performance
Using institutional theory and dynamic simulation to understand complex e-Government phenomena
Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach
Drivers that encourage environmental practices in manufacturing plants: A comparison of cultural environments
Pedagogical content knowledge reconceived: Bringing curriculum thinking into the conversation on teachers' content knowledge
Understanding organisational responses to regulative pressures in information security management: The case of a Chinese hospital
The Institutional Work of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Why the Mundane Should Matter
Still fighting the good fight: An analysis of student activism and institutional response
Institutional investors' corporate site visits and corporate innovation
Capital intensity, natural resources, and institutional risk preferences in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Intermediate institutions and technology transfer in developing countries: The case of the construction industry in Ghana
Does Institutional Quality Matter for Trade? Institutional Conditions in a Sectoral Trade Framework
Extending community operational research to address institutional aspects of societal problems: Experiences from peri-urban Bangladesh
How does influence strategy work? The moderating role of cognitive institutional profile and mediating role of commitment
Internationalisation and its determinants:A hierarchical approach
Does board governance matter for foreign institutional investors to invest in listed tourism firms?
Private information, institutional distance, and the failure of cross-border acquisitions: Evidence from the banking sector in Central and Eastern Europe
Institutional diagnostics for African food security: Approaches, methods and implications
Direction, not destination: Institutional work practices in the face of field-level uncertainty
Modelling predictors of earthquake hazard preparedness in Nepal
Public Attitudes Toward Climate Policies: The Effect of Institutional Contexts and Political Values
National culture and financial systems: The conditioning role of political context
A Framework for Understanding the Influence of Isomorphic Pressures on Governance of Disaster Risks
Experiencing research-creation in urban studies. Lessons from an inquiry on the making of public space
A cross-national study of knowledge, government intervention, and innovative nascent entrepreneurship
Explaining women's presence on corporate boards: The institutionalization of progressive gender-related policies
A decoupling perspective on circular business model implementation: Illustrations from Swedish apparel
National high street retail and town centre policy at a cross roads in England and Wales
Climate change reporting and multinational companies: Insights from institutional theory and international business
Social entrepreneurship: Creating value in the context of institutional complexity
Accounting and structural reforms: A case study of Egyptian electricity
National institutional systems, foreign ownership and firm performance: The case of understudied countries
Understanding the adoption of socially responsible supplier development practices using institutional theory: Dairy supply chains in India
How foreign knowledge spillovers by returnee managers occur at domestic firms: An institutional theory perspective
Americanization as a driver of CEO pay in Europe: The moderating role of CEO power
Business incubation models and institutionally void environments
The divisive and disruptive effect of a weight-based waste fee
The joint effects of social identity and institutional pressures on audit quality: The case of the Chinese Audit Industry
Analysing sustainability certification systems in the German housing sector from a theory of social institutions
Internalization theory and the performance of emerging-market multinational enterprises
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
The challenges of teaching strategic management: Including the institution based view
The role and contributions of sociological institutional theory to the socio-technical approach to innovation theory
Disentangling patterns of economic, technological and innovative specialization of Western economies: An assessment of the Varieties-of-Capitalism theory on comparative institutional advantages
On a unified theory of development: New institutional economics & the charismatic leader
On the virtues and vices of combining theories: The case of institutional and actor-network theories in accounting research
Toward a more comprehensive analysis of the role of organizational culture in child sexual abuse in institutional contexts
Coercive, normative and mimetic isomorphism as determinants of the voluntary assurance of sustainability reports
Corporate risk-taking, returns and the nature of major shareholders: Evidence from prospect theory
Explaining sustainable supply chain performance using a total interpretive structural modeling approach
Hybrid approaches to digital forensic investigations: A comparative analysis in an institutional context
Multiple perspectives on integrated management systems and corporate sustainability performance
A double-edged sword? The moderating effects of control on firm capabilities and institutional distance in explaining foreign affiliate performance
Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards by Greek non-listed companies: The role of coercive and hegemonic pressures
The empirical link between export entry mode diversity and export performance: A contingency- and institutional-based examination
Social Media Use in Academic Libraries: A Phenomenological Study
The role of national culture and corruption on managing earnings around the world
How do sub-national institutional constraints impact foreign firm performance?
The origins of policy ideas: The importance of think tanks in the enterprise policy process in the UK
The role of institutional work in the transformation of the IT function: A longitudinal case study in the healthcare sector
Do citizens of the former Soviet Union trust state institutions and why: The case of Azerbaijan
A vague set fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making model for selecting onsite renewable energy technologies for institutional owners of constructed facilities
Message framing as institutional maintenance: The National Collegiate Athletic Associationâs institutional work of addressing legitimate threats
Searching for Logistics and Regulatory Determinants Affecting Overseas Direct Purchase: An Empirical Cross-National Study
Rethinking informal payments by patients in Europe: An institutional approach